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Everything posted by jshock

  1. I had mine "float" drifting there for a while :p.
  2. jshock

    Are there any beds in Arma 3?

    I don't believe there are, but they would be nice for some game ambience especially if there was a way to make houses that looked like houses on the inside, add to the realism :p.
  3. I wouldn't have a clue how to do it, but you may be able to do something similar to how you can input custom sounds and such through the description.ext, class CfgMarkers { blah }; But I don't know just an idea being thrown out there :p, cause if there isn't anything else you would have to port/mod it in.
  4. Well if you read the post above the lowest you should be able to activate is 30km/h, and you should be able to just press "S" to restart the cruise control, you shouldn't have to get out of the vehicle. If the issue persists, let me know. Disregard, was able to replicate your results, and have updated the script to reflect these changes: UPDATE: v1.0.1 >>Moved speed condition from while loop to addAction condition.
  5. Yeah got extremely bored last night, and here 24hrs later, that's all she wrote. Sorry for stealing your future thunder :p.
  6. That is because this script is focused on the vehicle class "Cars", I can later implement boats, should the rest of the community also desire such a feature :p.
  7. If I remember correctly the new objects should automatically get picked up by MCC, I could be wrong, but I'm sure Shay_gman will correct me if I'm wrong :p.
  8. Since it's a cutscene you could look into unit capture, I haven't personally used it, but if the guy that goes down is supposed to get shot by a sniper or something of the sorts, you could do a unit capture of when the sniper shoots him that way it's a more proper ragdoll death, than instant.
  9. No need to sir me.... But yeah, the setDamage code is the "quick" way of killing a unit, have you looked through the animations viewer to see if there may be another "cleaner" way of doing it, then play that animation, then set the unit to full damage? Or use: playActionNow With the one of the action defined on this page. i.e. unit playActionNow "Die";//<<Yes that is an actual action...easiest naming convention I've seen yet :D
  10. Could you be more specific on how you scripted the unit's death? As in provide us the code you used to accomolish that.
  11. jshock

    Waypoints and Tasks

    A lot of this would be easier done scripted in, IMO. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskHint https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskSetState https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_setTask https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent You can still use the editor modules to set the name of each task, to get your first task to hint at the beginning use the first link and have a sleep or waitUntil the player is fully initialized to "hint" it. Use the second link to set the first task as "Succeeded". Then you could either use the third link, then the fourth, or just the fourth. The setTask can completely create your next task (Join and Lead Pilot), but if you have a task module already down, don't worry about using it. The taskSetCurrent will set a task as the current task, so as long as you have a destination defined in the task module that you have placed down you should be able to set that task a current to get a new waypoint to that task.
  12. You could PM such a question, that way threads can stay on topic.
  13. [] spawn { sleep #seconds; text2=1; }; Basically runs the sleep command in the "background" while the game is still doing what it's doing (in parallel), #seconds is just a place holder for the number you would like to put there. What does this mean? It means that your trigger will fire once, and then wait "#" of seconds before doing the next thing, so your next audio file, next lines of text, etc. So...: [] spawn { sleep 45; text2=1; }; //<<Is correct
  14. But if you look at MCC....I just don't know the intricacies of it...
  15. No kidding....is persistence a remote execution? If so that's why it's throwing that error out, I guess try setting that to false, and leave the other as nil, or maybe set the target as side WEST (just for testing purposes): [[], "teg_fnc_rain", WEST, false, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  16. The only issue doing only non-scheduled is that you can't run scripts in parallel (or at least not as well), which for some situations, could be an unexpected end result. Such as exampled in this thread.
  17. Arma 3 Assets that's all I have to say :p.
  18. jshock

    Make AI stay stood up

    It was a joke about Arma being more like a job without the pay :p.
  19. I did a bit closer reading on BIS_fnc_MP, try changing the first true in each of those statements to nil: [[0,1], "teg_fnc_rain", nil, true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP; If that doesn't work I'm not sure how to fix your issue.
  20. Well, what is this: _rain = rain; _rain set []; //<<Particularly the "set" command Because according to the wiki page on the "set" command: And the "rain" command and all the others (overcast, etc.), all return numbers, not arrays, unless I'm mistaken. Using the BIS_fnc_MP, as it now supports scripting commands as of the last public update you should be able to do something like this (example is an instant change in weather): [[0, 1], "setOvercast", true, true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;//equivalent to: 0 setOvercast 1; [[0, 1], "setRain", true, true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;//equal to: 0 setRain 1; //Please forgive me if these are incorrect, as I haven't used BIS_fnc_MP with scripting commands before And can you explain why you need each of the commands that you said they "have to be somewhere"? And you say the below is the critical line, as in the line that executes this function (teg_fnc_rain?), if so what are you trying to do here?: // The next line is probably the critical line that brings everything together// //[[[_date], { setDate (_this select 0) }], "BIS_fnc_spawn"] call BIS_fnc_MP;; [[[_???], { set??? (_this select 0) }], "BIS_fnc_spawn"] call BIS_fnc_MP;; // ????????????????? HELP! And to just execute your function (teg_fnc_rain) with BIS_fnc_MP as a whole on each client and JIP: [[], "teg_fnc_rain", true, true, false] call BIS_fnc_MP;
  21. Yes it should still work, as long as the rating of the unit is below -2000 it is set to enemy to all sides. addRating Rating Values So your trigger would look something like this: Condition: player in thisList; OnAct: player addRating -100000; OnDeact: player addRating 200000;//just to be sure that the rating goes back up to a "positive"
  22. That is a weird issue, and looking at your description file, there aren't any issues that I can tell. Only thing I can think of is that you have a script/function somewhere that is checking for the alive units of your group and that in turn has a command based on that to then end the mission. Which end type are you getting (as in does it just stop the mission, or is it one of your cfgDebriefing endings as you have defined above)? Maybe try putting a one second respawn delay, but I'm just guessing at this point :p. The only other thing that I can think of is that the wording on the "GROUP" respawn from this page, sounds like "your" group is the group your the leader of, so with an AI as the leader it isn't technically "your" group:
  23. Could you include what you have in your description.ext file?
  24. Ok cool, I was just wondering if it may have been the basis of your function, as quite a few of the parameters are similar, but it looks like the alterations are for the better :D Could I recommend to you to use BIS_fnc_param on your parameters coming in, it would just make it more "idiot" proof, as well as allow for default values to come in, so that way if an undefined value comes in you could exitWith and error, but just a recommendation :p. i.e. _objectMaxSize = [_this, 0, 30, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;//same as (_this select 0) but with a default value of 30, and only allows numbers to come in _centerPosition = [_this, 1, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;//same as (_this select 1) but with a default value of an empty array, and only allows arrays to come in if (count _centerPosition < 3) exitWith {hint "No 3D position defined.";};//checks if there are 3 elements in the position array, if not, exit with an error.
  25. Looks like it could be a cool system to run :ok: