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Everything posted by jshock

  1. Try: { private "_unit"; _unit = _x; if (side _unit != RESISTANCE) then { _unit addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit assignItem "acc_flashlight"; _unit enableGunLights "forceon"; }; } foreach allunits; And you may need to be sure to delete accessories on the weapon already (i.e. a laser) so that the flashlight does get put on and turned on.
  2. jshock


    I think this may be what your looking for, but I could be misunderstanding you: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createLocation But now that I read a bit closer I think you would have to make an addon to get done what your looking for, I could be wrong though :p.
  3. If you use these forums and then give the text the effects you want, the you should be able to just copy that over to the game. You are on the right track with what you have there, I think your just missing a bit of syntax stuff, which you can compare to what this forums text editor brings up for your use :p. I could be wrong in part, but I'm used too it :).
  4. As far as I know when the server is restarted, everything is dropped from it, unless within your script you have the arrays all defined as you want them and the sort, there is no "saving" after restart. It would be different however if it was persistent, but your talking restart, at which point it still wouldn't matter. There might be something that you could do with databases, but I've never touched that side of things :p.
  5. With the way my redressing script works for the weapons and magazines is that the mods use the same path for the weapons to the magazines those particular weapons use. So I was thinking it wouldn't be any different for the vests.
  6. For your #1, I'm unsure of any exact way to place a marker in the exact center of a grid, but you could get it close with just the normal editor. Then for the changing of colors you would have to write a script that creates triggers based on the marker size and then have a switch case structure for those triggers based on who is present. And then obviously put that into a while loop that checks every few seconds.
  7. jshock

    Change Character Name

    Only way that I am currently aware of is: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setIdentity
  8. In....genius..... And just so this post isn't straight trolling, what about the RPT file, wouldn't that reflect a script error or is it dependent on certain commands/structure of the script itself?
  9. Make sure that in your Steam startup parameters that you include -showScriptErrors, and that will popup in any server enviroment when there is a script error. I'm not sure if there is anyway to capture these and transfer them to any outside file for later reference, but I'm sure if there is it will be brought up after this post :p.
  10. If this is specifically about Zeno's Framework you should probably post this in that thread: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?180196-Zenophon-s-ArmA-3-Co-op-Mission-Making-Framework
  11. It's saying 60 times 30, for a total of 1800 seconds. Just a simple math function :p.
  12. Yep, and the code I showed you is still inside the editor, it is within the unit's init field, not the init.sqf.
  13. I haven't used or looked at the INS Revive system, but I personally would think this question would be better on the INS forum thread...
  14. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Hit I don't know why you would need it in a trigger, you could just put a Hit eventhandler in that unit's particular init field. this addEventHandler ["Hit", {(_this select 0) sideChat "Injured"}];
  15. Actually, sorry for my incompetence, this command won't work, unless there is a workaround that I'm unaware. I just quickly looked up action and then looked at related commands, so removeAction was the best fit, but it's for the addAction commands, not unit actions.
  16. Maybe: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeAction
  17. Yeah, I'm not 100% on pulling from the config, I'm just saying whatever the directory path is to the vests from CfgWeapons/Vehicles etc.
  18. I was going to recommend going into the config, get all the classnames of vests, and then subtract that array from the overall item array (untested, and probably a few errors): _itemsArray = [blah]; _vestArray = getArray(configfile >> "cfgVehicles" >> A3_Weapons_F_Vests); _itemsArray = _itemsArray - _vestArray; I'm almost certain my config file call line is incorrect, but hopefully someone can alter that to make it correct, I'm speculating on how to get to the vests from the config without pulling up the config in-game :p.
  19. Sorry, just a pet-peeve....if you can't tell...
  20. Well, if your not comfortable with placing buildings, or not knowledgeable about the topic, I just use a simple object Game Logic and place the below lines of code in its init field: building = "Building Classname Here" createVehicle position this; building setdir (getdir this); deleteVehicle this; I use the Arma 3 Assets page to find all the classnames of the buildings I would want to use. And if it's the time it will take to place, re-place, and re-place each building to get them in the correct positions, that you are avoiding, that just comes with the territory when editing missions in Arma. If you aren't willing to put the time in, you should rethink your future direction in Arma mission development. And this is just me, but I'm not here to make missions/bases/etc for people I'm here to point you in the correct direction and help you make a course of action to go on when dealing with an issue. Sure if the question was centered on, what are the means by which I can make a base (i.e. placing buildings, automatic bargates, random patrols, etc) I would be more willing help, but if your asking me to do your mission for you, you need to think again. I am sorry, however, if this came out a bit rash, but it's just the way I am, do then ask ideology, if it doesn't work try again, if your still stuck, ask a specific question on the issue that you are dealing with.
  21. jshock

    tank and man harmony?

    Yes the myUnitArray could be the group your are wanting this to target, and this would need to be an sqf call, or depending on how your mission is working this particular situation, you could put it in the init.sqf.
  22. jshock

    Remove Revive?

    Yes delete the folder, the #include line in the description.ext and there is also the line in the init.sqf that needs to be taken out.
  23. I think it may be due to the fact that the Hellcat has the "spotting" camera, laser designation device for the co-pilot, but I speculate... But yes, I would still consider it a bug.
  24. I remember having to do something similar, and had to use this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/removeMagazinesTurret
  25. jshock

    Debug help

    _allMrks = []; _markUnits = (_this select 0); if (_markUnits) then { _inc=0; { _objpos = getPos _x; _objmrk = createMarker ["Marker"+str _inc, _objpos]; _objmrk setMarkerShape "ICON"; _objmrk setMarkerType "MIL_DOT"; _inc=_inc+1; _allMrks pushback _objMrk; } forEach allUnits; } else { {deleteMarker _x} foreach _allMrks; }; This is a script that would be called via addActions, like below: player addAction ["Marker Toggle On", "markertoggle.sqf", [true], 6, false, true]; player addAction ["Marker Toggle Off", "markertoggle.sqf", [false], 6, false, true];