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About dr.proctor

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    Private First Class

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  1. Hey guys, dunno if i just missed it or it's not possible. Is there a way to show the flight instruments of the advanced flight model when using the standard flight model? I mean i dont really need them but vertical speed e.g. would be nice to not have to look down all the time. I dont own joystick/trottle lever/pedals/Ir tracking so i'll stick with the standard model but i think the instruments could help there as well. I'd really like to be able to have the advanced model stuff light no hard landings, wind, stress damage, gforce (maybe colourfading not only shaking) but still using the standard flight model. Flying with the standard model is quite easy and you can do ridiculous manoeuvres, having said options from the adv. model could make it a little more realistic without making flying too hard for non flight sim enthusiasts.
  2. I solved it. Well this only lasted for some time. Flicker back now but: Using only one monitor definitely solves it for me. As soon as i unplug the second monitor it stops to flicker. Ps. please excuse the double post, i didnt know it editing would mark the thread with a new reply.
  3. While that is true a Gen3 PCIe lane has almost twice of the Bandwith of a Gen2 lane. So bandwith should not impose a bottleneck. Concerning Arma 3 i know that CF improves performance quite a lot. Not bumping FPS noticably per se but i can run downsampling with highest settings without having less FPS than with a single card, which makes the game look awesome while maintaining 60fps most of the time. BUT i started having these issues. For me this is "gamebreaking" because single card graphics settings for 60fps mostly are quite low.
  4. Tried it multiple times. Alt-Tabbing does not remove the flicker for me. Once its there its permanent until i restart the game.
  5. Usually yes but i tried turning it on. Did not help. I also tried the adaptive vsync radeon pro offers. No help. I tried various in game settings with no succes. Different options in radeon pro didnt help and not using radeon pro doesnt help either. I didnt play in a while so i did not try to alt tab until its "fixed" Wilf55 suggested. If that works i am well not happy but its tolerable. As it seems only few people have this issue i don't really expect a real fix soon.
  6. Oh sorry. Should have mentioned my specs... i5 4670K 12Gb Ram 2x HD6950, latest Driver Cat. 13.12
  7. I was really happy that Arma3 scaled quite well when using crossfire compared to Arma2. I played the first campaign chapter and then not at all for quite some time. No issues so far. I reinstalled windows and when installing steam i saw the second chapter was released. Because i didnt have a savegame i had to replay the first chapter and had no issues up to the "tipping point" mission. When i start the game crossfire is not working, i can see on my second monitor that only one gpu is utilized. To enable crossfire i have to alt+tab. But since the "tipping point" mission alt+tabbing caused the game to flicker. The "whole game" flickers, its not only PIP. Changing graphics does not reduce flickering but changes frequency. Even back in the main menu the background graphics flicker. Disabling crossfire "solves" the flicker issue when alt tabbing but its obviously no real solution to the problem. Anybody else having this problem?
  8. dr.proctor

    Tier1 Silencer Fix

    Well as the supersonic crack is not the typical start from one point and spread spherically sound but rather a cone dragged by the bullet i get that the shooter is not in the place to be hit by that cone. But i can't really believe the only thing the shooter hears is that "pew" sound the game includes. Most footage of shooting silenced larger caliber guns rather shows a crack sound than that pew and usally the camera is located behind the muzzle.
  9. Thanks! Didnt think of that, that way i can use one trigger to eject them all without them killing each other.
  10. Yes. I really like to use them because i just hate how the AI flys ;) Quick Video using it to dropoff guys on a building. Guess i am going to use that to drop a recon team on one of the solar power tower :) Sadly it only works well with the Hummingbird, the Ghosthawk kills them randomly...
  11. What you did not mention yet. But is great in my opinion but requires you to record a chopper flightpath, what i recommend anyway as the AI flying and landing is just annoying, is using a trigger with "UnitX action ["eject",HeliY];". This way you just have to make sure to fly below a certain speed and height for a few sconds while recording your flightpath and then place the triggers in that area. I didnt try the speed/Height values on land yet but i'd say below 3m and 30kmh should be fine. Over water you can eject below 10m and 70kmh without taking damage. I think it looks just so much better than the stiff flying of the AI. Except the ejecting animation which makes you pop up next to the chopper. I guess if you make the chopper stop moving for a few secs you could also use getout instead of eject. Video
  12. Hey, is there a way to make AI Pilots copy the movement of another unit? I am trying to make a really low flying jet formation and can't really work it out. I am using the unitcapture/play to create the flightpath of the formation leader which works nice. But adding more planes to that path isnt looking that good. I made multiple jets use the same recorded path with 0.5sec trigger delays which makes them fly in row, doesnt look that bad but not really what i want. Using the attachto command enables me to put them in a formation and fly the recorded path but because they are attached and not move on their own it looks ridiculous because they obviously behave like a single object. I thought there may be a function that makes AI mimic movements or copies the control input of a unit to others. Or maybe there is a function that can offset the recorded path? The ovious workaround being to record the seperate paths myself and make the AI fly them is no option as i dont fly well enough to make it look good.
  13. Hey, i really like your videos as they teach quite a lot and leaving common mistakes in them helps beginners to find theirs. I started editing in arma3 so i have no knowledge at all except whats in your videos and i am stuck right now. I want my unit to have the task to "secure intel" from a crashed plane so i placed the wreck and symbolically that radio suitcase to be the objective. I found i script for arma2 that lets me collect the item and makes it disappear (since i dont want it in the inventory) but nothing else as the task succeed script from arma2 isnt working i guess. i tried to sync a trigger to that object and on collect = disappear fire the task succeed but i cant get it to work. any tips on how to do that? Got that to work now using the !alive objx trigger AND syncing it to that object. another question, i have a group of nato divers move into a group of csat divers, the csat will immediatly attack the nato group but the nato group doesnt even draw their guns. they swim empty handed into their death. i didnt modify them except adding them into a heli cargo and make them dropoff over water then a move waypoint with "open fire engage at will" and "combat" mode, but they are still suicidal. any help appreciated.