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Everything posted by Purzel

  1. Is it somehow possible to change the given US-flag on the USS Liberty *ingame* to another homemade flag? The texture "pirateflag.paa" in folder "pictures is present, but I need a working code to change the flag via trigger. liberty setflagtexture "pictures\pirateflag.paa"; Does NOT work... any suggestions?
  2. Hi, is it somehow possible, to send a textmessage only to the player, which is Zeus on a dedicated server? On our server everybody, who is logged in as admin, is automatically Zeus. If a mission goal is reached and the players have a long way home, only the admin/Zeus should get a textmessage, to do some Zeus stuff for all other players. In my case, I´ve got a truck, which is in an area-trigger. Is this truck leaving the trigger-area, the text-message should pop-up ONLY at the player, who is Zeus. How do I get this working? Greetz and THX ! Purzel
  3. Hi Folks, this is my problem: Any human player who enters a medical car "mev" (in cargo) should be healed. This is what I´ve got: -------------------------------------- the trigger: serverside, repeatable cond: player in mev // "mev" is the vehicle name onAct: 0 = [thisList] call compile preProcessfile "scripts\healing.sqf"; -------------------------------------- the healing.sqf: _unit = (_unit select 0); ["<t size='0.5' color='#00ffff'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>Beginning trauma treatment...!</t>",0,0.85,4,2] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_dynamictext", WEST, false]; // should only be visible for units in healing-process... _unit setdamage 0; sleep 3; [_unit, false] call ace_medical_fnc_setUnconscious; sleep 2; _unit setVariable ["ACE_medical_pain", 0, true]; sleep 2; _unit setVariable ["ACE_medical_bloodVolume", 100, true]; sleep 10; _unit setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false,true]; ["<t size='0.5' color='#00ffff'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>You are healed - now get out and fight!</t>",0,0.85,4,2] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_dynamictext", WEST, false]; // should only be visible for units in healing-process... _this action ["Eject",vehicle _this]; sleep 5; In my opinion, this stuff should work, but it doesnt - where is the problem? Has to work on a dedicated server. I´m trying about 4 hours now... Greetz Purzel
  4. I found this, which should be the working solution, (but I don´t know how to use it) : Example: * [player] call adv_fnc_fullHeal * * Public: No */ params [ ["_target", player, [objNull]] ]; _target setDamage 0; if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_medical")) exitWith { _target setVariable ["adv_aceSplint_reopenUndo",true]; if (isNull player) then { [objNull,_target] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal; } else { [player,_target] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal; }; /* if ( (missionnamespace getVariable ["ace_medical_level",2]) > 1 ) then { if (isNull player) then { [objNull,_target] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal; } else { [player,_target] call ACE_medical_fnc_treatmentAdvanced_fullHealLocal; }; } else { _target setVariable ["ace_medical_pain", 0, true]; _target setVariable ["ace_medical_morphine", 0, true]; _target setVariable ["ace_medical_bloodVolume", 100, true]; _target setVariable ["ace_medical_bodyPartStatus", [0,0,0,0,0,0], true]; { [_target, _x, 0, false] call ace_medical_fnc_setHitPointDamage; nil; } count [ "HitHead" ,"HitBody" ,"HitArms" ,"HitLeftArm" ,"HitRightArm" ,"HitLegs" ,"HitLeftLeg" ,"HitRightLeg" ]; //_target setHitPointDamage ["hitHead", 0]; //_target setHitPointDamage ["hitBody", 0]; //_target setHitPointDamage ["hitArms", 0]; //_target setHitPointDamage ["hitLegs", 0]; [_target,false] call ACE_medical_fnc_setUnconscious; }; */ nil }; Maybe someone could help me with this? Only the player, who is entering the cargo of my ambulance, should be healed completely. Do I have to set up a trigger, copy the code above into a healing.sqf and call it from the trigger? Or can I somehow use this stuff in the solution of Mr. H without trigger and the serverInit.sqf instead...? This is to much coding stuff and far above my coding-level... I just need a working solution for that problem. The code above seem to the solution for medic-unit, which can heal another unit. Greetz Purzel PS: What does the ACE-Option "is medical vehicle" in the attributes of an vehicle do? As I detected, it seems not to heal a player inside (but this would be a fine solution, which I could handle)
  5. I didnt know that function... 😌 but still no Text for the player entering the vehicle: ["<t color='#ff0000' size = '0.7'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>Beginning trauma treatment...!</t>",-1,2,4,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; ["<t size='0.7' color='#ff0000'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>Beginning trauma treatment...!</t>",0,2,4,1] remoteExec ["bis_fnc_dynamictext", _unit, false]; both codes are not working on the dedicated server, seems to be a locality problem...
