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Posts posted by Gudsawn

  1. Goodson, thank you so much, ;) did you also do this change for the commanders view as well?

    Yep ;)

    I'm quite happy to re-release the work Goodson and I have done. It'll be under a different mod name with appropriate credit to Apilon since he opened this up to us all. Goodson you cool with this?

    I'll PM you. I'm also working on fixing the bullet impact effects. E.g (for HAFM US Helicopters):


    We'll want to include this as well.

  2. The issue with the Jackal's gunner view has been fixed (used to be permanently zoomed in).


    I'll send Aplion a PM and see if he can release this officially, along with the 'wobbling' fix. Flax has also fixed a few errors that were popping up, namely the "No entry config.bin/cfgmovesmalesdr/States/Stryker_dead.connectfrom" error.

  3. Copy all pbos into @My_community_pack and its solve ur problem.

    Although this would work, it would make updating the individual maps a real pain in the ****. I think Grace is suggesting that, by packing all maps into one pack that is manged by one person/group, it would be much more convenient for both players and server owners. It's the same with your @A3MP - it's much easier to have Chernarus, Takistan, Zargabad, Utes etc in one pack that is managed by one person as to opposed to many separate addons managed by different people.

    This is why I like the idea of the Community Upgrade Project so much - an addon that packs various different mods/ports into one place and is managed by a single group.

  4. @Serjames - I'll look into doing something like that. In terms of the rooftop placements, I'm thinking of also including sandbags to provide the gunners with some small defences.

    @Phronk - I'll probably be getting the script to work with ALiVE's profiler first (since my group uses ALiVE), and then I'll see about creating a custom spawning/despawning function :)

    @barboiani - The obstruction checkers (lineIntersects) use the map's X and Y axis, so omitting the Y part would not help with identifying mil towers. Unless I have misunderstood you? I think for specific placements of static weapons (e.g. in mil towers), it would be more reliable to use a predetermined list of buildings/towers. I may include this in the future.

    I'm glad you have all found this script useful for your missions :)

  5. Would be great to hear some emotive commentary from other units in the group as well if at all possible? Look forward to seeing the results.


    A battle between you and a platoon of AI feels completely empty as it is. There are no sounds of pain, no sounds of panic, no communication between the enemy commanders and their units. I want to hear screams, commands being given, panic, and confusion. As it is, it takes away all immersion and constantly reminds you that you're fighting robots and not other humans. Battles are just completely silent.

    @SiC-Disaster if you're still looking for help, I'd be more than willing to help you in this project. Sound is really important for me, with basic sounds like these lacking, Arma against AI is an extremely flat and boring experience.

  6. Awesome script! The current situation with static weapons in the non-aggressors version has a random chance for enemies to have static weapon emplacements in most grid squares. HMGs, mortars, AT, and AA. I'm also considering adding invisible markers that spawn enemies that will act as patrols.

    If your script spawns/despawns the weapons and/or the enemies that use them, it'd be a perfect fit. Currently the static weapons seem to be placed near roads or in open areas, depending on the weapon. That said, your script would help make the mission more dynamic and threatening. ;)


    I could add a spawn/despawn function. What about if it tied in with ALiVE's profiler?

  7. Place this in your description.ext:

    enableDebugConsole = 1

    This will allow admins to access the debug console and Splendid camera as normal. If you want everyone to be able to use the camera, set this value to 2.

    If you want to allow access to just the camera, add this to the init field of your observer units:

    this addAction ["Start Camera","[] call bis_fnc_camera;",[],2,false,true,"","driver _target == _this"];

    This will give them an option in their action (scroll) menu to activate the camera at any time.

  8. What's the situation with the static weapons? Are they going to be randomly placed in grids like in Arma 2? It was always intense to approach a town and see a Dhskm on one of the compound rooftops, made life hell for pilots as well. This is something I've always missed from Arma 2 - Altis just doesn't have the right buildings to have static weapons, and vanilla Arma has very static weapons available.

    I've recently released a script that randomly places static weapons (such as Dhskms, KORDs, or IGLAs) on building rooftops (just as in Arma 2 Insurgency). I can imagine it would fit perfectly with this mission if you're able to implement it.

    Rooftop Static Weapons Script

    Looking forward to seeing how this mission progresses, I've missed (proper) Insurgency like hell!

  9. This effect has been in the game since Arma 2. Ideally, it shouldn't be noticeable; it should seem like a natural way to make the gun sounds seem louder, since a video game has drastically less dynamic range than real life. It would be odd to hear birds chirping while firing a rifle.

    I never noticed it in Arma 2. Perhaps the aggressiveness of Arma 3's limiter is much higher? As you said, it shouldn't be noticeable. I do hope they adjust this in the future.

  10. Rooftop Static Weapons Script

    (overly long demonstration video)

    What it Is
    As the name suggests, this script will take a given area (defined by a marker) and spawn static weapons (such as DShKMs or KORDs) on rooftops. Taking inspiration from Insurgency for Arma 2, rooftop static weapons add much more variation to battles and make jobs harder for both infantry and air support.

    This script was originally made for a private mission, but I thought other mission makers may also find this useful.

