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Everything posted by Idomass

  1. Idomass

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    Please stream exploring the map i need it so badly
  2. Idomass

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    @PuFu can you screenshot destruction (if exist) of bridges and the towers?
  3. Idomass

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    @PuFu can you stream on this computer?
  4. Idomass

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    @PuFo can you open a livestream? i think that isa batter soultion
  5. Idomass


    its a bug, they said that it will get fixed soon
  6. Idomass


    about viper team helmet : <Original>Next generation combined helmet developed in China for special military operatives. Shields physical heat and renders the soldier invisible to Thermal Imaging if used with compatible uniform. This helmet combines a protective function with the functionality other soldiers seek via additional equipment, such as night vision.</Original>
  7. Idomass


    <Original>AKS-74U 5.45 mm Assault Rifle, AKM 7.62 mm Assault Rifle, AK-12 7.62 mm Assault Rifle, RPG-7 Launcher, PM 9 mm Pistol, SPAR-16/S/17 Assault Rifles, CAR-95 5.8 mm Assault Rifle, CAR-95-1 5.8 mm Light Support Weapon, LIM-85 5.56 mm Light Machine Gun, Type 115 6.5 mm / .50 cal Assault Rifle, Protector 9 mm Sub-Machine Gun, CMR-76 6.5 mm Designated Marksman Rifle, ERCO Optics</Original> found it line 11249
  8. Idomass


    line 5485 - do you think that we can use that canon?
  9. Idomass


    can someone livestream it? my computer is broken :(
  10. As the title asks, do you think that it is possiable?
  11. As far i can tell you there is 3 missions that your alone at them. at the 1st mission (Situation normal) and the 2nd mission (Signal lost) you need only to regroup with survivors. at the 3rd (attention deficit) one you need to create a distraction and you can accomplish that by shotting at the air. btw sorry for my bad english.
  12. Idomass


    4:29 top right poster - Another version of MK-I EMR? it have a shorter mag diffrrent grip and a ghillied version.
  13. Idomass


    (2:32 and 3:14) A map at the background. can it be Tanoa?
  14. Hi, As the title says i cant find a way to randomize respawn positions (from existing markers). Any ideas? Thanks ahead for the helpers :D
  15. Hi, Im trying to create a respawn in your group that is working with the End game systems (revive and respawn map) unfortunately without success yet. My question is: is it possible to respawn in your group if it in fighting area? (Your group not the squad leader). Thank ahead for the helpers!
  16. Idomass

    Respawn in group?

