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About quorum

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  1. quorum

    MP Safe zone

    I really need this for some missions I'm working on. It would need make every object invincible while in the protected area. Protect "empty" Vehicles from taking damage/ being destroyed and when you get in a vehicle to roll out or take off same untill you leave the protected area. Seems like a better way would be just to prevent or delete any projectile that enters the area (missles, mortar, bullets). Either way having the ability to make a base/ airfield completely protected and invincible is something that I really need. Q
  2. Not sure what I am missing but where is the bikey for servers? I tried to load it up on my server and don't see the bikey in the pack?
  3. quorum

    Looking for Zeus group

    We are running a weekly campaign and are looking for more players. We are looking for both zeus and players. Catch up on what we have done so far here: http://www.ajsoc.com/campaign Join the site it's a good group of guys. We play every Wednesday at 9:00 EST U.S. just hop in our team speak at 9 ts3.ajsoc.com Q
  4. I want to use this with my Zues GM mission. Is there a way to make it so that the markers show up on blufor only for their side (i.e. blufor only sees blufor markes on the map). And have the Zeus virtual entities be able to see all markers?
  5. I am trying to run a weekly campaign where we have multiple Zeus working together to build a story week to week. I swear before the latest patch this was working but now I cannot figure out how to let the multiple Zeus entities manipulate the objects that each other has placed. Each Zues can only manipulate the items that they set down and cannot see or touch what the other Zeus places down. Any suggestions on what I may be doing wrong or how in the editor to make sure that each Zeus can see and manipulate each others stuff? Not being able to edit the other Zeus' stuff: How I have the Zues entities set up in the editor (Again we just need access to everything as Zeus to tell the story) Thank you very much for any guidance in advance! Q
  6. quorum

    Object Collision

    How would I make disableCollisionWith global. Meaning I don't want to have to put it in the initialization line of every vehicle I put on the map in the editor but want any vehicle spawned to have collision with other vehicles disabled preventing players from using vehicles to ram and making them shoot it out. I want to add this to some of the existing projects like wasteland or king of the hill/ CTI style games that dynamically spawn vehicles at stores or just randomly create vehicles when the map is loaded. Thanks! Q
  7. We are looking for mature players to join in our weekly pre-written Zeus campaign. The idea of our site is to bring together people from many different gaming groups to play together in a weekly campaign while still representing their primary gaming group. Each week the decisions you make along with your performance will effect the direction the story goes. We will be writing the story each week based on your actions from the previous week. Once a week (<EDIT we have moved it to Wednesdays> 9-11 EDT (-4GMT) We will conducting a role-playing style Zeus Campaign. Check out the site for more information. To get caught up on the story so far visit www.ajsoc.com/campaign. Chain Reactions Part 1 "The Rogue Scientist" Chain Reactions Part 3 "Deep Six" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5zzYHwrfQo
  8. quorum

    Zeus Documentation

    Anyone know where to find a detailed description of what each Zeus Module does? Trying to create my own custom Zeus GM map/ mission but dont quite understand what each of these do.
  9. quorum

    Defuse the Bomb

    Is there any way to use this in Zeus? I would love to implement it in some of the missions I'm doing. Q