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Rain Maker

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About Rain Maker

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    LT Browne - AOIC
    ST3 Realism unit
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  1. Rain Maker

    SEAL Team 3 - 160th SOAR

    We have just ended Operation: Red Scorpion. The deployment ended on a great note for the future of our unit as we head back into our training cycle. SEAL Team Three has also started a BUD/S INDOC program for new recruits to ensure we are providing the best naval warfare experience possible. We are looking forward to our upcoming jungle oriented operations. Find out more about our aviation @ http://sealteam3.net/main/160th-soar-a/
  2. Rain Maker

    SEAL Team 3 - 160th SOAR

    We have just begun our deployment phase Operation: Red ScorpionCheck out our progress @ http://sealteam3.net/main/deploy-prog-current/
  3. Squad name: SEAL Team 3 Realism Unit Timezone/location: CST(GMT-6) Game mode preference: Co-Op, Realism Contact email: admin@sealteam3.net Website address: www.sealteam3.net Short description: Naval Special Warfare, 160th SOAR "Silver Bullet Package", Founded March 19th,2015 Language: English
  4. SEAL Team 3 Realism unit. We are SEAL Team THREE Realism Unit. Established on March 19th, 2015 we strive to continue our excellence past our 1 year anniversary. We are a US based unit and our goal is to conduct ourselves and our ArmA game-play in a manner to be able to portray real United States Navy SEALs to the best we know how. Ultimately we aim to provide the best Naval Special Warfare experience on the ArmA III platform. Alpha Platoon "Nomad" We conduct modern day Naval Special Warfare missions and clandestine operations. Initially each SEAL Member of the unit is required to attend our BUD/s and PJS program in order to participate in our Operations. Our Operations are hosted every Saturday night at 20:00 CST(8PM)/21:00EST(9PM). When officially inducted into the SEAL platoon you will be expected to conduct regular weekly/monthly set trainings to improve operational capabilities and skills, both individually and unit wide to operate at maximum efficiency in executing missions. We firmly believe that being a successful member of SEAL Team Realism Unit goes hand in hand with in-depth consistent training. 160th SOAR(A) “Silver Bullet Package†The 160th SOAR(A) “Silver Bullet Package†currently operates in conjunction with Seal Team THREE, Troop 4. Working cooperatively in Field Training Exercises and Deployments we achieve a level of confidence and trust between everyone. Although we may train separately, working together with the SEALS allows us to better hone our skills as aviators in our Aerial Support. Whether it be eliminating targets in danger close fire missions with laser-guided munitions or deploying SEALS under the cover of darkness and poor weather conditions. The 160th SOAR “Silver Bullet Package†is a demanding unit, and requires individuals that will go beyond, as an Army Aviator with SEAL Team THREE this is a great payoff. https://youtu.be/suYo0naKmQk Open Billets Team 3 - Alpha Platoon - Special Warfare Operators. Attack Helicopter Section "Renegade 1" - AH-6/MH-60L DAP Pilot. Assault Helicopter Section "Renegade 2" - MH-6, MH-60M, MH-47E Pilot. Detachment A, Company E "Condor 5" - MQ-9 Reaper UASOT/UAS Pilot. Find out more on our Website: www.sealteam3.net TS3 Address: https://youtu.be/suYo0naKmQk
  5. Rain Maker

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Good stuff, keep up the good work.