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Posts posted by altis

  1. It's hard to judge on one game only, the real thing for the Blacks will happen in quarter final against France or Ireland.

    Thats true but i have a good feeling about this squad, they have not had much time together and were able to soak up the pressure from a strong Argentinian team.


    Anyway no one expects them to win world cups any more, at least not me, they are great chokers in that arena... such a great side can sweep through Europe unbeaten in hostile environments :P  seem to trip up each time on the world stage.

  2. Yep, the Blacks aren't that impressive, thanks god for them their pool is very easy, once they have played Argentina.



    The ABs cruised through that second half in third gear while Argentina gave their all but didnt really threaten, you have to play the full 80 against them.

  3. Great update, look forward to seeing them in vehicles..


    I really like the guerrilla setting, the only thing is i use them in Alive, all three factions and its a bit hard to distinguish between the factions.. i know it sounds cheesy and probably not possible in the scope of things but coloured arm bands might help?


    Anyway thanks ;)

  4. Look at the alive wiki there is a snippet of script that can do exactly what you ask. I've used it to full loadouts on units spawned with alive.


    Perfect, thank you, i missed that.


    For anyone else searching:


    Adding Custom Inits to Spawned Units

    The following is one method for adding custom scripts to every spawned unit or object of that class, for example running a script that adds custom gear to a class of units. This will work for units spawned with MP/MCP, the Profiles system and any other spawning method such as Zeus.

    HEALTH WARNING: you will need to know the basics of scripting to setup the gear script so it only applies to AI (and not players) or specific factions. Place the following in description.ext and create my_code.sqf with whatever code you want to add to the spawned units. Also be aware that anything added to player units will duplicate if player persistence is on, so it's better to use regular methods for players (or include isPlayer check in your script).


    class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {

    class Man {

    init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'my_script.sqf')";



    This is an example my_script.sqf thanks to SpyderBlack723 on the BI Forums:

    private "_this";

    _this = _this select 0;


    if ((side _this == west) and (!isPlayer _this)) then {

    removeallweapons _this;

    removeGoggles _this;removeHeadgear _this;removeVest _this;removeUniform _this;removeAllAssignedItems _this;removeBackpack _this;

    _this addHeadgear 'Helmet_ACU';_this addUniform 'Uniform_ACU';_this addVest 'Vest_ACU';_this addBackPack 'ACU_Backpack';

    { _this addItemToBackpack"rhs_mag_30Rnd_556x45_M855A1_Stanag"; } forEach [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,18, 19, 20, 21];

    { _this addItemToBackpack "rhs_mag_m67"; } forEach [1, 2, 3, 4];

    { _this addItemToBackpack "SmokeShell"; } forEach [1, 2, 3, 4];

    { _this addItem "FirstAidKit"; } forEach [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    _this addweapon 'rhs_m4_grip_acog';_this addPrimaryWeaponItem 'rhsusf_acc_ACOG';_this linkItem "ItemMap";


  5. Place a trigger down, set it to repeat and set the radius to cover the whole mission area, click on the 'Effects' button at the bottom of the triggers dialog box and in the 'trigger' drop down choose any options for ambient combat sounds, I think there is explosions and firefights so you may want to place a few triggers down around the mission area, and group them to the player, ambient combat sounds done easy :)

  6. Haha I think you guys are reading to much into it, I'm sure it's in stone and well underway.

    For example, creating a web like Google, Facebook or Youtube can take less than a week.

    now that's just being silly :j:
