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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Thx, i try that and report if find another bugs. Love your weapons :)
  2. I had reported this a while ago, i dont know if he fixed that, seems not had same situation a couple of times today. I was dead and crew stays inside vehicle and alive
  3. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Must be from yours i suppose?
  4. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Thx man, got 1 question: is there a "no bipod" config or did i miss something. I use VTS Weaponrest so i dont need additional Bipods or something :)
  5. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Nope, frames are still sucking hard. It will never change...
  6. LSD_Timewarp82

    Blastcore: Phoenix 2

    Looks amazing dude, only the dl link is missing :) ^^
  7. So far i know nothing doubles, and i use 39 mods when playing WLA. Without moduload a bunch of mods wouldnt work after loading a savegame. I can only give this suggestion when you have problems with serveral actions or soemthing ;)
  8. You should install the mod "Moduload", it initializes the inits from the mods u are using in the mission. Moduload is a "must-have" specially when u want to load your savegames. For example: some mods didnt work correctly after loading savegames, moduload fixes such things with the reinitialization ;)
  9. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Got the same issue :(
  10. Do you play with low details? I would never play a game with such low details (this is no offense, just a personal thing) maybe i am kind of "good graphics liker" or it´s just looks strange for me, maybe it´s cause i didnt see a game with low details since never. I´ll use Multi-GPU Systems since over 10 years or so, maybe thats why i am so confused about such graphics ^^
  11. No it doesnt makes sense dude, the devs refuse optimization of the engine, means that Arma didnt scale with Frames if you buy stronger hardware. For example the system from my Signature, a good optimized Game with an actual Engineperforms great with my Sli, Arma didnt have such features (only God knows why) it runs really sloppy on potential hardware. It is sucking hard that "we, the players/customers/supporters" need to find an own conclusion why this game didnt like performance, cause the devs wont tell it. And they have a load of work to patch uneccessary things, making good things crap or reviving issues which were solved a year ago and patch it back into the game. Even a Hexacore PC with 3 R290X GPU´s (i build one for a customer) is struggeling into 20Fps regions and stays there after a while. My suggestion to you were this: feel free to upgrade your System for other games , but dont do it for Arma, it will slap your face.
  12. 20-25fps in multiplayer. Maybe 30fps, for 2 minutes and then back to 20-25fps. Glad we could help
  13. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Thanks for the clarification, 1000 thanks :)
  14. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    When i use the GUI it edits the file in the userconfig. In modfolder itself is a cfonfig.sqf which doesnt change after using GUI. Is it not important? Cause the game reads the file from userconfig instead modfolder or how should i handle that?
  15. This pack has now unlimited "stay in my mod list access", all Uniforms are a really Eyecatcher, great Textures, fantastic backpacks.... Wow, awesome ;) Thanks guys :)
  16. Finally, thanks mate, loading it now. Thanks
  17. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Great, will DL it after breakfast. Both will be delicious ^^
  18. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Thread should be closed with this posting, thats what i try to tell so much people... But Humans are humans, many of them didnt even know what they are talking about when thy giving suggestions to increase fps. I am not a game dev, but i work with computers, soft&hardware and all around this sector since over 20 years, couple of years ago i won 1st Place in a Crysis Screenshot Editing with Cryengine in Germany, means that i often know about i am speaking. Enough Biography ^^ Devs, fix that engine or give at least a statement why it takes so long to rework this Godzilla Old Engine.. As the customers which playing&supporting this product we should have the right for that.
  19. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    The "affect fps" function seems to be disabled in Arma3. All "fps gain" are propably "Hardcoded" to NO We talk about gain frames and not about poop like 2 or 3 frames which you gain through changing whole Options to get this 2 frames.This is ridicolous in Arma, and everyone who plays the game knows the problem. Expect of the devs propably, no word were lost due hard sucking performance on better PC´s... It´s extreme ridicolous but Frames are not acceptable for Players with better PC´s, about the Multiplayer Netcode i´ll better be quiet (please no special expert discussion which starts with "depends on server and ping and so on...") this bores me and is just a tickle disussionable...
  20. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Nice, looks great :)
  21. Orange lamp is moving permanentley, looks cool in the dark
  22. Spend the money for a charity thing, paying so much to gain a maximum of 5 frames for a not and propably never will be optimized Game... Cmon dude.. Or did you still hoping they will start to optimize this part of Arma? I need to laugh always when i see what have priority instantly patching the devbranch (things like the good fatigue or chickens which are able to open your inventory)
  23. Hey SaOk, i though about this kind of bases (i build it fast, so sorry if the Lamps are not correctly or the attacking Jet are missplaced) bases with some kind of research crap on the ground and those research boob like bunkers) and the assembled device, ithought this could be cool for immersion and stuff^^ just an idea
  24. I still think the static Units are not set to "Combat".. Or the AI is just blind like a Hegdehog. And dumb.
  25. Cool, looking forward to it :) How is it with "Templates" mean such complete bases (small/medium sized) when it be possible to buy such, of course for a lot of prestige points, but when earning points fast there should be possibility to spend it for a expensive object in just a blink of an eye ^^