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Everything posted by ZertyKchan

  1. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    That because they are in Careless Mode. If we change that I guess that they will try to take cover if they spot an enemy and switch to a combat mode, reducing their efficiency.
  2. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I mostly never used fast time because of its effect on the overcast (it looks awfull when there are clouds). I also find it strange that the server fps drops if active. Without some benchmark, i can't say that I have seen this effect, maybe you can try to augment the cycle timer in the clients and server FSM doing the fast time, 1 evolution every 20 minutes rather than every 3 seconds. And for the script you put it in the server init or global init with checking the CTI_isServer variable.
  3. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Put that some in the mission code so the server runs it for a despawning time of 4 minutes: Ill include that in next version.
  4. ZertyKchan

    when all 3 episodes are released...then what

    Obviously, try to improve the AI. They should grab some formal computer science guy to have a higher view of those problems than just programmers.
  5. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Town resistance is already processed by the HC, what I was tring to say is that it should NOT process all resistance AI but only 50% of it. One way to do so migth be to make the server part of the HC pool (so whan a real HC is present both the server and the HC get AI). It could reduce the chokepoint of having all AI in a single client. One point that i dont have time to test is to lower the skill of the AI, hopefully those will be related to the number of cycle per second needed per each AI (the values migth also be only related to min time and probabilities of the AI so no real changes awaited).
  6. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Sadly, I dont think we will be a way to improve the 15 AI cap without having more information about the main cycle of the game. What I would expect running on the server would be something like: - 1 Main cycle: generate the dynamic and FPS of the server - 1 netcode (cycle): need to update clients and the server, not necessary a cycle, can also be some functions called from the main loop - 1 AI cycle : generates the AI dynamics. What we already know is that if we stuff more than 150 AI in the AI cycle then the FPS (and CPS) drops. From that we can deduce that there is a strong synchronism between the Main cycle and the AI cycle. Moreover if the AI cycle is locked to a single thread then it means that it fills the execution stack of the CPU. From all that we could build some possible execution process of the main loop with all description of what tasks are consecutives, (a)syncronous... With some shared resources problem (memory space) and buffers. Please remember that all that is only speculations, and is not the image of what happens in reality, my point is to analyse how to go past that 150 AI cap, we really need much more information. Moreover, I don't know if formal methods are used @ BIS but it could be a nice thing if they used something like Time Petri Nets to run some verification And/Or simulation in order to optimise a classic problem of concurent systems. More practically, am not verry supprised that the HC is not that efficient since as it is called, its a client. And then the netcode also applies on that client. If all unit are present on that local client then that client becomes the bottlenec of the process (as we want to keep it "wynchonised" with the server). In the becti mission all AI are sent to the HC, which could reduce drastically the awaited performance (the problem is sent to the HC) so if someone has a server with an HC, I would recomend to test if the perfomances improve if you are only sending 25,50,75% of the AI to the HC (and not all of them). Oh, and if some dev are reading this my main question is if the exthread parametter allows concurency is the execution of AI. ps: town occupation is handled as resistance through the strategic mode.
  7. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    What you dont like my parameter names ? :) In my opinion the lag that the server experiences from the game is due to several things: - Since not all AI are not local to the server (player AI) and since the server has to synchonised all those in order to generate the game dynamic, then the lag generated is the longuest time needed to grab the AI position and parameters from a client and dispatch it to the other clients (allowing some desync when no human player is nearby). Thus, one cause of the lag could be (I migth be wong since IDK whats realy in the netcode) the fact that several units are local to clients, the worse client creating at some point the bottleneck in the main loop of the netcode. - Another parametter is the AI skill of units local to the server. Better skill means (I guess) a shorter cycle into the AI script since i guess they dont work with interruptions. So If you really want a smooth server, you need to disactivate/reduce the players team or find a way to put their AI local to the server (or a HC) , lower the skill of all AI and reduce the maxping of the server. All these are deductions from my experience, so take these words with care. All please keep in mind that we should get a nice update for server tomorrow :) To reduce the number of AI in my version go into the Addons/Strat_Mode/init.sqf, there is a loop somewhere that reduced the number of AI with the number of connected players. It looks like that: cheers ps : I dont spell check, I am french :)
  8. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I dont believe you can change that without making a addon that create another class of mortar/ammo that inherits from the default ones.
  9. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    1)Init_CommonConstants.sqf >CTI_SERVICE_PRICE_REAMMO_COEF = <change value (percent of price)>; 2) Client_OnTownCaptured.sqf > After line 53 add a _value = _value * <ratio>;
  10. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    PublicVariableFunction, those are used to send messages (which can run functions or change local variables) to the clients, server and so on You should use the last one, I tweaked several stuff in it and there should not have any error left (normally, but i got some on JIP when the server cps is dropping for some reason). Anyway benny, if you want to implement some sort of territorial mode, you are free to use parts of my code (as long as you keep proper credits :) ). If you need a DL link for the code, send me a private. Too late mate :) Oh, and before I forget, some video link that could be used to make the promotion of the warfare BE. Taken during a match between the Jammy warfare and arma2.ru servers : Cheers.
  11. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, could you send me more detail in a private message please, so i can see if I can patch the loopholes that migth be present in the mission? cheers
