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Everything posted by -T1D-Michael

  1. -T1D-Michael

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    where in the eff did you get the hummers. ive been trying to find a mod for those.
  2. Is there a way to certain objective spawn points? say for instance I wanted to have blu for control the entire northeastern corner of the map can I clear objectives from spawning in that area, and if so how would I go about doing that?
  3. Just wondering if you could do a simple step by step set up process. Sorry for the newb request but I am somewhat new to scripting for arma 3 and I am trying to set up an end sequence that has the nuke detonating at the major airbase on altis on a return flight.
  4. -T1D-Michael

    AI HALO Jump Example Mission

    well it seems that Task force radio is overriding the load out. no idea how it does it but this is getting frustrating
  5. -T1D-Michael

    AI HALO Jump Example Mission

    So I am working on my first 8-man co-op mission and I cant figure out how to get the parachute on my back and the back pack on the front. Sorry very new to the editor and I'm trying to learn as I create