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Everything posted by superfluid

  1. Okay so this is a bit of a workaround to get you working until the Independent fixes to ALiVE are made and/or drongo updates his mod. The changes will put drIrregulars onto the "East" faction. (or you could cheat and just download my modified mod directory http://arma.quartermoa.com/mods/super_irregulars_20131213.zip :)) In the interest of sharing knowledge here are the full steps. Basically, what you're going to do is unpack the drirregulars PBO, unbin the config.bin file, edit config.cpp, re-bin it, then repack the pbo. You'll want to keep backup copies of drirregulars.pbo and config.bin. I'm still pretty new to this but since others have helped me it's only right I pay it forward. :) You'll need to have on hand the "Arma 3 Tools" package that was recently released on Steam, and some way of unpacking and repacking PBO files (I use PBO Manager: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=16369). Hop into your main Arma3 directory (Steam/SteamApps/common/Arma 3/) In another Explorer window navigate to (Steam/SteamApps/common/Arma 3 Tools/CfgConvert/) Go into @dr_irregulars/addons/ Copy drirregulars.pbo aside (drirregulars.pbox). Right-click drirregulars.pbo and click "PBO Manager" -> "Extract to drirrgulars/". You should see a new directory be created named "drirregulars". Enter this new directory. One of the files you should see is config.bin. Copy it aside with a new name (config.binx) This step is important: Drag the config.bin ON TOP OF the BINtoCPP.bat in the CfgConvert directory. You should see a new file be created named config.cpp. Open config.cpp in a text editor. Globally search and replace instances of "side=2" with "side=0" Find where it says "INDEP" beneath the "class CfgGroups" directive and change "INDEP" to "East". Find the group named "driRifleSquad" (look for "class driRifleSquad). Add "side=0;" (without quotes) underneath the line that says 'faction="drIrregulars"' Do the same for the group named "driWeaponsTeam". Save and close the file. Drag the config.cpp file onto CfgConvert/CPPtoBIN.bat. This should overwrite the previous config.bin with your modified one. Go up one directory, right-click on the drirregulars directory (the one that was unpacked from the pbo), create PBO. This will overwrite drirregulars.pbo. After that you should be good to go. Add "drIrregulars" to the Force Faction input field in the military [civilian] placement module, and away you go!
  2. Hey what do you know, moving the units to East, side=0 in the config totally worked! Woot! Really appreciate your help here and fast responses. You guys are doing amazing work. I think I know what I'm going to be doing this weekend :) All the credit here goes to Drongo69 and ARJay and the ALiVE crew. I barely know what I'm doing, but it's nice of you to say so. Only one way to learn though :)
  3. Great, thanks for the explanation! You're right these configs aren't super well documented. I'm still trying to get the DR Irregulars mod over the finish line... I'm totally committed :) pardon the dump here but as far as I can tell the CfgFactionClasses and CfgFactionGroups look correct, from your description and others I've seen. Am I missing something obvious? :confused: Appreciate your patience :) As per your examples, I edited the two groups to add the side=2; entries, but it still seemed to have no effect. What's interesting to note is that if I enter a gibberish name into the Force Faction field, I seem to get my zones populated by OPFOR by default. However, entering drIrregulars causes nothing to be spawned. So it seems like it is picking up the faction in a way, but something still seems off. class cfgFactionClasses { class drIrregulars { icon="\drIrregulars\Flag.paa"; displayName="DR Irregulars"; priority=2; side=2; }; }; class CfgGroups { class INDEP { name="Independent"; class drIrregulars { name="DR Irregulars"; class Infantry { name="Infantry"; class driRifleSquad { name="Rifle Squad"; faction="drIrregulars"; rarityGroup=0.5; side=2; class Unit0 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_SquadLeader"; rank="SERGEANT"; position[]={0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_Grenadier"; rank="CORPORAL"; position[]={3,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_MachineGunner"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_RPG7Soldier"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={7,0,0}; }; class Unit4 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_Rifleman"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={9,0,0}; }; class Unit5 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_Grenadier"; rank="CORPORAL"; position[]={12,0,0}; }; class Unit6 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_AutomaticRifleman"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={14,0,0}; }; class Unit7 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_Medic"; rank="CORPORAL"; position[]={16,0,0}; }; class Unit8 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_Marksman"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={18,0,0}; }; }; class driWeaponsTeam { name="Weapons Team"; faction="drIrregulars"; rarityGroup=0.5; side=2; class Unit0 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_SquadLeader"; rank="SERGEANT"; position[]={0,5,0}; }; class Unit1 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_RPG7Soldier"; rank="CORPORAL"; position[]={3,0,0}; }; class Unit2 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_RPG7Soldier"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={5,0,0}; }; class Unit3 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_ATSoldier"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={7,0,0}; }; class Unit4 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_AASoldier"; rank="CORPORAL"; position[]={9,0,0}; }; class Unit5 { side=2; vehicle="DRI_AutomaticRifleman"; rank="PRIVATE"; position[]={12,0,0}; }; }; }; }; }; }; Locally executing [getPos player, independent, (configFile >> "CfgGroups" >> "INDEP" >> "drIrregulars" >> "Infantry" >> "driRifleSquad")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup causes a drIrregulars rifle squad to be plopped down next to me, so that seems to work at least.
  4. It would be awesome if someone could someone mention what third-party factions you have gotten to work with ALiVE, and perhaps what the specific Force Faction value you used was. I'm tired of handing out whoopings to those poor Iranians. If I could make one aspect of ALiVE misision editing easier, it would be selecting a specific faction, through a drop down or something similar. A list of supported faction mods, or ones that are known to work would be absolutely stellar. I've tried doing a minimum amount of spelunking through the Config browser, and saw that that Drongo69's "Middle East Irregulars" has an entry under CfgGroups: "drIrregulars" (which is what I used in the "Force Faction" field) with "Infantry" entry beneath it, but I couldn't get them to spawn. Using OPF_F or BLU_F seems to work okay as far as I can tell. Would you mind describing what the process is for finding out correct values (perhaps via the Config browser) to feed into the "Force Faction" box? Failing that, and more involved, how we can edit mods to make them support the standard discovery mechanisms? I understand you've described this process in the past to certain mod authors to enable ALiVE/MSO to support them? Forever in your debt! :)