    Already tried this it had some problems with seagull thing, I'm asking for option to respawn near your teammates, That's it.
  17. Hi! I have my WIP bomb game to Arma 3. And in my money system i having troubles define who bought an weapon (in addaction). I defined the guy that called the script as usual: _caller. How can i check what is the name of the guy that bought (lets say t1 is hes name and hes money variable is tm1). how can check if he have enough money (tm1 > 1999) and who is the guy that called the script? (maybe _Caller == t1). And if he have no money how i can exit using exitwith {}; NOTICE : if (_caller == t1) then {if (tm1 < 1999) exitwith {};tm1 = (tm1 -2000);};<-------- i found this useless and not wotking Buyar.sqf: abs1 addaction ["TRG-20 (2000$)",{ _target = _this select 0; _caller = _this select 1; if (side _caller == blufor) exitwith {}; if (WHO IS THE GUY?) then {HE HAVE ENOUGH MONEY?}; removeallassigneditems _caller; comment "Add items"; removeBackpack _caller; _caller addbackpack "B_AssaultPack_Base"; _caller linkItem "ItemMap"; _caller linkItem "ItemCompass"; _caller linkItem "ItemWatch"; _caller linkItem "ItemRadio"; _caller addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"; _caller addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"; _caller addmagazine "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag_Tracer_Green"; _caller addweapon "arifle_TRG20_F"; }];
  18. Hi i have a mission that i created CSGO style and i have a problem with the defuse script. the problem is that no one can see the defuse action and activate the script. the plant bomb is called at the start of the round as: PBAA = bpsa addAction ["Plant Bomb", {BA = [] execVM "BombplantedA.sqf"} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == opfor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; and its private (side _this == opfor) so only opfor can call it. in BombplantedA.sqf the defuse script called as AddAction: DBAA = bpsa addAction ["Defuse Bomb", {DBA = [] execVM "defuse_scriptA.sqf"} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == blufor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; And thats is the code at defuse_scriptA.sqf: hint "Defusing Bomb.."; sleep 7 ;terminate BA; hint "The Bomb has been defused!"; bpsa removeAction actionCTA; [] execvm "ctwin.sqf"; From some reasons the blufor side cant defuse the bomb (He have no action). I dont know why but i think because the first script "BombplantedA.sqf" that is called in private addaction. How can i fix it? Thanks ahead for all the helpers
  19. Oh... I thought that is some tricky stuff, its already defined I have mannaged to create to bomb defuse script working using PublicVariable but the problem after a round is finished by bomb defuse\bomb explosion it will retart the bomb script. this is the init.sqf: tscore = 0; ctscore = 0; rlimit = 0; rnumber = 0; bpat = -1; publicvariable "bpat"; bpbt = -1; publicvariable "bpbt"; bpatp = -1; publicvariable "bpatp"; bpbtp = -1; publicvariable "bpbtp"; this is the script that every round is restarting- roundstart.sqf: bpat = -1; publicvariable "bpat"; bpbt = -1; publicvariable "bpbt"; sleep 1; actionCTA = bpsa addAction ["Defuse Bomb", {if (bpat <1) exitWith{}; hint "Defusing Bomb..";sleep 7;bpat = -1;publicvariable "bpat";hint "The Bomb has been defused!";bpsa removeAction actionCTA;[] execvm "ctwin.sqf";} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == blufor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; actionCTB =bpsb addAction ["Defuse Bomb", {if (bpbt <1) exitWith{};hint "Defusing Bomb..";sleep 7;bpbt = -1;publicvariable "bpbt";hint "The Bomb has been defused!";bpsb removeAction actionCTB;[] execvm "ctwin.sqf";} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == blufor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; actionTA = bpsa addAction ["Plant Bomb", {bpsa removeAction actionTA;bpsb removeAction actionTB;hint "Planting Bomb.."; sleep 3;bpatp = 2;publicvariable "bpatp";} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == opfor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; actionTB = bpsb addAction ["Plant Bomb", {bpsa removeAction actionTA;bpsb removeAction actionTB;hint "Planting Bomb..";sleep 3;bpbtp = 2;publicvariable "bpbtp";} , 0, 0, true, true, "" , "(side _this == opfor) and (_target == bpsa) and (_this distance _target < 3)"]; [] execvm "bombA.sqf"; [] execvm "bombB.sqf"; rnumber =(rnumber+1); titletext [format ["Round %1", rnumber], "Plain"]; T1 setPos (getmarkerPos "T1s"); T2 setPos (getmarkerPos "T2s"); T3 setPos (getmarkerPos "T3s"); T4 setPos (getmarkerPos "T4s"); T5 setPos (getmarkerPos "T5s"); CT1 setPos (getmarkerPos "CT1s"); CT2 setPos (getmarkerPos "CT2s"); CT3 setPos (getmarkerPos "CT3s"); CT4 setPos (getmarkerPos "CT4s"); CT5 setPos (getmarkerPos "CT5s"); T1 setDamage 0; T2 setDamage 0; T3 setDamage 0; T4 setDamage 0; T5 setDamage 0; CT1 setDamage 0; CT2 setDamage 0; CT3 setDamage 0; CT4 setDamage 0; CT5 setDamage 0; T1 setdir 180; T2 setdir 180; T3 setdir 180; T4 setdir 180; T5 setdir 180; CT1 setdir 0; CT2 setdir 0; CT3 setdir 0; CT4 setdir 0; CT5 setdir 0; T1 allowdammage true; T2 allowdammage true; T3 allowdammage true; T4 allowdammage true; T5 allowdammage true; CT1 allowdammage true; CT2 allowdammage true; CT3 allowdammage true; CT4 allowdammage true; CT5 allowdammage true; deletevehicle d; ctw = 0; tw = 0; trg1 settriggerstatements ["!this","null = [] execvm 'ctwin.sqf';",""]; trg settriggerstatements ["!this","null = [] execvm 'twin.sqf';",""]; rtimel = 180; while {rtimel > 0} do { rtimel = (rtimel -1); titletext [format ["Round time left is %1 seconds",rtimel],"plain down"]; sleep 1; if (bpat >1) exitWith{}; if (bpbt >1) exitWith{}; if (ctw >1) exitWith{}; if (tw >1) exitWith{}; }; if (bpat >1) exitWith{}; if (bpbt >1) exitWith{}; if (ctw >1) exitWith{}; if (tw >1) exitWith{}; [] execvm "ctwin.sqf"; lets say that the bomb is planted on A, so this is bomba.sqf: waituntil {bpatp >1}; hint "The Bomb has been planted..";trg1 settriggerstatements ["false","null = [] execvm 'ctwin.sqf';",""];bpat = 46;publicvariable "bpat";while {bpat >1} do {bpat = (bpat-1);titletext [format ["%1 seconds to detonation",bpat],"plain down"];sleep 1};if (bpat <1) exitWith{};sleep 0.5;explosion1 = "R_60mm_HE" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "baep");bpsa disableCollisionWith explosion1;[] execvm "twin.sqf"; if (true) exitwith {}; the problem in here probably i dint know why but it makes the next round start like the bomb has been planted. (TWin.sqf calls back the roundstart.sqf)
  20. how can i define BPSA?
  21. After exporting my model from blender it gets sometimes realy strange: before(in blender): http://www.mediafire.com/view/7wkyq2rf9689bmq/blender-app%202015-05-14%2020-37-32-83.png after (in O2 or object builder, whatever): http://www.mediafire.com/view/k26grz7evly2e6r/2.png (sorry for my google translate english)
  22. Idomass

