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Everything posted by jshock

  1. jshock

    AI Squad respawn problem.

    Give each unit a Killed Event Handler that either calls or contains the scripting needed to respawn the unit, with the arguements passed by the EH you should easily be able to get the unit's class type.
  2. jshock

    Adding flashlight to enemy

    Yes that could work.
  3. jshock

    Adding flashlight to enemy

    { if (side _x == EAST) then { //add flashlight }; } forEach allUnits;
  4. You could have an OR condition being alive OR count of the vehicles crew is == 0
  5. Yes that would be your module name and that could go in your init.sqf.
  6. It could be that your creating the marker locally, and since your using an addAction, that means whomever executes the action can see the marker, but no one else. I may be mistaken as to the "locality" of createMarkerLocal, but just my idea. Out of pure laziness in my current project I just placed an editor marker down "outside" of the map on the black outline portion, named it "blah" and then in the script I just have a setMarkerPos (getPos _obj) command, works fine, and covers JIP/respawn etc. (as far as I'm aware).
  7. Well myself and Dreaded Entity were talking the other day and he had brought up a good point that Arma 2 had been out for numerous years, and in those years came about "permanent" bugs that were left/forgotten/"unfixable" and patch after patch came about and made it impossible to fix them because the game was built around them essentially. So, when Arma 3 came about they essentially "started over" leaving behind most of the structure that Arma 2 and earlier games had because of all the unfixables, so to come back full circle, the respawn in the editor could just be a feature on the back burner because as we have all noticed there is a lot more to be optimized in this game, so I'm sure BI's priorities are more focused on that then to add more functionality on top of the bit of a mess that A3 is at the moment. All that said, I'm trying my best to not bash BI/A3 too much, because as you said there is nothing like it out there, not many (if any) other games allow the gamers to actually go in and directly alter the game, but also the engine in some aspects. With that leaves BI sort of on its own, with no real "help" on the outside when it comes to fixing things up. So, in short, it's not a bug or lack of functionality, but rather a future addition (should it be a popular enough idea). But I speculate...just my opinion on the matter...
  8. Define issue? As in it is synced to them at start but when respawned it's not synced?
  9. You could use BIS_fnc_taskDefend to accomplish both patrols and mounting static weapons.
  10. Actually, I just thought and put down, now that I think about it, I'm not too sure how fnc_MP would brodcast :p. But did some digging and found this thread, in which Cuel recommended replacing some of the publicVariable commands to get/sets.
  11. Globalize the variable maybe or use BIS_fnc_MP?
  12. You would have to set the UAV createUnit return value as global or use setVehicleVarName or even get/set variable, I think. Of course assuming that you are in a scripting environment :p.
  13. It is expecting the task IDs to be passed in, try putting " " around your task1, task2, etc. Or try and use the BIS function, taskCompleted, in the same manner you are checking for it with the "== Succeeded": _count = 0; if ([_x] call BIS_fnc_taskCompleted) then { _count = _count +1; } forEach ["task1", "task2", ...]; if (_count >= 2) then {/* end mission stuff */};
  14. He is looking for a way to have the debug come up without "pausing" in SP or MP, basically just have it come up in a GUI type way, I think. And the only way I can think of this is to use MCC, but I don't know.
  15. I think it's all the Opfor units within a trigger area, however the trigger is activated via radio call condition. And I can agree not only is this pretty simplistic, but I'm definitely sure it's information that is already out there. i.e. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?183934-Unit-Present-Radio-Activation&p=2789797&viewfull=1#post2789797
  16. jshock

    Parachute - Ammobox

    For VAS just do add this line in the script: _crate addAction ["<t color='#ff1111'>Virtual Ammobox</t>", "VAS\open.sqf"]; As far as altitude, try changing the following line to this, and then change the 300 around to whatever, I could still be wrong with it though, not too sure: _parachute = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [(_trigPos select 0), (_trigPos select 1), 300], [], 0, 'FLY'];
  17. jshock

    Parachute - Ammobox

    There may be a couple errors, but it's a start. In radio trigger onAct: nul = [] execVM "ammoDrop.sqf" ammoDrop.sqf: _trigPos = getPos a1; _parachute = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [(_trigPos select 0), (_trigPos select 1), ((_trigPos select 2)+300)], [], 0, 'FLY']; _crate = createVehicle ["B_supplyCrate_F", position _parachute, [], 0, 'NONE']; _crate attachTo [_parachute, [0, 0, -1.3]]; _crate allowdamage false;
  18. jshock

    Parachute - Ammobox

    Well, what is your means by which you want the ammo drop to come in? Radio trigger, add action, certain set of conditions, and would you want it to come to a pre-determined position or on a click of the map? Then maybe we can help you a bit more.
  19. jshock

    Parachute - Ammobox

    You should be able to just use the createVehicle command for a steerable parachute, then the ammo box (at your altitude of 300m), then use the attachTo command to attach the parachute to the ammobox. Reference this script to get an idea: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23595
  20. No problem, I just came across it myself a few weeks ago when I was bored and browsing about. Nice script btw :).
  21. You can request a name change to your thread via RTM (Report to Moderator) according to the sticky thread located, well, at the top of this forum, it's entitled: Proper Use of the Report to Moderator System. :)
  22. jshock

    Help creating array

    Well first off, when he says using the dceExcludedGroups array, it means it already exists you don't need to create it. Secondly, if you were trying to create a array, they use "[ ]" not "{ }". (unless I'm missing something) Thirdly, I haven't used DCE, however seeing how it uses it's own in-game editor module have you check to make sure there isn't an Excluded Groups field within that modules parameters? Or that there is another module for DCE exculsion?
  23. It could be a locality/JIP issue with the player along with the owner command, according to the owner command wiki. It will return 0 if it doesn't get the ID local object from the machine.
  24. I would have followed up with trying addSwitchableUnit, until I read and saw that in multiplayer it crashes whatever instance of Arma trying to switch. And since there isn't a "playable" argument in the createUnit array, I will have to say this is now out of my scope of knowledge, hopefully someone else has a workaround :p.