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Everything posted by mifel

  1. simple solution: move the hole trigger-window on the screen. after that you can use it correctly!
  2. mifel

    Audio glitches I can't seem to chase down

    I have the same bug with my Plantronics RIG 500 HD Headset!
  3. I have the same problem with my Plantronics RIG500HD. In 7.1 and stereo Mode. I hope they will fix it soon!
  4. It is possible to make the FIA to an enemy for the Blufor?
  5. I confirm the problem. But it is not just alone the drone darter. all drones who are destroyed causing the problem. An example: In the showcase "Armed Assault" is a Greyhawk drone. this is shot down after about 5 minutes. at this moment the game crashes. that is reproducible. sorry for my bad english. :cool: