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Everything posted by jshock

  1. They are if you want to make absolute sure of the locality of something, especially when debugging, but overall, with those new commands they aren't as necessary when trying to actually execute code within a specific locality scope.
  2. jshock

    Random tasks\objectives

    Hm, seems like BIS_fnc_randomPos isn't returning anything, so the central position doesn't provide any possible positions within the radius or the BIS function has changed since my use of it in that script, I've looked at the wiki and it seems the same to me. If the BIS function works for the foot patrol portion, I don't know why it won't work on the air patrol.
  3. jshock

    Random tasks\objectives

    If there aren't any errors that pop up, I'm not 100% sure what it could be, I haven't been wholefully following any of the recent game updates, nor do I script as much as I once did. Have you checked to see if they spawn, but instead of in the air flying, maybe they just crashed on spawn? Or something similar to that at least. A good debug you could try is to create a marker on the position that the air vehicle was supposed to be created at, then check that position with a character or through zeus.
  4. I believe the HitPart EH can do that for you, I may be mistaken: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#HitPart
  5. No, I believe you'll need to make an addon.
  6. jshock

    Putting an "or" condition in a trigger?

    He had some spaces between a couple of the "thisList" parts: (p1 in thislist || p2 in thislist || p3 in thislist || p4 in thislist || p5 in thislist || p6 in thislist) && h1 in thislist
  7. jshock

    array question

    Just saw those commands :).
  8. jshock

    array question

    Try this: {_player = _x; {getConnectedUAV _player == _x} count [uav,uav1] > 0} count allPlayers > 0
  9. jshock

    Putting an "or" condition in a trigger?

    By default I believe.
  10. jshock

    Putting an "or" condition in a trigger?

    {_x in thisList} count [p1...p6] > 0 && h1 in thisList EDIT: ninja'd
  11. Check out all the stuff here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgVehicles_EMPTY A couple that match what your're looking for are: CraterLong CraterLong_small
  12. jshock

    Switch:Case struggles

    This doesn't change anything, but another way of writing it as well: switch (intelPoints) do { case (60): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel. Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; case (100): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel. Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; case (150): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel. Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; case (200): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel. Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; case (300): {_INTELTYPE; cutText["...You found a piece of intel. Check your Map!","PLAIN"];}; default {}; }; When you execVM something, it returns a handle, what you need to do is: _RandomIntel = {execVM "SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf"}; _HVTIntel= {execVM "SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"}; _INTELTYPE = selectRandom [_RandomIntel,_HVTIntel]; //in your switch cases: call _INTELTYPE; Or: _intelScripts = ["SPAWN\IntelHint.sqf","SPAWN\BOMBERHINT.sqf"]; _INTELTYPE = selectRandom _intelScripts; //in your switch cases: execVM _INTELTYPE;
  13. jshock

    array question

    Untested, but maybe something like this: {_player = _x; {(_player == UAVControl (_x select 0)) && (_x in thisList)} count [uav,uav1] > 0} count allPlayers > 0
  14. Hm, the only reason '_x' would be undefined on that particular line would be if _muzzles was empty, so the return of this line: _muzzles = getArray(configfile >> "cfgWeapons" >> (_weapon) >> "muzzles"); Is not giving a proper return (which I wouldn't think is the issue), or the weapons you have defined do not have proper configs.
  15. Report it on the BWMod thread.
  16. Easiest work around that pops in my head is something similar to the breaching system in Ghost Recon Future Soldier. If you haven't played that, essentially, there are four playable characters, and when you came up to breach a doorway, four spots showed up, you would have to take up one of those spots and wait until all four players are in position to then breach. That can happen here, however, what I'm thinking is that you add an option to the job to say "do job with a buddy" or "do job with 'x' number of people", then you would simply execute a waitUntil loop until there are 'x' number of players trying to complete that job, then simply run the job at whatver time it would be when you have all the people there versus just one person or whatever combination. Just a concept, but hopefully it helps.
  17. Where you see '#' you would put your skill level number. I used '#' as a placeholder.
  18. jshock

    waituntil command?

    Use a respawn event handler: //in your initPlayerLocal.sqf player addEventHandler [ "Respawn", {[] execVM "yourScript.sqf";}];EDIT: Can you post the script you use for respawn?
  19. Yep, no problem, it's relatively simple, hardest thing to do is the reformat into the function library :p.
  20. Here is the addon version, I haven't gone in and tested it so let me know if there are any issues. Added a function for removing offroad doors, added respawn functionality for the standard function. Removing offroad doors: [my_offroad] call JBOY_ffv_fnc_hideOffroadDoors; Add FFV function to a unit: [my_unit] call JBOY_ffv_fnc_addFFV; Download
  21. You would need to script/hard-code each set of targets, probably with EHs. That way some targets will stay down, while others you would "manually" have pop back up.
  22. Cleaner version would be: "{_x in (magazines player)} count ['classname', 'classname',...] > 0"
  23. jshock

    Ski/Alpine Trooper Script

    The concept is easy and the script implementation is easy enough, the hard part is the actual animation, unless there is a vanilla Arma animation that could supplement (I don't know of any off the top of my head).
  24. You could use get/setVariable, setVariable on the vehicle check it in the while loop along with the "alive" check, then in lightbar off, set the variable to false.
  25. Yep I've been using that myself to have dual purpose scripts, vanilla or mod style. As far as mods like ACE3/CBA or similar all you need to check for is the main/common pbo class, as all other pbo's depend on those.