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Everything posted by devilslayersbane

  1. devilslayersbane

    Adding mod weapons and clothing to missions.

    Essentially. What the config does is tell the game what weapons and equipment to put on the "man" class character that you have created (same goes for vehicles, but that's a bit more complex). Essentially, you won't have to mess with overriding the config in the base mods because your newly made config will do that for you. Now, for instance, I wouldn't suggest removing the pbo's that you don't need initially as that will return config errors. However, while creating a config takes quite a chunk of time and know how, it will inevitably make your life a lot easier because you don't have to use the init box for as much. In essence, it just keeps things cleaner looking and runs a bit faster. The more things that aren't pre-initialized (I use that term rather loosely) will make the mission initalize slower.
  2. devilslayersbane

    Adding mod weapons and clothing to missions.

    That's actually really easy to find. Many mods have documentation on their config classnames, and most people on here can help you with creating configs for characters. If you go to the arma 3 editing section, you see a forum on configs. That'd be the place I start.
  3. devilslayersbane

    Adding mod weapons and clothing to missions.

    Well, on a technical level, you can do that as long as you don't release it to anyone without permission. My suggestion would simply be to make a replacement config for the mods you wish to use (like reyhard did with CAF aggressors and RHS AFRF) and then ask the respective mod authors to release the if you desire to release it to the general public.
  4. devilslayersbane

    Aiming is becoming too difficult!

    Or maybe you could relax a bit and take a walk. Enjoy the time before you take contact. Chat with your friends as you walk along. Then when you take contact, kill em all.
  5. devilslayersbane

    SEVER screen tearing

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Startup_Parameters check those. And this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?164958-ArmA-3-Performance-Tweaks-and-Settings-Guide
  6. "Thank you, Chip. As you can see, this drought, which has been going on since 2012, has now dried up the lake at the Xirolimni dam. The FIA were reportedly going to attempt to flood altis, by blowing it up but apparently that won't happen anytime soon. Back to you, Chip."
  7. devilslayersbane

    Why does ArmA 3 have console FoV?

    It's not cheating. You won't get kicked out of a KOTH server. I had my FOV set up to 100 for the longest time, but then I reduced it to 90. And no, Arma has a roughly 60-70 degree field of view, if you take the time to look at your radar in a vehicle (in 3rd person).
  8. devilslayersbane

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    It has nothing to do with textures, it has to do with unnatural warping of the shoulders on the vests.
  9. devilslayersbane

    [SP] Rise of CSAT Campaign

    Community, today I get the pleasure of delivering the first mission of my single-player campaign which details (my speculation) how CSAT was a little under-handed in stripping away NATO's declining power. In this campaign you follow an Army National Guard Auto-rifleman in his deployment. This particular mission is relatively easy, but it does really help introduce the mood of the campaign. Currently, the first mission is very bare-bones. There's no scripted dialogue, the briefing is extremely short, and ambiance is somewhat lacking. Current features: Custom Music Takistan (in place of an actual afghanistan map, atm) One playable mission ISIS Ambiance Planned features: 2 episodes of 7 missions each Missions on multiple maps Full voice acting CSAT More Ambiance More dramatic action. Addons required (currently): RHSUSF or RHS Escalation CAF aggressors F-35C(FC-37) RDS Civi Pack AIA TP RDS CAF Config Changelog: 30 OCT 2014 -Initial release 2 NOV 2014 -reduced black screen -added campaign description.ext (currently WIP, will crash your game if you try to play it as a campaign atm) -Added RDS CAF config dependency -Added more ambiance -Added chat (voice-overs not present yet) Known issues: -AI doen't know how to drive around people (not my fault) -Still only one mission -At the moment, you'd be better off putting the mission itself into your missions folder (see description.ext) Care to try it out? Check out this awesome download link! Don't like that one? Download it from Armaholic!
  10. devilslayersbane

    [SP] Rise of CSAT Campaign

    New Update today! 2 NOV 2014 -reduced black screen -added campaign description.ext (currently WIP, will crash your game if you try to play it as a campaign atm) -Added RDS CAF config dependency -Added more ambiance -Added chat (voice-overs not present yet) -Increased ammo count for AR's
  11. devilslayersbane

