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About deathshead

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  1. deathshead

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Any luck on the Duala version?
  2. deathshead

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Looking forward to it.
  3. deathshead

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    I don't know why I said roadz, I totally meant this mission ;) My players and I will test the Duala Escape whenever you need. Anything other than Altis/Stratis/chernu would be great. I'm not an Altis hater, I just sometimes feel like I live there. Either way, thanks again.
  4. deathshead

    MP - Ravage [COOP - 6] The Escape

    Played this last night with 4 of us for about 6 hours and we had a blast, thank you. We played it with ace on btw and had zero issues. The only real issue we faced was the stamina, it is ruthless, everyone of us had a tire to try to fix up a jeep and it was the longest 4k run/walk ever! So after our little play through the fps only ever once took a nose dive and it was when we entered kavala, there were so many zombies and bandito's the fps tanked hard down to about 15 fps. We ran away after getting fuel and it improved. So after our test one of my group asked how hard it would be for me to port this to lingor. So i went about trying to use your lingor template and the issue i had was respawns, no matter what I tried I couldnt get it to work. If I was to de-pbo roadz what issue would i face if i were to just transfer it to Lingor and move all the markers around? I have some experience with the 2d editor but clearly not enough, any help would be awesome.
  5. I offer up my help testing. I had the original ofp 40k mod and played the crap out of it and remember it well. I also have a good size BlackLegion chaos army so I also know my 40k. I really hope you get a good team together, good luck.