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Everything posted by alekzenit

  1. alekzenit

    GRU Spetsnaz pack

    Hi, I use version: 24-05-2013, http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=9218, the screen is when I play http://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20140107/TJ7vVrTO.jpg, on the screen you are may see that he got the mags, but can't shoot with them.
  2. alekzenit

    GRU Spetsnaz pack

    Hi, if I used with Vilas weapons config that GRU operator with RPK-74M ("GRU MG Op. RPK-74M") he got the mags in window of ammo, but it Do not fit to this weapon and he said : "there are no ammo!" I use Arma2CO, and others addons, so please help me. Thank You.
  3. alekzenit

    add-on "GRU spetsnaz"

    Hello and thank you for the answers. Well, I will try to find what's the problem is and which addon causing it.
  4. I have small difficulties with an add-on "GRU spetsnaz" I use it with an add-on "Vilas east weapon pack" and the matter is that at the soldier "GRU MG Op. RPK-74M" don't have 75 bullets magasines but he got 5 magasines on 45 bullets 5.45x39, and he said that: "there are no ammo!". Please, tell me what to do for it, or how to correct it . I play Arma2 OA CO, and addons. Sorry if my english is bad.
  5. alekzenit

    The Newcomers' Introduction Thread

    HI all, I'm new here and have little problem with addon, and how can I begin