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Posts posted by Gudsawn

  1. Our dedi server crashed this morning (server FPS went from ~40 to 0, mass lag). RPT spams the following:

    12:08:30 Matrix is not valid as physx transform!
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
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    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Overflow
    12:08:30 Matrix is not valid as physx transform!

    This was spammed over and over and over.

    Running latest stable 1.38 build. Server has been running absolutely fine for the last few weeks. Major lag has been reported since the last Arma update.

    Anyone experiencing similar issues?

  2. At first I wasn't sure about the new sounds - but the more I use the L85, the more they're growing on me :P

    Also, the pinnacle question: RIS - yay or nay? Do you think you'd ever work on this at some point? I love the handguard version of the L85, but it's not used much anymore by the military (except maybe the Queen's guards haha). Adding a RIS version to the pack would really put the cherry on the cake, you'd make a lot of people (including me) very happy indeed (maybe even enough to send another little donation your way) ;)

    Loving the L85 so far, I can't put the thing down :p

  3. Can I make one cheeky request? Your .max models can only be opened in 3DS Max and no other modelling programs (like Blender). Can you export these files in a universal file format such as .obj, .fbx, or .dae? These can be read by almost all modelling programs :)

  4. Operation Defence at Shepherd's Hill - SUN 1930 11JAN2015

    It's been a while since our last update, so here's some shots from tonight's op ;)


    3CB prepares before operation commences


    Griffin (Bravo) with an AT-4, targeting an enemy APC.


    Bravo watches the South


    Enemies paratroopers dropping in behind friendly lines


    Friendly APC approaches to support Bravo

    Full resolution (1440p) images:

    Operation Defence at Shepherd's Hill

    Was a brilliant op lads. Well done to all ;)

    Bravo stands strong!

  5. If you take a look into my Garrision script (in my signature), I have to get all the building positions for whatever enterable buildings are within the radius, you could use that function to get the positions in the building and build a randomized waypoint script based on the returned positions.

    Thanks, but getting building positions isn't the issue (I can use the BIS function _bPositions = [_house] call bis_fnc_buildingPositions to do that). The issue I'm having is with precise placement of waypoints indoors (via a script):

    However, the waypoints (created using addWaypoint) can't be placed precisely where I want them (inside the house) as they are automatically moved outside.
    Yea, I figured as much.

    I know you'll probably hate me for this but maybe you can find something here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Mission_Editor:_Waypoints#Script

    I'm sure someone else is better with unit spawning than I am for sure lol.

    Actually you kinda solved my problem haha ;)

    I saw the "Position In House" paragraph and ended up finding a couple of commands that I didn't know existed (waypointAttachObject and setWaypointHousePosition). Using these commands I put together this:

    for "_i" from 0 to ((count _bPositions) - 1) do {
    	_wp = _g addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0, _i];
    	_wp waypointAttachObject _house;
    	_wp setWaypointHousePosition _i;
    	// Set last waypoint to cycle
    	if (_i == (count _bPositions) - 1) then {
    		_wp setWaypointType "CYCLE";
    	} else {
    		_wp setWaypointType "MOVE";

    Which does exactly what I want (attaches waypoint to house, sets position in house to move to, sets last waypoint to cycle for a looped patrol).

  6. 3CB Kill Zeagle


    Ever feel like the Zeus eagle slightly breaks the immersion or makes it super obvious that you're Zeusing above your team-mates/enemies? Do you also find the "Player is now Zeus" notification a little irritating? Well, so do we - so I made this small mod.


    - Disables Zeus eagle

    - Disables "Player is now Zeus" notification.


    This mod must be run on servers (or the server host, if locally hosting an MP game) and not clients.

    Running on clients will have no effect.


    [ Download via Dropbox ]



    v1.01 (20/05/15)

    - fixed for latest A3 update

    v1.0 (10/01/15)

    - mod public release

  7. I want a unit to patrol a house by creating a series of "MOVE" waypoints via a script (ending with a "CYCLE" waypoint). However, the waypoints (created using addWaypoint) can't be placed precisely where I want them (inside the house) as they are automatically moved outside. Then I noticed this comment on the Biki:

    The waypoint may not be created exactly at the center position even if radius is zero. The position will be moved away if there are e.g. rocks at the center position or if it is placed at the edge of water on a shore

    So then I tried using setWaypointPosition and setWPPos. Same result - waypoints are automatically moved outside.

    Is there a way to precisely place waypoints inside a building? I'm aware I could 'hack it' using loops such as:

    while {true} do {
    	_pos = _bPositions select (floor random count _bPositions);
    	_unit doMove _pos;
    	_timeout = time + random(30);
    	waitUntil {sleep 1; time > _timeout || !alive _unit};

    but these are hugely resource intensive when run on lots of units at once. Is there something obvious I'm missing?

  8. From what I can tell, execFSM is still run on the object when createUnit is called. disableAI "FSM" from what I can tell just prevents the FSM from accessing the behaviour states.

    I suggested a few days ago tongue in cheek that disableAI "FSM" should be retitled to disableAI "Behaviour" since we have no way of terminating the FSM.

    Hmmm ok, so I could still use execFSM but it would be useless since it can't access any of the behaviour states? You're right, if it doesn't actually terminate the FSM then it should be renamed to that.

  9. When using _unit disableAI "FSM", does this simply prevent the default danger.fsm and formationC.fsm etc from executing or does it also disable using the execFSM command for that unit?

    My objective is to be able to disable the default FSMs for a specific unit and replace them with a custom one (using execFSM "myCustomDanger.fsm", for example). Is this the correct way to use this command?

  10. Are the reverberation/enhanced soundscape (L_ES) files not separate PBOs? I would like the ability to disable the reverb for gun sounds (e.g. indoor gun reverb) by removing the related PBO. With JSRS2 I'm pretty sure I could just remove one of the PBOs to disable this, but with DFyre it looks like I have to disable "dyfyre_s_core.pbo" in order to do so (which also disables alot of other really good sounds - such as grenades/explosions etc).

    The beauty of L_ES was that I could apply it on top of any sound mod if I wanted it. DFyre, on the other hand, seems to force L_ES into the sound mod - whether I want it or not. Any chance you could separate the intern L_ES stuff into a separate PBO module for those that don't want it?

    Also, one other thing I've noticed - the environment sounds seem to be really quiet. I put the wind up to 100% and it's completely silent (and yet the grass and trees are swaying around like there's a hurricane). I also can't seem to hear (or at least not very easily) any of the ambient sounds either (e.g. coast_Day.wss or Meadow_Day.wss). I know it sounds odd but I actually really like hearing these sorts of sounds (I guess it adds to the immersion), so when they're not there it's really noticeable. Tested on Altis.

    Ok, rant over. Apart from that, I like what I'm hearing so far ;)
