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Everything posted by jshock

  1. jshock

    CSE Mod versus AGM

    Thanks all for the suggestions so far everyone, helps us out tremendously!
  2. Hello all, I was wondering if there are any better reasons for using CSE over AGM or vice versa. My group I'm with currently is in a decision process between the two, and we aren't numbered enough to make a good decision. We are going for an US Army based realism unit. That is why I'm here, to get all of your opinions on the matter as well. Here are the links to the two mods up for debate: CSE: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180258-Combat-Space-Enhancement-0-2 AGM: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178253-Authentic-Gameplay-Modification
  3. jshock

    object library for ARMA3

  4. I'll take being partially correct than completley and utterly wrong any day :p.
  5. Ok, well the only reason why I would think that would come up is that player is not defined so calling for the distance of that player from _x is also returning undefined, and since no one has figured out how to divide by zero yet... :p Maybe to test just name your player something (varname) and replace your players in the script with that name and see if it still pops up, and if it does then there is a logic error or something of the sorts somewhere in the code (always a pain to find).
  6. jshock

    Power outage

    powerOutMrk is the name of a marker you place in the editor (recommend the "empty" marker so it's invisible on the map) so when your in the marker menu on the right hand side you can see: "Name", "Text", and something else my brain is forgetting, but that doesn't matter. Now in the name field you will put powerOutMrk, click ok, and the drag that marker in the general vicinity of the middle of the map. Now the code is in an sqf that is either called via a trigger's onAct field or through the init.sqf. Depending on if you want the effect to be situational (trigger) or there to start with(init.sqf), which dictates on where you are putting the call line to the powerOut.sqf which would be: nul=[] execVM "powerOut.sqf"; So hopefully if all goes well with the script itself the radius around the marker (5000m) will "destroy" all the lamps/lights across the map.
  7. The only thing I can think of is the pushback command, it seems simple enough, but does it do as it says? Maybe try a good op' classic count of the unit, then add into the array, similar to what I have for my redress script.
  8. Well I don't see where ths zero divisor comes into this code, but here is the page on that error: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Error_Zero_Divisor And I think both your erros may be linked in a way, because the if statement is trying to pull from the array that seems to be getting undefined in a way, somehow. But I'm just talking out my a$$, what can I say, other than I hope that my mind is working in the right direction :p.
  9. jshock

    Power outage

    I have learned not to assume anything anymore.... Try just using a marker and name it powerOutMrk and place it somewhere near the center of the map: _objectArray = ["Lamps_Base_F", "PowerLines_base_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_F", "Land_LampHarbour_F", "Land_LampShabby_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_small_F", "Land_LampDecor_F", "Land_LampHalogen_F", "Land_LampSolar_F", "Land_LampStreet_small_F", "Land_LampStreet_F", "Land_LampAirport_F", "Land_PowerPoleWooden_L_F"]; { _x setHit ["light_1_hitpoint", 0.97]; _x setHit ["light_2_hitpoint", 0.97]; _x setHit ["light_3_hitpoint", 0.97]; _x setHit ["light_4_hitpoint", 0.97]; } forEach nearestObjects [(getMarkerPos "powerOutMrk"), _objectArray, 5000];
  10. jshock

    Power outage

    Well, what is the problem exactly, you just said what you've done...
  11. jshock

    Power outage

    You need to put that code in an sqf file, lets call it powerOut.sqf, then call it in your trigger's onAct field as: nul = [] execVM "powerOut.sqf";
  12. For #2 you could use a FiredNear EH. Here is the page to see what all the parameters for the EH are: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#FiredNear Here is my best example (put this in the group leader's init of the group being overwatched by your players): this addEventHandler ["FiredNear", {(_this select 0) sideChat "We are under fire, requesting assistance!"; } ]; As far as #1, my complicated process I'm seeing in my head is an array of waypoints defined for the units, as they are completed they are removed from the array, but have a while loop check every 10-15 seconds to make sure they are on path and if not correct them to the first waypoint that was left incomplete from the array. But that hurts my head when thinking about it so hopefully someone else can cover that :p.
  13. Yep I would have recommended the same thing had he not said it was a two player mission, the switch would have been a little overkill in my opinion anyhow :p.
  14. jshock