    How it Works
    When called, the script will first scan a given area for enterable buildings. Positions within each building will then be identified. Since there is no command for finding rooftops, this has to be done manually by checking for obstructions above each position and deciding whether or not it is a rooftop. A final check is then performed to ensure that there is enough room for the static weapon to spawn and that the rooftop position is not obstructed by any nearby walls or other solid objects that may prevent the weapon from manoeuvring properly.

    How to Use
    1. Within your mission, create an ellipse marker (this will define the area that you wish to place static weapons) and give it a name (e.g. "m1").
    2. Place down a "Game Logic" unit and put the following in the unit's init field:

    ["m1", 1, 5, false, "CAF_AG_ME_T_RPK74", east] call gdsn_fnc_spawnRooftopStaticWeapons;

    Parameter 1: Name of marker (e.g. "m1").
    Parameter 2: Type of weapon placement. 1 = Light (Anti-infantry), 2 = Medium (AT), 3 = Heavy (AA).
    Parameter 3: Number of static weapons to spawn.
    Parameter 4: Delete marker after use.
    Parameter 5: Classname of gunner unit.
    Parameter 5: Side of gunner (east, west, resistance).

    Since Altis/Stratis has no (or barely any) flat rooftops, this script has very little use on the vanilla maps. The example mission provided was created using:

    These mods are only required for the example mission. The script will, however, work with any mission (as long as you change the default static weapon classnames in the script). Details are in the readme.

    Download via Armaholic

    Any feedback/comments are always welcome.

  11. I know that at some point a limiter was added to the stable building to prevent clipping. However, it seems like the limiter is far too aggressive as you can actually hear it making everything quieter.

    I noticed this the other day - grab an MX and fire full auto. After the first shot, everything else is drowned out like someone is turning the volume down. When you notice it, it's really quite annoying.

    Is this a bug, or this just how Arma is now?

  12. Thats not entirely true, i ran a 40 man server from home, with 30/30 Mbit connection just fine, and a hell of alot cheaper then renting a dedi at a data center :)

    Arma requires a fast connection yes, but you dont really need a dedicated 100 Mbit line, in order to host a server without lag tbh.

    Hmm, interesting. In my experience we always get desync/low frames after around 10 players (if hosted locally). I have a 70/20 connection.

    What are everyone's frames like? Are you talking AIvsPlayers or just PvP?

  13. The -enableHT parameter was implemented in the last stable branch which apparently took advantage of hyper-threading for servers/clients. However, I'm not sure if this has made a huge difference for us. It's a well-known fact that Arma (both server and clients) makes very little usage of all your processor's power. So, short answer - not no, it won't take advantage of all 8 cores (unless you plan on running multiple Arma servers side-by-side).

    Also, with this server you're planning to build, where will it be hosted? If you're hosting the box at home, I'd say there's very little point in making a server and you're better off sticking with hosting from your current computer. Without a dedicated line from a data centre (e.g. 100Mbit up/down), you'll find yourself getting desync/lag with anything more than 10 players (and that's if your home internet is very good). If you're planning to send the computer off to a data centre to be hosted there, ignore this paragraph ;)

  14. I did a search in this thread but could not find any results.

    Will ALiVE be adding static weapon placements in the future? Insurgency in Arma 2 would randomly place static weapons on roofs of buildings (e.g. KORDs and Dhskms). It really added intensity and variation to battles. Pilots were also forced to think much more wisely about choosing LZs and also took much greater risk when flying low over AOs. Plus, it gave more jobs for the infantry units as it meant you'd have to make sure an area was clear of all static weapons before calling CAS or transport.

    Would tie in perfectly with a mod like RDS especially.

  15. A big thanks for this. I've always preferred the look of Arma 2 over Arma 3 (although the Arma 3 default colours are more accurate, they feel very flat and un-atmospheric, especially for war zones/battles). Real is Brown 2 is perfect for Takistan (although I haven't tried it on Chernarus yet).

    How did you get a look so similar to Arma 2? Was it simply trial and error or did you pull the values from the Arma 2 files?

  16. The problem hereby is:

    You have to understand how the suspension work and what the damper does, and what the spring:

    raising springStrength simply hardens the overall suspension, while springDamperRate controls how fast the damper reduces the oscillation of the spring.

    For more information see here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suspension_(vehicle)#Springs_and_dampers

    My guess would not be to raise springStrength as most off-road vehicles have a very soft suspensions to reduce the bumpiness of the chassis when driving off road.

    Thanks for the info RedPhoenix. When increasing springDamperRate alone the vehicle would flip over if you made a hard turn. To compensate, I increased springStrength equally which stopped the Jackal from rolling. The vehicle seems to handle pretty well now, both on-road and off-road. It also feels a lot 'meatier' when driving it.

    However, apart from having a quick browse on Arma 3 Cars Config Guidelines, I pretty much have very little idea of what I'm doing. The only reason why I chose to raise the springStrength value was because this seemed quite relevant:

    In the context of a suspension spring supporting a fixed portion of vehicle mass, the strength of the spring will affect the natural frequency; that is, the rate at which the spring can respond to changes in load distribution. Consider a car taking a corner. As the car corners it leans in to the turn, putting more weight on the suspensions on the outside of the turn. The speed at which the spring reacts by applying forces to redistribute the load is controlled by the natural frequency.

    Perhaps you could give some insight on what values we should change instead?

    Thanks :)
