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About Festa_PWR

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  1. Festa_PWR

    EventHandler "Take"?

    Wow, did i make a meal of this. Finally i have it working, but i`m almost sure, in fact pretty certain, it's not optimized. Player Init; takeEH = player addeventHandler ["Take", {_this execVM "VehInvTake.sqf"}] VehInvTake.sqf; if({_x == "DemoCharge_Remote_mag"} count magazineCargo Zam1 == 19) then { Trig1 setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false]; }; While i was testing, i added 'hint's in there to check each stage, and if i add the 'Player removeEventHandler takeEH' it stops there and doesn`t actually remove the EH, as if i take another charge, it starts the script again. I`ve kind of counteracted that by having it only activate when the Trucks inventory reaches 19, so it will only ever fire off once. Trig1 currently sits in a state of activation = None, Present. So i had the script change that to Any, present when you take the charge to kick off the setTask = Succeeded. I just have to make sure its fire zone covers the truck you take the charges from. Things made abit more sense tonight and i managed to get this hash-job working pretty quick. Question though. The takeEH even handler will still be running right, as nothing has ended it? If i was to guess, and that's all i`m ever doing with this scripting at the moment, is the removeEventHandler isn`t working for me due to the nature of the variable? Anyway, thanks again to you guys for giving me the direction for this. Without your help i would still be staring blankly at my screen and probably swearing at it too.
  2. Indeed. Articulate is it's own voice recognition software. That`ll be the reason your game is minimizing. You`ll be saying certain things that the windows voice recog is interpreting as windows commands.
  3. You mentioned windows speech recognition in the background. Why do you have this running if you`re using Articulate?
  4. Festa_PWR

    EventHandler "Take"?

    Thanks once again to all. This is frustrating me so much that nothing seems to be making sense! I normally pick things up pretty quick i`ve always steered pretty clear of coding and such as it just doesn`t sink in. I was sat looking at the Killed EH and wondering why TF would i need that, then it sunk in. lol I current have a '!alive T1 && !alive T2' in the trigger for the task of destroying them and it works. So even though this doesn`t designate a waituntil or anything, is it still essentially looping until the conditions are met? Either way, EventHandlers are better all round is the general consensus? Thanks for your patience with me on this. I have had a read through the Biki, on various commands and techniques, but my eyes kind of glaze over and i just cant seem to retain any info on scripting. As i said before, it's very frustrating. EDIT: Just occurred to me that the Killed EH in the T-100's Init field is great, only the task asks to destroy two of them, so this would set task to complete if just one of them was destroyed. I`m not too fussed about that though. Currently, i have a trigger that can complete that task so i`m happy. Just need to get my head around the DemoCharge bit :/
  5. Festa_PWR

    EventHandler "Take"?

    Thanks chaps. I figured i`d have all 4rse about face as it wasn`t working lol What i had was a mashup of Biki stuff, forum posts and my interpretation of what i thought would work. Ah well, live and learn. I like the simplicity of Iceman's suggestion, as i would like to steer away from even more SQF files. I would just change as follows; waitUntil {{_x == "satchelCharge_remote_ammo"} count magazineCargo theVehicle [b][u]< 20[/u][/b] && {vehicle player in list triggerName}}; The idea being that the truck starts with 20 charges, so as soon as 1 is taken, it would kickoff the trigger and pass the task. I`m assuming that will work, but will test shortly. I`m also guessing this would go in the triggers INIT, but again, will test it out shortly. I was actually using the DemoCharge, not SatchelCharge too, but may give it a go and see which i prefer. Thanks again :) EDIT: Well, i`m officially crap at this. I`ve tried putting that code in the trigger and it gives me a Type number, Bool expected error and i`ve tried it in the truck and cant get it to trigger. I`ve changed 'theVehicle' to Zam1 and changed 'triggerName' to ZamTrig and still nothing. Sorry for asking you to hold my hand on this one, but where do i put that code?
  6. Hi. I wouldn't normally start a thread like this but i`ve been searching for some time now and i can't find anybody that has done anything with the "take" EventHandler. I found references to the Biki, but taking that and putting it in-game is proving difficult for me, as i`m no scripting genius (as you`ll probably guess from laughing so hard at my attempt below). What i have is a task (task1) that asks you to get explosives from a Zamak ("Zam1") and use them to destroy two empty T-100's (task2). I would like the trigger from task1 to detect when 'DemoCharge_Remote' has been removed from the truck. This would then set task to complete and create the next task of destroying the tanks. So far, i have thrown together the following in the trigger; this addeventHandler ["Take", {vehicle player in thislist, Zam1, Democharge_remote;}] but it throws up "Type Number, Nothing, expected Bool", but all that means to me is i made a hash of it and it doesn`t work. lol If your wondering why i used "vehicle player in thislist", it's because the respawn script i`m using seems to render the 'presence of BlueFor' inoperable and it works for other triggers. The mission can be played single and multiplayer, so do i understand correctly that i may have to use two different handlers for each type of gameplay? However, for now, i would just like to get it working and worry about it working online later.
  7. Festa_PWR