    AV_IndUs (US Army inspired units)

    I must admit, I get the same deformation from the RHSUSAF vests.
  12. devilslayersbane


    Also keep in mind that when soldiers travel on foot, they walk. A lot. And it's really a live-saver. Walking with you weapon lowered will solve 90% of your stamina issues in combat, the other 10% will be switching between combat pace (rifle-up, slow jog) and sprinting to your next cover.
  13. devilslayersbane

    Rabbits werewolves

    Those rabbits all around altis? You thought they were so innocent didn't you? However, on the off chance this is arma related, it belongs in general, not Q&A.
  14. devilslayersbane

    Aiming is becoming too difficult!

    Well, what we may be dealing with here are people who try to take on a battalion as a fire-team so they have to load up with carryalls and launchers and LMGs. All you really have to do, though, is move realistically. You're not in combat? Walk or drive. I promise you, if you can't get somewhere fast enough without jogging, you can use a vehicle. It's not that hard. This isn't a twitch shooter and every move bohemia makes to move it away from that is a good one.
  15. devilslayersbane

    SEVER screen tearing

    have you tried editing your command line, or your options in your config (which is found in your documents folder if you use windows).
  16. devilslayersbane

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    With extreme prejudice, preferebly.
  17. devilslayersbane

    Aiming is becoming too difficult!

    If you're sprinting and fast-jogging it everywhere, you should get tired. I know guys that can run 2 miles in 12 minutes, but as soon as you give them a ruck with 25+lbs, plus 4 quarts of water, an m16 and a weapon they get tired after 50 meters of running, too. Keep in mind, this was during a real life FTX.
  18. devilslayersbane

    Why does ArmA 3 have console FoV?

    Most likely, it was a design decision to keep things from looking funny. My suggestion is to boost your FOV up to 80 using the arma 3 fov changer.
  19. devilslayersbane

    Arma 2 VS Arma 3! You chose!

    The only thing I want in arma 3 atm, is yurapetrov's blackhawks/seahawks. Edit for sake of clarity towards thread relevancy: These blackhawks are just gorgeous, and I'd love to see them properly ported to A3 to replace the A2 blackhawks. I've made most of my points earlier in the thread IIRC. But now, with FFV coming into play, I'd definitely like to see a revival of the blackhawks.
  20. devilslayersbane

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Caiden, I suggest compliance at this point. You've lost, and as the representative of the A3L team, you're either going to go down in a burning wreck, or you'll be writing beautifully plagiarized apology letters to mod authors, script authors, and crytek. These letters would more than likely include a statement that their content will be henceforth removed from your teams' mod-pack and missions, and you would express a deep concern on ways to fully resolve this issue legally.
  21. devilslayersbane

    13€ DLC, hefty price for 2 choppers

    They're doing this, but they can't let the game stagnate at the same time. This isn't the COD community where we'll be happy eating up a new map-pack every few months. This is a community that enjoys all kinds of content constantly appearing. We're kinda selfish that way. And there are a lot of people who, while they like the vanilla content, they also want more vanilla content.
  22. devilslayersbane

    [SP] Rise of CSAT Campaign

    Thank you. I may do that for a simple work-around until I can get the more story-heavy dialogue/briefing in. I also only meant for the screen to be black until the helo really started moving. I will definitely look into this issue. And (excluding updates to this particular mission) the next larger installment will have you going until at least mission 3.
  23. devilslayersbane

    Need a good multicam swatch

    This one is the same deal, but It's not any higher res. There are less seams, though. http://www.strikehold.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/desertmulticam7.jpg
  24. devilslayersbane

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    Actually, most minecraft servers are better than these guys. It's really funny how when shit gets tough for Caiden, he just goes away. He knows he's lost. Now if we can shut him down. Just remember, Caiden, using work without permission is wrong and:
  25. devilslayersbane

    Legal violations by A3L: Arma 3 life

    You know, if you can prove that the scripts that he stole from you guys is actually stolen, then use that. However, the rest of it is still his intellectual property and under the license he released it under, you're not allowed to use it. Period. Also, he has this in his credits: "Anyone else that I forgot is credited in whatever file they are responsible for."