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About electricsoap

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  1. Thanks, yeah I figured that out that I would need a new motherboard. Thanks a lot for the information this helped a lot
  2. So if I got this Processor, that would be good enough right. (I didn't see any Intel processors with numbers in the hundreds?) Intel Core i5-4590 Haswell Quad-Core 3.3GHz LGA 1150 84W Desktop Processor Intel HD Graphics 4600 BX80646I54590
  3. So Basically I need an i5, and another stick of 4gb RAM (Didn't know how to quote your post)
  4. Intel® Core i3 CPU 530 @ 2.93GHz Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB Graphics AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series Gaming graphics 2751 MB Total available graphics memory I can Run 30+ FPS on Singleplayer On Multiplayer I can only get around 10 FPS, so what is making the difference (I have tried on many different servers, same outcome everytime) (Changes from High to Low video quality don't change anything frames wise, neither does changing view distance)