    Urban Patrol Script

    What was your distance? I`m guessing somewhere in their logic they may think it too far to get a hit and not want to waste ammo. They may also think to flanking you and try to gain the advantage before opening fire. The buggers have done this to me and my friends a few times. Thought we killed all the group, later to find one of them had run off, circled back and shot us from behind!
  8. I cant get this script to work at all. When i first tried it on a mission i`m making, it did work as i remember seeing troops on balconies you can't normally reach. I thought it may be conflicting with something in my mission so started a fresh one to test just this script and still not working. I`m pretty sure it is since the update to game version 1.06.112613 Can anyone else confirm please? Or advise what i may be doing wrong?
  9. This is just a great idea! Thanks for this great script. I can change the position of the laptop, even put it on a table in a building. I also changed it so you can only activate the download if your within 3m of the laptop. What i would like to know though, is can this script be modified to do away with the lines in the Init.sqf that relate to spawning the Laptop? Now that i actually took the time to look through your example of using an object placed in the editor, i`m rocking there too. I was struggling for hours yesterday and came here to ask how/why/help etc. but managed to help myself! lol Cheers for a great idea and a great script that hopefully, will bring me and my Arma buddies a few great games :)
  10. Festa_PWR

    Farooq's Revive

    Loving this script. A great addition to any Arma Mission. One issue i`m having at the moment though, is the AI don't seem to want to revive me. I`m probably missing something obvious, but i can't figure it out. I`ve got the revive option set to 1 = All units can revive and i have applied the fixes on page 5, as well as read through the rest of the thread but nothing stood out as a solution. I know there's a section in the Revive_init file that points to adding revive to playable AI (which is what my mission has), but is this a future feature or something you need to turn on, with it mentioning debugging?
  11. Festa_PWR

    Urban Patrol Script

    I was having the same issue, and while spawning as a civilian didn't work, the above line in the INIT line did. Cheers!! :)
  12. I never even thought of using configuration software, as i never install it lol. I think i even have Joy2Key somewhere which should do the same job. I`ll go and play about with it until you know either way if you can implement the suggestion :) And i`m not just enjoying Articulate, i`m loving it! I`m just glad you were sporting enough to share with the rest of the community :)
  13. Excellent, thank you. Now i know what to scream at them! Gamepad or joystick yes, but in my case specifically, an extra button on the mouse (pressed with thumb) or even a button on my steering wheel. Are there even any free keys to use when playing ArmA?? :confused: Seriously though, if you can do it then fantastic, but the lack of assigning a push to talk button on a USB device is not going to stop me from using Articulate, so don't put yourself out :)
  14. Wow, this is just the best thing since sliced bread! I`m the kind of casual player that has them following me like lambs to the slaughter because i can't be bothered with all the key commands. I've looked at voice command progs before but they involved costly 3rd party progs and Arma config files etc, or free software that takes an age to configure. This is just, unzip & fire up ArmA 3. With your commands being hard coded into the prog itself, is there a list anywhere of the voice commands available? I was also surprised it managed to understand my northern dialect. I usually struggle with voice programs in this respect. I do have one suggestion at the minute though. The push to talk button is a great idea, as i`ll probably be playing ArmA with a couple of buddies and some AI team, so i can use it in that respect, but . . . . Trying to assign a button on a USB device doesn`t seem to work, is this something on your radar to implement? If not, could it be please? Sorry for the long, drawn out post, but i want to finish on thanking you again for a great addition to any ArmA players 'Must Have' progs.