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About scrumpyjacks

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Occupation
    Kitchen Porter

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  1. scrumpyjacks

    ChatGPT is Awesome

    It's been 3 or more years since I've played Arma 3 but I have come back to continue working on a few scenarios. currently I'm trying to use ChatGPT to create a loot spawn script with the current result being It has not been easy and I'm currently struggling to get ChatGPT to correct the follow section At this moment it won't correctly add the remaining RHS mods instead will just copy/paste what's already there. I have not yet checked if it works but ChatGPT has promised it will work once i fill in the arrays correctly.
  2. scrumpyjacks

    Looking for help with FSM and sleep

    I very much appreciate it I had assumed that adding in a state _wait = time; then condition time > _wait + 10 would have helped with the delays between the first sentence then starting the first task and then continuing the sentences once the task had been assigned I did have a massive brain fart when I was watching the video you posted to see if breaking the sentences up into individual states would help and then adding conditions to check the states had completed before moving to the next this did help achieve what I wanted I will try your example when I run into the same problem
  3. I'm trying to work with FSM but I'm having problems with sleep commands I'm a bit lost on how to implement them into FSM I do no that just using sleep 5; does not work in FSM I have looked at the campaign files from bis to see how they do it but that just seemed more confusing the campaign files from Callsign Minotaur provided some better understanding but using the same methods for sleep did not work I've tried a few things such as in state using _wait = time, and in the condition using time > _wait + 10 I've also tried _nil = [] spawn { //stuff here sleep 5; }; ill add in the state that I'm having problems with will hopefully provide a better understanding any help on how it should be done correctly would be appreciated
  4. I had decided to redo the company composition from scratch and found that the error occurs when changing the text in the group's composition group marker changing it back does not seem to fix it though
  5. Added rpt in spoiler I'm no longer using the 550 ti's I haven't been for years now I have only come back to arma in the past week its been about 5 -6 years since I played
  6. Looking for some help on why I'm getting the error shown The unit composition is layered down to the company section level removing two platoons and leaving the last still gives me the error even removing all units and leaving one unit present gives me the error I have tried removing anything that I may have added from the units INIT box and I have removed all role descriptions Here is my unit attributes as you can see I only have the units name variable set the only other thing that I have changed is the group call signs thank you
  7. hey Zen Thanks for all your help everything is coming along nicely any ideas how i can use your spawn macro to spawn rhs groups ZEN_FMW_Code_SpawnMarker("mkPatrol", 3, east) ive tried ZEN_FMW_Code_SpawnMarker("Enemy_1", 3, rhs_vehclass_infantry, rhs_faction_msv) ZEN_FMW_Code_SpawnMarker("Enemy_1", 3, rhs_faction_msv) but neither seem to have any effect
  8. Hey zen thanks for the help on the intell objective it really adds to the mission i have a slight problem with the captive objective the freindly units that are being held captive are spawning in with weapons causing them to either kill the current gaurds around them or being killed them selfs i will run the objective on its own later and see if it continues _captivePos = ["Captive"] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _captiveObjective = [_captivePos, (group X11), west, "custom", "rescue", ["B_Soldier_F", "B_Soldier_F"]] call Zen_CreateObjective; _CaptiveGroup = ["Captive", ["I_soldier_F", "I_Soldier_GL_F"]] call Zen_SpawnGroup; also i have hit a brick wall with setting the formation to groups _Roadgroup setFormation ["STAG COLUMN"]; this seems to get ignored i see the similar method is used in your infantry showcase mission using _charlieGroup setGroupId ["Charlie"]; _charlieGroup setBehaviour "combat"; _charlieGroup setCombatMode "blue"; allthough setFormation is not used here you can see set commands should work Here is what i have in my init.sqf so far http://pastebin.com/rhvKVScK# any help and tips on improving are welcome from any one :D thanks in advanced zen really appreciate alll the help
  9. Hello Zenophon Im currently working on a co-op mission but has hit a dead end currently trying to improve the first current objective the first objective is to eliminate an aaf officer the objective itself works great i have the officer and his camp spawning at random within a marker along with that i have a empty strider thats parked up with a unit crouched near and a partol group roaming the area close by i would like to expand on this objective i would like the objective to be completed once the officer has been killed and intel has been picked up from his body the intell that is grabed would lead on to the second objective the objective would be to rescue a blufor team help captive here is the code currently used fror the task and surrounding area // Generate random position within area marker: _ObjectivePos = ["officer"] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; // Place a Warlord task objective at this random point: _warlordReference = [_ObjectivePos, X11, resistance, "Officer","eliminate"] call Zen_CreateObjective; _warlord = (_warlordReference select 0) select 0; // Spawns Patrol Around Officer for "_i" from 0 to 1 do { _PatrolPos = [_objectivePos, [10,80]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _GuardPatrol = [_PatrolPos, resistance, "infantry", [2,6]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; _GuardsPatrolArray set [(count _GuardsPatrolArray), _GuardPatrol]; }; 0 = [_GuardsPatrolArray, _objectivePos, [15,90]] spawn Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol; _returnArray = [(_GuardsPatrolArray), "group"] call Zen_TrackInfantry; // Officer's car _CarPosition = ["officer", [5,40]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _Strider = [_CarPosition,"I_MRAP_03_F",0,180] call Zen_SpawnVehicle; _OfficerGaurds = [_CarPosition,[0,20],0,1,[1,10]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _staticSquad = [_OfficerGaurds, resistance, "infantry", [1,3]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; // force them to kneel down { _x setUnitPosWeak "Middle"; } forEach (units _staticSquad); waituntil { sleep 2; !(alive _warlord) }; thanks in advanced zen
  10. scrumpyjacks