    CSE Mod versus AGM

    CSE also has backblast: http://csemod.com/features/
  15. The way Killzone has it structured based on a switch, but he has it where it is "player" only, so it won't do AI. Here, tested and working (you had accidently deleted one of the curly braces and forgot the one down at the bottom :p ): _unit = (_this select 0); if (typeOf _unit == "B_Sniper_F") then { _arrayOfItems = ["ItemCompass", "itemGPS", "itemMap", "itemRadio", "itemWatch"]; _arrayOfWeaponItems = ["acc_pointer_IR", "optic_LRPS", "srifle_LRR_SOS_F"]; removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeAllContainers _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; _unit addUniform "U_B_GhillieSuit"; _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; _unit addBackpack "B_TacticalPack_mcamo"; _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black"; _unit addWeapon "srifle_LRR_SOS_F" ; _unit addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; _unit addWeapon "Rangefinder"; _unit addMagazines ["7Rnd_408_Mag", 20]; _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 3]; { _unit addItem _x; _unit assignItem _x; } forEach _arrayOfItems; { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x; } forEach _arrayOfWeaponItems; _unit addItem "optic_Nightstalker"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "NVGoggles"; } else { if (typeOf _unit == "B_Spotter_F") then { _arrayOfItems = ["NVGoggles", "ItemCompass", "itemGPS", "itemMap", "itemRadio", "itemWatch"]; _arrayOfWeaponItems = ["acc_pointer_IR", "optic_Nightstalker", "muzzle_snds_B", "srifle_EBR_F"]; removeAllWeapons _unit; removeAllAssignedItems _unit; removeAllContainers _unit; removeUniform _unit; removeVest _unit; removeBackpack _unit; _unit addUniform "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam"; _unit addVest "V_PlateCarrierH_CTRG"; _unit addBackpack "B_TacticalPack_mcamo"; _unit addHeadgear "H_Booniehat_mcamo"; _unit addGoggles "G_Shades_Black"; _unit addWeapon "srifle_EBR_F" ; _unit addWeapon "hgun_P07_F"; _unit addWeapon "Binocular"; _unit addMagazines ["20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 20]; _unit addMagazines ["16Rnd_9x21_Mag", 3]; _unit addMagazines ["DemoCharge_Remote_Mag", 4]; { _unit addItem _x; _unit assignItem _x; } forEach _arrayOfItems; { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem _x; } forEach _arrayOfWeaponItems; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "optic_DMS"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; _unit addItem "FirstAidKit"; }; };
  16. Take the "<<<<<This one" out of the code...
  17. Sorry think I missed a couple brackets: _unit = (_this select 0); if (typeOf _unit == "B_Sniper_F") then { _unit addUniform "Blah_Classname_Uniform"; _unit addWeapon "Minigun"; _unit add etc. etc. etc. } else {<<<<***This One if (typeOf _unit == "B_Spotter_F") then { _unit addUniform "Blah_Classname_Uniform"; _unit addWeapon "Non_Minigun"; _unit add etc. etc. etc. };//<<<<<And this one };
  18. Should be easy as this: class CfgFunctions { #include "scripts\VAS\cfgfunctions.hpp" #include "taw_vd\CfgFunctions.hpp" class JNA { class Redress { class redressFIA {file = "Functions\fn_redressFIA.sqf";}; class redressBrit {file = "Functions\fn_redressBrit.sqf";}; class redressMFA {file = "Functions\fn_redressMFA.sqf";}; }; }; };
  19. There are no calls in the init.sqf. And what I'm saying for the loadout.sqf (fully exampled, put your loadout scripts in place of): _unit = (_this select 0); if (typeOf _unit == "B_Sniper_F") then { _unit addUniform "Blah_Classname_Uniform"; _unit addWeapon "Minigun"; _unit add etc. etc. etc. } else if (typeOf _unit == "B_Spotter_F") then { _unit addUniform "Blah_Classname_Uniform"; _unit addWeapon "Non_Minigun"; _unit add etc. etc. etc. }; Then in each of the unit's init fields put: nul = [this] execVM "loadout.sqf";
  20. This would go into a sqf, idk let's call it loadout.sqf, so the call line would go into your unit's init field (nul = [this] execVM "loadout.sqf"; ), and then where you see the "...loadout code..." above you can take whatever code you have for those unit's specific loadouts and place it there, instead of having two other sqf calls (your sr-loadout and ar-loadout). In doing this you will have the one loadout script, just more efficient :p.
  21. jshock

    Addaction script

    According to the addAction wiki, the last example the variable may need to be in { }, might solve your issue with both soldiers?: _soldier addAction ["Use Cellphone", {RADIO_FOUND = true}];
  22. Within the script you would just have a classname checks, or vehicle variable name: _unit = (_this select 0); if (typeOf _unit == "B_Sniper_F") then {...loadout code...} else if (typeOf _unit == "B_Spotter_F") then {...loadout code....}; //Or if using variable names if (vehicleVarName _unit == Player1) then {...loadout code...} else if (vehicleVarName _unit == Player2) then {...loadout code....}; This also allows you to cut down on the extra sqfs :p.
  23. You could put the above in an sqf, call it via the init.sqf, but put a waituntil in there: waituntil {time>3};//basically waits long enough for everthing on the map to intialize before exectuting, may need some tweaking.
  24. jshock

    Name Spawned Soldiers

    Well, if you are doing a singleplayer mission you can use setName, however, the only other thing that will work (that I can find) is setIdentity. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setName https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity
  25. jshock

    Name Spawned Soldiers

    Yes, try something like: _unitVarName = 1; { _x setVehicleVarName format ["opf_patrol_%1", _unitVarName]; //I know it's something like this, the command is probably not correct... _unitVarName = _unitVarName +1; } foreach unit _opf_team_1; I'm trying to alter what F2K Sel did here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183100-Waypoint-Load-Function-Problem&p=2776110&viewfull=1#post2776110