    3d models textures changing colors

    thanks! i will check it out and update you with the results. UPDATE: it works thanks very much!
  23. i have a 3d model and it texture looks nice at blender and in the right colors, when im checking the model ingame the texture changing color or painted in other color. how can i fix it?
  24. im tried to do a custom cannon and shell for my markava and i cant find the problem- the problem is that the driver have the custom shell and it comes out from hes seat configs: armor main config: class CfgPatches { class merkava { units[] = {"namer","shirion_crew","merkava"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"IDF_main","A3_Armor_F"}; Author[] = {"Ido"}; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class shirion { displayName = "Armored"; }; }; class cfgvehicles { /*extern*/ class B_Soldier_base_F; /*extern*/ class B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F; /*extern*/ class B_MBT_01_CANNON_F; class shirion_crew: B_Soldier_base_F { author = "Ido"; faction = "IDF"; scope = 2; _generalMacro = "shirion_crew"; displayName = "Shirion crew"; nakedUniform = "U_BasicBody"; model = "\A3\Characters_F_Beta\INDEP\ia_soldier_01.p3d"; vehicleClass = Shirion; uniformClass = "shirion_uniform"; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\IDF\armor\shirion_uniform\data\shirion_co.paa"}; weapons[] = {"RH_m4a1_ris", "hgun_P07_F", "Throw", "Put", "Binocular"}; respawnWeapons[] = {"RH_m4a1_ris", "hgun_P07_F", "Throw", "Put", "Binocular"}; magazines[] = { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", }; respawnMagazines[] = { "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", "16Rnd_9x21_Mag", }; linkedItems[] = {"H_HelmetCrew_I", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"}; respawnLinkedItems[] = {"H_HelmetCrew_I", "ItemMap", "ItemCompass", "ItemWatch", "ItemRadio", "ItemGPS"}; }; class namer: B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F { _generalMacro = "namer"; author = "ido"; scope = 2; faction = "IDF"; displayName = "Namer"; vehicleClass = "shirion"; crew = "shirion_crew"; hiddenselections[] = {"camo1", "camo2", "camo3", "insignia"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\Armor_f_beta\apc_tracked_01\Data\apc_tracked_01_body_crv_co.paa", "IDF\armor\armor\data\namer_body.paa","a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_co.paa"}; }; class merkava: B_MBT_01_CANNON_F { _generalMacro = "merkava"; author = "ido"; crew = "shirion_crew"; scope = 2; faction = "IDF"; armor = 900; maxSpeed = 70; weapons[] = {"Merkava_cannon", "LMG_M200"}; magazines[] = {"hatzav_ammo", "16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red", "2000Rnd_65x39_belt", "2000Rnd_65x39_belt"}; discreteDistance = {100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200, 1300, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2000, 2100, 2200, 2300, 2400 , 3000; displayName = "Merkava Siman IV"; vehicleClass = "shirion"; camouflage = 5; hiddenSelections[] = {"Camo1","camo2"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"idf\armor\armor\data\mbt_01_mk.paa", "IDF\armor\armor\data\mbt_01_tow_mk.paa"}; }; }; }; markava_cannon config: class CfgPatches { class merkava_cannon { units[] = {"merkava_cannon"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; Author[] = {"Ido"}; }; }; class cfgWeapons { /*extern*/ class cannon_120mm; class merkava_cannon : cannon_120mm { displayName = Merkava Cannon; magazines[] = {hatzav_ammo,32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells, 32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red, 32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Green, 32Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Yellow, 30Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells, 30Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Red, 30Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Green, 30Rnd_120mm_APFSDS_shells_Tracer_Yellow, 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells, 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red, 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Green, 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Yellow, 16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells, 16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Red, 16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Green, 16Rnd_120mm_HE_shells_Tracer_Yellow}; }; }; }; hatzav (the shell) class CfgPatches { class hatzav { units[] = {"hatzav_ammo","hatzav"}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Weapons_F"}; Author[] = {"Ido"}; }; }; class cfgammo { /*extern*/ class Sh_120mm_HE; class hatzav: Sh_120mm_HE { displayName = "Hatzav Shell"; hit = 700; cost = 700; }; }; class CfgMagazines { /*extern*/ class 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells; class hatzav_ammo: 30Rnd_120mm_HE_shells { scope = 2; displayName = "Hatzav Shell"; displayNameShort = "Hatzav Shell"; ammo = "hatzav"; initSpeed = 2000; maxLeadSpeed = 300; tracersEvery = 0; nameSound = "cannon"; }; }; };