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    i have experienced the same problem on my server after 4 hours of serching every buliding we still had no luck i eventualy ran tiresome and opened up zeus and bombed the town im thinking that it may well be buged
  11. scrumpyjacks

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Thanks Giallustio i seem to have an issue when geting the fob container out of the logistics point i keep geting "out of placement zone" spamming the chat this happens when taking the container out and placing it down out of the way ready for transport the messege spam also only seems to happen when im moving around after placing the container down the messege will stop once in standing still
  12. scrumpyjacks

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Nice work on the mission ive had it running on my server for couple of days now and has had lots of fun playing it I just would like to know what a few settings from define.sqf do btc_city_radius = 300; btc_patrol_max = 10; < btc_patrol_area = 2500;
  13. scrumpyjacks


    you should be able to create custom locations using the info provided in jshocks post
  14. i still seem to be having issues with the current code while this does works to some degree units seem to only spawn at the two closest towns from the players position being gravia and tellos with no infantry spawning at any other town or village when i progress closer _altistownMarkers = [["NameVillage", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital"]] call Zen_ConfigGetLocations; _populatedTowns = []; { if ((([_x, _player] call Zen_Find2dDistance) < 1500)) then { _populatedTowns set [(count _populatedTowns), _x]; _groupsArray = []; for "_j" from 0 to (6 + random 3) do { _TownspawnPosition = [_x, 0, [], 1, [2, 500], 0, [1,0,10]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _EnemyTownGroup = [_TownspawnPosition, EAST, 0.6, [4,8]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; 0 = [_groupsArray, _EnemyTownGroup] call Zen_ArrayAppend; 0 = [_TownspawnPosition] call Zen_SpawnMarker; // debug }; _PatrolTown = [_groupsArray, _x, [], 0, "limited"] spawn Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol; }; } forEach _altistownMarkers; _altistownMarkers = _altistownMarkers - _populatedTowns; i am still unable to get units to spawn using strategic locations i decided to run some debug on on location types the only location types i could establish are NameVillage NameCity NameCityCapital NameLocal and NameMarine its being going through my mind that perhaps it could be better to use markers the end result should prove the same and perhaps provide less hassle
  15. hey zen i still seem to be having a problem with spawning units at strategic locations this is what is used for spawning in infantry at strategic locations _strategicMarkers = [["Strategic", "StrongpointArea"]] call Zen_ConfigGetLocations; _populatedStrategic = []; { if ((([_x, _player] call Zen_Find2dDistance) < 1500)) then { _populatedStrategic set [(count _populatedStrategic), _x]; for "_j" from 0 to (5 + random 4) do { _StrategicspawnPosition = [_x, 0, [], 1, [2, 400], 0, [1,0,10]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _EnemyStrategicGroup = [_StrategicspawnPosition, EAST, 0.6, [4,8]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; 0 = [_populatedStrategic, _EnemyStrategicGroup] call Zen_ArrayAppend; }; _Patrol = [_populatedStrategic, _x, [], 0, "limited"] spawn Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol; }; } forEach _strategicMarkers; _strategicMarkers = _strategicMarkers - _populatedStrategic; // Simple debug statements, making sure that your variables have the correct value player sidechat ("OPFOR Group " + str _EnemyStrategicGroup); player sidechat ("OPFOR Orders " + str _patrol); // Track squads for demonstration and debug purposes 0 = [_populatedStrategic, "group"] call Zen_TrackInfantry; and then this is what i have to spawn units around town and villages the units spawn around the towns fine with only one exception they do spawn on the outskirts _townMarkers = [["NameVillage", "NameCity", "NameCityCapital"]] call Zen_ConfigGetLocations; _populatedTowns = []; { if ((([_x, _player] call Zen_Find2dDistance) < 1500)) then { _populatedTowns set [(count _populatedTowns), _x]; for "_j" from 0 to (6 + random 3) do { _TownspawnPosition = [_x, 0, [], 1, [2, 500], 0, [1,0,10]] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; _EnemyTownGroup = [_TownspawnPosition, EAST, 0.6, [4,8]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; 0 = [_populatedTowns, _EnemyTownGroup] call Zen_ArrayAppend; }; _PatrolTown = [_populatedStrategic, _x, [], 0, "limited"] spawn Zen_OrderInfantryPatrol; }; } forEach _townMarkers; _townMarkers = _townMarkers - _populatedTowns; // Simple debug statements, making sure that your variables have the correct value player sidechat ("OPFOR Group " + str _EnemyTownGroup); player sidechat ("OPFOR Orders " + str _patrolTown); as you can see there are only minor changes to the two codes i have tried each piece off code on there own and i can only get units to spawn around towns and villages i seem to be a a total loss as to why no units are spawning at strategic locations i have also tried adding the strategic locations in to the same array as the town locations and still no joy the only thing i can think off is that strategic locations are not being picked up on