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Everything posted by LSD_Timewarp82

  1. LSD_Timewarp82

    (SMA) Specialist Military Arms

    That looks awesome, hope u are finished soon ^^
  2. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Hey there :) thanks for your reply. I set "bcombat_cover_radius" to 15,20 and it worked well in my opinion, the enemy was searching the area and 2 enemys was checking the house where i was hiding. They died both^^ Thx for your addon :)
  3. Didnt i send you SaoK a picture of the error which xrook has posted a ton of months ago? It was at the time i´ve had this problems with loading savegames. I might to believe in the error months ago was the sentence "selectt best places" :confused:
  4. LSD_Timewarp82

    True Ultra Shadow settings [Mod]

    But i noticed an Issue with the clouds, when flying in helicopter and using freelook to look on the clouds they were disappear, and looking forward they were present again. Just to let you know :)
  5. Yeah, i didnt say its your missions fault, just posted for information ;)
  6. LSD_Timewarp82

    True Ultra Shadow settings [Mod]

    I noticed that the option "Clouds" has an "UltraHigh" setting, was this always available or cause using this config? Another question: would a sort of settings like these possible to another things like grass? I dont like that there is no grass on the ground when i look 50 or 100meters straight forward ^^ @ Blackpixel: Geile Signatur, alter Schwede :o Und so Wahrheitsgerecht^^
  7. I did some tests last night according the performance, so i started a new game and teleported myself (without the teammembers) into a small village (was empty on map, no CSAT,NATO,AAF) and i run into a house to hide. After ~30 minutes (still didn´t die) and some dead CSAT Soldiers i noticed the first drop of the frames. I think it´s cause more and more stupid civilians (i hate them so much in this game) shows up on the map (MCC map shows all activitys) and some dead bodies are still there and some groups of enemys were heading towards me. The next 2 hours i could notice more drops, i would suggest it´s cause the enemy spawned with a camp and some tanks ~ 1km from my position. I decided to capture this camp and so i did. Using some Artillery and camp was mine^^ but the frames goes even more down, i think cause the AAF spawned in a camp and 1 minute later CSAT were heading with a at least 10 groups towars it to recapture it. Groups with a ton of soldiers and tanks. The frames was real bad so i decided to delete dead bodies on whole map. After this my frames were better, aiming was much better possible, it was feelable better. After all this i think the frames are dropping hard relating to the spawned AI around me and on the map and this brings me to the last test: i deleted all Units on the map (not the camps, just Units which spawned) and it was awesome, my frames rushed into regions of 60-80fps ^^ But they dropped after the mission has started to spawn enemys all over the map + these units which again were on the way to recapture this camp which they have lost a minute ago. Should mean: spawning Units kills frames ^^
  8. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Will the AI then search buildings or is that not important? I hide often in builings and i love it when the Ai is searching houses. Which Value i have to edit?
  9. Yeah okay, no problem. I started a new mission and reconfigured my modlist. Only 44 ^^ mods active, but i dont think they could conflict in a special way with your mission, most of those mods are for Weapons and Gear.
  10. The Uniforms still cant take more than 1-3 items :( Shouldnt this have been fixed for that release?
  11. life Range is set to 10%, it´s default when choosing the options before starting the new mission. Should i set it higher or normal? Hmm with the massive guardposts, yes there were some kind of guardposts on couple of areas. The assembled devices, some walls and camonets and enemys of course. Why u ask?
  12. Of course i did, thats usual way i did
  13. After ~ 12hrs of Gameplay 3/4 of the map is/were mine. I think there are too many Units on the map, my frames dropped real hard to single digit (mostly 9 frames) traveling to locations where the map is not full with enemys didnt fix that. I was able to watch how my frames are dropping camp after camp i captured. This is a great mission and its fantastic with the nearly daily updates but that what this mission try to realize (Huge Battle on huge map) is in my opinion not possible with the crappy engine
  14. I reported this a while ago, i am mot sure but i might to remember that this issue were fixed?
  15. More deadly? Hahahahahaha, this made my day^^ btw: stutter didnt stop at the afternoon, while stutering i finished 2 tasks to be sure that the stutter doesnt belongs to unfinished missions. Need to start a new mission :(
  16. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Sure, i got 2 pics of the Version with 30 round Mag. There is a C-Mag Version and Black colour Version too...
  17. Dont know what is wrong but i get this stutter again, this stutter which feels like he cant load a task. Every 10 seconds a short stutter->normal gameplay->10seconds later-> short stutter..
  18. Can you explain this, i didnt understand it completley. I played yesterday a couple of hours and i dont want to make something wrong. Missionbased i am 500m away from Fox Crow, he will die^^ So when i have to use the text into the debug window?
  19. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Ok thanks, didnt look till now in VAS. I will do it this way then, no problem :)
  20. LSD_Timewarp82

    EricJ Release thread

    Did you remove the Supressor for the M107? Cant find it in the box :(
  21. 4 Hours, hmmm maybe i am still Online then. Had yesterday some confusion on the screen. That means that always when i finished the task to Kill this Resistance guy which cooperates with CSAT (dont remember how the task where called, the Task after rescue POW) i had a PhysX3.dll error. In 4 of 4 times i recieved the error. Confusion was perfect^^
  22. Pretty strange, seems that sometimes you die sometimes not. I had this situation a hour ago and usually i would die after so many GMG´s had hit the tank. But not this time. Wasn´t an update planned for today? ^^
  23. LSD_Timewarp82

    [OPEN BETA] [SP] bCombat infantry AI Mod

    Units spawns with Nv Googles, but i set it to off. Config says "bcombat_remove_nvgoggles = true" What can i do to set all units (spawning units too) to have not NV googles equipped?
  24. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Well, seems to be possible, the Animations looks same as other Arma games. But i think this will never change, Arma games seems to have a copyright for "Low-fps" gaming. And that is real sad.
  25. LSD_Timewarp82

    Low CPU utilization & Low FPS

    Didnt hear nothing really spectacular about the DayZ FPS in the last weeks, only complains due low fps. As always on the Arma based Games. Could it be that the Engine is just crap?