  6. Unfortunarly I´m not getting healed... just one step-healing... this means: When I get shot an have "red" arm/leg/whatever it changes just as if I used one bandage on that bodypart. So I have to get in and out the ambulance until every part is healed, which is not satisfying.. I need a one-time-all-healing... and there´s still no text... but I´m thrown out of the car (still wounded)
  7. Shouldnt I place the second code better in InitPlayerLocal.sqf? Because our "Bloodfix" is there to. (Its a fix for sometime ACE does not work correctly when giveing blood) if (player getVariable ["ACE_medical_medicClass",0] > 0) then { player addaction ["<t color='#FF0000'>ACE-FIX (Blood und Morphine)</t>", {_this spawn FAS_fnc_AceBloodFix}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "alive _target && _target == _this"]; player addEventHandler ["respawn", {player addaction ["<t color='#FF0000'>ACE-FIX (Blood und Morphine)</t>", {_this spawn FAS_fnc_AceBloodFix}, nil, 0, false, true, "", "alive _target && _target == _this"]}]; }; this is to much knowledge for me... unfortunatly I´m not the Coder, just a little mission-builder...
  8. this is what I´ve actual did: _unit = _this select 0; ["<t color='#ff0000' size = '0.7'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>Beginning trauma treatment...!</t>",-1,1.5,4,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; _unit setdamage 0; sleep 3; [_unit, false] call ace_medical_fnc_setUnconscious; sleep 2; _unit setVariable ["ACE_medical_pain", 0, true]; sleep 2; _unit setVariable ["ACE_medical_bloodVolume", 100, true]; sleep 10; _unit setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false,true]; ["<t color='#ff0000' size = '0.7'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>You are healed - now get out and fight!</t>",-1,1.5,4,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText; _unit action ["Eject",vehicle _unit]; but the text is still not shown.
  9. Thx, but how should I use a getIn eventhandler...? I´m not that good at scripting... changed the text to: ["<t color='#ff0000' size = '0.7'>US Combat-Medic:<br/>Dude, if you need medical attention,<br/>get in cargo for treatment</t>",-1,0.55,4,1,0,789] spawn BIS_fnc_dynamicText;
  10. Hi folks, here´s my problem: The setting: Three groups of players (alpha, bravo, charlie) are entering a taliban-area. Every time a human-player is hit and become unconscious, the taliban-AI should cry out an "allahuakbar"... (we are using ACE, so a player will not become dead until he´s unconscious over a time of 15 minutes, so I just need the condition to check for unconsciousness!) the following code will check if only one human-player "a1" is on the ground (unconscious): a1 getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false]; but I need this as none-area-trigger condition for any playable unit, which becomes unconscious. We are playing as BLUFOR, in three teams (each up to 12 players) and on a dedicated server. I already tried: (hasInterface) && {_x getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false];} foreach units west; or {_x getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false];}foreach playersNumber west; but it does not work... Any suggestions? Greetz Purzel
  11. I´ve got it working with: {_x getVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious",false];}foreach allPlayers
  12. Uuuh! Thx for all who helped me out with this, now I have to hijack my own thread again to solve the next problem: The insignias don´t show up from the start, not until the player has been in an Arsenal. (the player just have to open and close arsenal (without picking anything!), after that, the insignia is shown... ) But I have a mission without arsenal, so what to do? As stated before I have alpha 1 - 12 (and teams bravo to foxtrot 1 -12) Remember it should be working on a dedicated MP server. Any help is apprechiated Greetz Purzel
  13. Hi there, I´ve made some nice 128x128pixel insignias (.paa) The insignias are in my description.ext class zombiepatch { displayName = "ZombieHunter"; // Name displayed in Arsenal author = "Purzel"; // Author displayed in Arsenal texture = "pictures\zombiepatch.paa"; // Image path textureVehicle = ""; // Currently does nothing, reserved for future use }; My custom-insignias cannot be found in VirtualArsenal, but all vanilla-/mod-Insignias do appear in VA. I can only see my own Insignias (but without preview-picture) in the VA, if I have my custom insignia already on my uniform. We use a dedicated server, how do I write a little Addon, which provides us our custom-insignias? Our clan-tag is shown (that´s not the problem), we want some more patches (e.g. Medic-insignia, etc.). Or is there a working script-solution (without using a selfmade addon) to get custom-patches on a dedicated server. I´ve tried a lot of threads here, but nothing seems to work. Thanks for your help Purzel
  14. A big fat THX to all, for some reasons it suddenly works, after a great workaround with severel tries. I believe it was a path-problem.