  12. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Only if the barrack is the first built building. The base area center is defined by the position of the first built building, the barack in this case. If you want to modify the parameters related to base building, those can be found in the Common/InitCommonConstants.sqf file.
  13. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    I can confirm that the "addItemCargoGlobal" command used, in the "Common\Functions\Common_EquipContainerBackpack.sqf" file is bugged, the best solution is going back to your old way with
  14. Hello there. For some reason since yesterday or so the gamelist is only showing about 500 ArmA 3 servers (there are actually about 1500 online). So my first question is "Is it only for me or can someone confirm this strange behavior". Another question it raises it on what criterion those servers are chosen (ping, nat, closest IRL), the thing is that sometime I want to play on a specific server, which could be outside of the "best" server list that ArmA or GameSpy have chosen. I think It is really critical because now player have to go on the server websites or game server lists to grab the ip of the server they really want to play on. Thank you for your attention and see you around.
  15. OK, thank you for your replies
  16. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Strange thing is that you still can drop the Titan missile and pick it up, but without any effect (the missile still not found in the inventory by the laucher)
  17. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, Thats exactly the case, when loaded from the gear menu, no ammo is considered valid for titan lauchers iven if it is in the backpack. Ive tried changing the classname of the titans lauchers to the unmarked ones with no effect. Strangely, the bug is not present if you create a new mission with only the player and a laucher box. In this case the titan can find its ammo and the classes on both the laucher and the ammo are the same as in the 0.97. So Ive thougth you hided some kind of watchdog to validate that the current weapon can be used considering the gear upgrade level. Sadly I Wont be able to do more test until next tuesday, maybe it could be fixed by dropping the backpack and taking it back, since its not related to the classes of the weapon and that Bis putted some restriction between lauchers and backpacks.
  18. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, Another bug is present on the mission, If anyone can confirm it: The titan lauchers cant load their ammos for some reason. I tried to see if some kind of limitation script was added for those but I could not find anything, so do anybosy may think of a cause for this strange behavior? Cheers
  19. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, Just did a quick test and I have some Questions / suggestions / remarks: - Is it possible to have some kind of indication of the time left before next fire mission in your custom artillery computer? - Under some conditions (I think its when you try tofire mine clusters in the custom artillery computer) the arty computer bugs and you cant select a new target - Its hard to see which structure you are selling in the base management menu - When you are selling all structures in a base, do the current base number for the side decreased? Keep up the good work , I love how you code look so good :)
  20. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Yeah but its not the same behavior cause with this edit you can still exchange part of your gear without actually paying (or i am wrong and i did not fully understand the reselling process)
  21. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Unpack the mission, go into client/Functions/UI/Function_gear_menu.sqf and replace the CTI_UI_Gear_UpdatePrice function with : CTI_UI_Gear_UpdatePrice = { private ["_coloration", "_trade_in"]; _trade_in = [uiNamespace getVariable "cti_dialog_ui_gear_target_staticgear", uiNamespace getVariable "cti_dialog_ui_gear_target_gear"] call CTI_UI_Gear_GetGearCostDelta; uiNamespace setVariable ["cti_dialog_ui_gear_tradein", _trade_in]; _trade_in_real=_trade_in ; if ( _trade_in < 0 ) then { _trade_in = 0 }; _coloration = if (_trade_in > 0) then {"#F56363"} else {"#76F563"}; ((uiNamespace getVariable "cti_dialog_ui_gear") displayCtrl 70025) ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["<t align='left'>Trade-in: <t color='%3'>$%1 </t>($ %5 )<t><t align='right'>Resources: <t color='%4'>$%2</t><t>", _trade_in, call CTI_CL_FNC_GetPlayerFunds, _coloration, CTI_P_Coloration_Money,_trade_in_real]; }; And repack.
  22. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Hey, I dont know why but sometimes i experience some massive framedrop on the server. And when it does i get shitones of message like this one: Server: Object 6:265 not found (message 117) Seems to do with the thrashing of remote objects like player IA. Anyoneone has any idea where it can be from ?
  23. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    Aw I forgot about that (lack of sleep :) ) thanks.
  24. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    In my opinion, the min range should be like 3 kilometers and max range between 20-40. Concerning the timout i'll say that the farther the shot is the longer is the timeout must be, That way if you try to directly fire on the enemy base, the next shot should not be before 20-30 seconds at max range. One other isue with the artillery is the mines shells, I tend to disable them by sanitazing the artilleries with private ["_side", "_vehicle"]; _vehicle = _this select 0; _side = _this select 1; //--- We check the Loadout switch (missionNamespace getVariable "CTI_UNITS_ARTILLERY_CLUSTER") do { case 0: {_vehicle execVM "Common\Functions\CTI_CO_FNC_SanitizeArtilleryCluster"};//--- Remove }; CTI_CO_FNC_SanitizeArtilleryCluster: private ["_magazines","_vehicle"]; ["INFORMATION", "FILE: Common\Functions\Client_OnPurchaseOrderReceived.sqf", "Cleaning artillery "] call CTI_CO_FNC_Log ; _vehicle = _this; while { alive _vehicle} do { _magazines = _vehicle magazinesTurret [0]; _magazines_remove = []; //--- Find Cluster mine magazines. { _ammo = getText(configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _x >> "ammo"); //--- We grab the ammo used by the magazine. if ( _ammo == "Mine_155mm_AMOS_range") then {_magazines_remove = _magazines_remove + [_x]}; } forEach _magazines; {if (_x in _magazines_remove) then {_vehicle removeMagazineTurret [_x,[0]]} } forEach _magazines; //--- Remove magazines if found. sleep 0.5; }; I have another question: do you have any idea why offroads are not shown in ligth factory when defined by something like: _c = _c + [' C_Offroad_01_F']; _p = _p + ['']; _n = _n + ['Police Car ']; _o = _o + [750]; _t = _t + [10]; _u = _u + [0]; _f = _f + [CTI_FACTORY_LIGHT]; _s = _s + ['police_pcar']; Keep Up the good work :)
  25. ZertyKchan

    [SP/MP] BeCTI

    It usually happens when some player has disactivated the IA on the slot before logout. The only way to fix that is to restart the mission. But again i migth be wrong.