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Everything posted by davidzi

  1. davidzi

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    We've been testing it for a few days and it's a immense improvement from the one click revive method. Here's what I think should be added/changed/improved upon: Require a diagnosis first, if the medic performs a diagnosis he should get the option to bandage all wounds using a looping animation telling him which bodypart (sometimes multiple times) is being treated. An option to cancel the current action when in danger would be nice to have. Currently having to bring up the interface and bandage every body part separately is very time consuming and slows down a mission considerably. Currently being shot in a specific bodypart does not correspond with which bodypart you have to bandage and leads to having to bandage all bodyparts. Being wounded in a specific bodypart and that having its specific influence on gameplay (forced to crawl/crouch when shot in the legs) instead of going unconcious would be very nice. Medics should get more supplies from the start, we have to change loadout scripts or place down a medical box in every mission. Regular infantry should also get a few more bandages from the start (8?). Medical trucks having more supplies by default also comes to mind. Loading injured teammates into the medical trucks would halt the bleedout process? I know that some people don't like the action menu, but having the drag (and carry possibly) option there would be beneficial and make gameplay more fluid or maybe turn it into a configurable keybind in the AGM options? The possibility to go to a hospital at base and remove every negative aspect of wounds/blood/pain.
  2. Perfect, that's exactly it. I also forgot to add the case in the init. Thank you very much.
  3. Didn't work unfortunately. Am I putting it in the wrong place? Still trying in DAC_Config_Events.sqf
  4. Thank you very much for the release! I'm using the script version and trying to lock vehicles spawned with DAC for the players. I've found that adding ["_vehc lock true"] to DAC_Config_Events.sqf should do the trick, but it isn't working here, I can still enter them. Tried putting it in _Events_Unit_V _Events_Unit_T and _Events_Vehicle for the relative case. Would be great if I could for example lock armour spawned with DAC but leave technicals and trucks unlocked. Any tips? Thanks!
  5. davidzi

    Custom ammo box in MP

    Larrow's solution will work on dedicated server.
  6. Try leaving out the last parameter "ASSIGNED" or set it to false.
  7. davidzi

    HVT Interaction Script

    Looks very promising. Can I request that you make it compatible with units which are spawned/despawned later in the mission? Based on side, faction or classname for the units to capture that we configure in the script so that the addaction is automatically added for every unit. Another idea is to maybe add some sort of handcuffing and be able to fireman carry them. I'll use it in a mission tonight. Thanks for releasing.
  8. davidzi

    ASR AI 3

    Thank you for the release. I'm getting these scripterrors when using the grenade launcher. Also happens in gunships: Running DEV build Error in expression <e = 50; _early = true; }; }; }; if (_range < 50) exitWith { ; }; if (_early> Error position: <_range < 50) exitWith { ; }; if (_early> Error Undefined variable in expression: _range File x\asr_ai3\addons\sysdanger\fnc_firedExplosive.sqf, line 69 Error in expression <rEntities [["CAManBase","StaticWeapon"],_range]); > Error position: <_range]); > Error Undefined variable in expression: _range File x\asr_ai3\addons\sysdanger\fnc_firedExplosive.sqf, line 135
  9. davidzi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    That worked. Thank you very much!
  10. davidzi

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    Thanks to everybody for maintaining these versatile and easy to use scripts. I'm spawning enemies and add them to upsmon as Beerkan suggested in the previous thread. Once players enter a trigger area, everything works fine. When players leave the area the units are deleted. When deleting the units I'm getting scripterrors. I'm guessing upsmon tries to count the leaders and the groups after they have been deleted? Using an older version, line 321 of upsmon.sqf { if (count _obj>0) then { _npc = [_obj,count _obj] call MON_getleader; }; }; Error count: Type object, expected array,config entry While using v6.0.6.4 I get the same error + 2 or 3 others } count KRON_NPCs > 0; // line 1730 of UPMON_MainLoop.sqf Type Nothing, expected Number _grpidx = format["%1",_grpid]; // line 15 UPS_Track.sqf (debug disabled) Undefined Variable in expression _grpid I tried using both _x setDamage 1; and deleteVehicle _x; to remove the spawned units when leaving the area.
  11. Thank you for the explanation. I think it moved the documents to every xyz coordinates for every entry as it always showed up on the last entry when I swapped them around. I was messing about and found this working too before you posted, but I like your second solution better. Documentobj = createVehicle ["EvMap", getMarkerPos "spawnmap", [], 0, "NONE"]; Documentrandompos = [[17471.7,13071.4,17.9217], [17477.6,13214.3,17.9069], [17318.7,13186,17.9197], [17397.7,13247.1,0.628966]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; Documentobj setPosATL Documentrandompos; Yes, I need the height as well. I don't know how to do that with markers. I want it to spawn in one of the 3 watchtowers in the military base North East of Pygros. Thanks for the help, it seems to work!
  12. //init.sqf Documentobj = createVehicle ["EvMap", getMarkerPos "spawndocuments", [], 0, "NONE"]; Documentrandompos = [[Documentobj setPosATL [17471.7,13071.4,17.9217]], [Documentobj setPosATL [17477.6,13214.3,17.9069]], [Documentobj setPosATL [17318.7,13186,17.9197]], [Documentobj setPosATL [17397.7,13247.1,0.628966]]] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; The item is always moved to the same location, the last entry. Whichever order I set them in. Any pointers to what I'm doing wrong? Edit: Solved
  13. This is truly great. Being a medic will be fun again. Shame about Arma3 hitpoint system still being broken though http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=8047 Is there a way to leave a chat channel open when you are knocked out so that players can type in #vote mission etc? Can you even exit the game? I also prefer only medics being able to perform these actions and other players just stop some bleeding. Thank you very much for sharing. Looking forward to future updates.
  14. I noticed it crashed more frequently or not at all in certain places so I thought it must be something that is loading at those locations. Long shot, but if you're talking about reopening a mission in the editor: go into the mission.sqm and edit out all the addon dependencies between both []. I'm not familiar with singleplayer savefiles, but maybe it's the same.
  15. I've got Lingor a couple of months ago. You need to remove one of the pbo files. I believe it was lingor_objects.pbo, you'll get a few error popups and missing textures of course but it won't crash anymore. Hope it still works.
  16. Is there any way to force the mask of the rebreather to activate on land? None of the methods that I found worked. Would go perfectly with this script. Thanks for sharing. Bimmer Bomber, client\gasLoopInit.sqf means you have a file called gasLoopInit.sqf inside a folder named client (that you create). YourMissionName.Altis\client\gasLoopInit.sqf
  17. Thank you very much for the explanation, it works now. The fact that the helicopter moved to the waypoint when side is EAST and didn't move when it was WEST made me think it was a bug.
  18. I'm having trouble making a spawned littlebird go to my waypoints: trigger: lb1 = [getMarkerPos "spawnlb1", 0, "B_Heli_Light_01_armed_F", EAST] call bis_fnc_spawnVehicle; moveWp1 = lb1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "lb1m", 200]; moveWp1 setWaypointType "SAD"; This works. The helicopter spawns, goes to the waypoint and attacks the units present. It does give me an error though type array expected group However, when I change EAST to WEST, the littlebird refuses to move after it spawned. (same with independent) I've tried playing as blufor and opfor, also placing a blufor and opfor unit on the map prior to spawning it. It doesn't move.
  19. Fantastic mod you have here, thanks for releasing and maintaining it. Since the last update I find the rifle and pistols sounds extremely low, grenades, grenade launchers and other explosives sound fine. I find myself forced to use JSRS to have audible sounds. Any way to increase them? Edit: I'm unable to launch missions on a dedicated server, stuck on loading screen using the DEV build. Anyone had better luck? Posted the rpt on the bug tracker.
  20. davidzi

    R3F French Weapons Pack

    Congratulations on the quality mod, I've been using it since the alpha. Someone reported a bug that crashes the game: Equip an enemy bot with 7.62 Minimi without handgrip, shoot him and Arma3 crashes. Using the dev build.