  15. So.... I wrote an addon, to get my custom insignias, which has the following directory-structure: @armpatch / __ addons / armpatch_addon.pbo > > > > > _____ icon-folder > some 128x128pixel insignias (.paa) inside |__ mod.cpp |_____ config.cpp mod.cpp - code: dir = "@armpatch"; name = "Armpatches LLAufKlKp421"; picture = "\armpatch_addon\faspatchbunt.paa"; hidePicture = 0; hideName = 0; The Config.cpp (inside the armpatch_addon) contains this: (list of insignia-patches reduced to two patches) class CfgPatches { class armpatch_addon { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredAddons[] = {}; version = "1.0.1"; author[]= {"Purzel"}; authorUrl = "http://www.fas-clan.de"; }; }; class CfgUnitInsignia { class insignia_mp { displayName = "Military Police"; author = "Purzel"; texture = "\armpatch_addon\icon\MP.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class insignia_rkpatch { displayName = "Sani-Patch"; author = "Purzel"; texture = "\armpatch_addon\icon\rkpatch.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; }; In Virtual Arsenal I can see all my patches written, but the preview-picture of the armpatch is missing. And I see the addon-logo at the end of of line. (see picture below!) Even if I put some patches by code (if (isServer) then {[this,"insignia_mp"] call BIS_fnc_setUnitInsignia};) via units-init to my player-units, it is not shown. (Squad-XML will be shown on right arm, my custom logo wont be visible). If I use [alpha1,"insignia_alpha1"] call BIS_fnc_getUnitInsignia; in console, it shows that patch "insignia_alpha1" is true..., but it is not shown on the uniform (uniforms of course have a second insignia-field!) Other mods are showing correctly their insignias, but due to the binarisation I cannot compare directly. How do I get the insignias shown? Is there a missing/wrong line in mod.cpp oder config.cpp? Is there a directory/path-problem? Do I have to "mount" the the addon anywhere else (e.g. description.ext, init.sqf, etc...)? Is the .paa-format wrong? Can you see another problem? Thanks for your help Purzel Virtual Arsenal: Addon seems correctly loaded:
  16. What, if I load our custom insignias to our server and treat them like clan-tags? Using directly the path from there?
  17. Hi there, is it possible to use a command to force an AI-soldier to use its laser-designator with a certain lasercode (using ACE)...? e.g.: AI-JTAC1 uses lasercode 1111 > Helicopter1/Jet1 attacks with lasercode 1111 AI-JTAC2 uses lasercode 1112 > Helicopter2/Jet2 attacks with lasercode 1112 etc. and bonus-question: How do I force them to laser high-threat-targets (like AA-vehicles) in a convoi first? possible? I only found the usual keycommands for players to change the lasercodes, but nothing for AI-soldiers. Thanks for your help! Purzel
  18. Uh, the first time no one knows an answer?
  19. Hi Folks, is ist possible to open a picture ingame from an intel file to its full size (512 x 512 pixels)? Init of the intel file: this setVariable ["RscAttributeDiaryRecord_texture","pictures\code.paa", true]; data = [this,"RscAttributeDiaryRecord",["Top Secret","Comrade radio operator, these are the requested encryption codes, do not let them fall into the wrong hands...","pictures\code.paa"]] call bis_fnc_setServerVariable; I have this (in .paa-format) but when I found the intel file and open it, it becomes like this: (and it is not possible to read the picture to break the code! the picture below is a snippet based on the original size under full HD-monitor resolution) I already tried this: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary",["Funkcode", "Code-Tabelle"<br/><br/><img image='pictures\code.paa' width='512' height='512'/> <br/>"]]; but no effect - it won´t work... :( Is ist possible to open a picture ingame from an intel file to its full size (512 x 512 pixels)? Or can I bring up the picture anyhow in its origin size, with putting it on a big commercial-sign, whiteboard or something like this? Thanks for your help! Greetz Purzel PS: By the way - it´s the Beaufort Cipher
  20. Works like charms! THX!!!
  21. Hi, there... which trigger-condition do I have to use to check if the R-750 Cronus-Radar or the S-750 Rhea-SAM-Launcher is hacked by a BLUFOR-player via dropdown-menu ? (Hacking only works with an UAV-operator with uav-terminal standing directly in front of the radar/sam.) Thanks a lot for your help. Greetings Purzel A big THX to all, who helped me with this! Solution: Trigger: Activation "NONE", this in the Condition field (unit named appropriately): side unit == west
  22. right, but as trigger condition?
  23. Put a blufor-uav-operator-guy (player) in front of that enemy radar or SAM-launcher, walk to it and choose "hack ..." in mousewheel-dropdown-menu. If you have a uav-terminal, you can take control over it and use it against its own side. What I need is the trigger condition, if its hacked.
  24. any clues? I can´t find anything the internet...? I never noticed that function before, maybe it came with the Contact-DLC...?
  25. Hi there, I´ve a question about building-doors... I set up a house (Land_House_Big_02_F (bungalow)), which has 5 doors named bungalow. That building has a room which has two entries into one room. In that room, theres a terminal the players must hack, to gather informations... For security this room is locked (door-States of door 3 & door 5 are set to locked) with the Eden-Editor as shown for example in this picture. How can I put the BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd only on this two doors? e.g.: [door5, "Lockpick door", "pictures\holdaction_key.paa", "pictures\holdaction_key.paa", "_this distance _target < 3", "true", {}, {}, { bungalow setVariable["bis_disabled_Door_5",0,true]; }, {}, [], 5, nil, true, false] call BIS_fnc_holdActionAdd; would be the code if the door would be a single object, but it´s a "child" of the "parent" Land_House_Big_02_F (bungalow)... So how can I adress door5 itself to show the Lockpick-HoldAction only at door5 ? (and of course door3 itself) Thanks for your help! Purzel ___________________________________________________________________________ In case anyone needs some custom HoldAction-Icons, feel free to use them: (format: .png, 64 x64 px, just import them to TexView and save as .paa)) and an empty one for your own creations: Please do NOT quote the icons for traffic reasons in your posts - thanks! If anyone needs some special HoldAction-icons, just send me a message and I will try to create it for you.