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Everything posted by drunkenjawa

  1. I'm very proud to announce my first official Arma 3 release! This small PBO, when run with the HAFM_Air PBO will fix the config issues that were stopping the RWR warning from being announced to the pilot - before this, you would get no warning and just get shot out of the sky. I'm sure Aplion was never intending for the RWR to not work, and I'm glad to have been able to help out. BIG thanks to Corporal_Lib for pointing me in the right direction for the fix, and also to .kju and da12thmonkey for their help with explaining how that sort of thing works. You can download the HAFM_air_fix.pbo here: https://mega.co.nz/#!At0jEDSI!ac8zyo3BCj7fDXjUk1Y_ormjrNORA4RaUJT-VBGADTg Just add it like a normal mod, and you'll be spitting those flares out and dodging missiles, without having to use good old eyeball mk1. I tend to be useless at explaining stuff so here's a quick video showing off the change in action:
  2. Yeah it's weird - same thing here, however I can spawn ground vehicles on the deck in front of me, no issues. Just anything that flies doesn't spawn there
  3. I wonder if this is an infistar thing? I guess that'd make sense seeing as infistar is there to block that sort of thing (i.e. menus being added by hackers to the mouse wheel option), and we haven't updated ours (not sure if a new update is out yet?) As far as I know the catapult is the only thing on the ship that creates a new mouse wheel menu option too? please correct me if I'm wrong about that though. EDIT: Well, I spawned in a couple of jets to be persistent, restarted the server with no infistar loaded, landed on carrier, still the same thing. No mouse menu for the catapult. So I don't think it's infistar.
  4. We're also encountering the same issue on ours, we run A3 Exile on Tanoa, also using infistar, and have this in the init.sqf: if (isServer) then { private _carrier = createVehicle ["Land_Carrier_01_base_F",[7577.91,2066.26,0],[],0,"NONE"]; _carrier setPosWorld [7577.91,2066.26,0]; _carrier setDir 270; _carrier enableSimulationGlobal true; [_carrier] call BIS_fnc_Carrier01PosUpdate; }; We thought we'd try adding the 'enablesimulation' part but it doesn't seem to have any effect, carrier still does the same with or without it. The carrier spawns fine, the arrestor cables work fine, auto landing works fine, doors work fine, just nothing comes up in the mouse menu when you get near the catapult in the plane.
  5. Hey guys I'm making my first Multiplayer mission and have everything all sorted - apart from the actual respawns. I've been trying to use the in-editor respawn modules, they kinda work, work ok for vehicles at least. I know about placing markers etc, the thing is that there doesn't seem to be any way that I know of to actually raise the markers hieght ATL - I want people to respawn on the carrier deck of the Nimitz at hieght 18 or so, but I keep getting thrown underneath it into the water instead. Usually I'd just sync the marker to the flightdeck module, however you can't sync markers to modules, at least in the editor. Is there a script that I could use perhaps, that would raise the markers hieght? I've tried getMarkerPos and then setPosATL but it doesn't seem to want to move it. The BIS wiki says that it only accepts 2D positioning but surely that's not still the case?
  6. drunkenjawa

    How to make task to heal ai?

    You could check the AI for damage e.g. if (ai_name damage < 0.2) then "aihealed = true"; and then make a trigger with the condition 'aihealed' that sets the task as succeeded. Obviously I'm not the best at this lol but that would be what I tried to do anyway.
  7. drunkenjawa

    Randomize Units Script

    Thanks a lot for this, using it now in a mission I'm making, very cool and handy, and has saved a lot of time and effort for me so far! Thanks!
  8. drunkenjawa

    Make AI Pilot not react to enemies

    For the flight altitude, you can use 'this flyinHeight 500;' in a waypoint perhaps. That will make that vehicle fly at an altitude of 500m (or at least, try and get that high - with planes you have to give them enough room to be able to climb to that height before they get to the waypoint, otherwise they just start doing random turns etc and really annoying. Not sure that this applies to heli's though since they can potentially just hover in place till they get to that height) You could also try 'this disableAI "FSM";' in the units init line and set the units behaviour to careless to get it to ignore everything. Then run your script to move it.
  9. Awesome, thanks for doing this IndeedPete! Very much appreciated
  10. http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=21026 This thread might help with that!
  11. drunkenjawa

    AI hunt player lag moments

    Thanks, I was looking for something like this, to simulate a car chase in a mission I'm in the planning phase of making. I'm assuming it'd have the same ultimate effect? I'm just wondering how intense the chase would be though - every 30 seconds, wouldn't the AI stop their car, to get the new position? Not really sure how that'd work when pertaining to a vehicle chase. It's a SP mission. Preferably would like to have the cops chasing you, pretty close to you all the time to simulate a proper chase. Preferably also at top speed. I have the right music for the chase, at least! (Black Betty by Ram Jam)
  12. Maybe try this command instead? : https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTextureGlobal
  13. Hey guys I've run into a bit of an issue with the mission that I'm making - basically, there are a whole heap of ammo crates that the player needs to load into a nearby truck - he is stealing them. While I know about the not present trigger, which would be perfect and simple here, I can't seem to get this to work for objects as opposed to units. Basically I want to make it so a trigger fires after a player picks up and loads an ammo box (or, preferably, the whole lot of ammo boxes that are in a certain area, I'm using R3F for that) into a truck. I thought the best way to do that would be to place a trigger on the ground which fires off once the ammo box is not there. Is there some way I can do a 'not in thisList' type trigger, that's focused on objects and not units?
  14. Works perfectly, thank you very much! Just for my info, is there any reason we're using {} instead of ()?
  15. drunkenjawa

    United States Air Force

    Where did I put my time machine..... DO WANT! Any chance of the F16 in the 0.4 as well? I hate to ask because it's probably been asked a million times already. But I'm an F16 freak.
  16. drunkenjawa

    How to make artillery support conditional?

    Hmm ok, I'll have to test that to clarify but I'm at work at the moment - I'm guessing you've tried linking the support requester module directly to your trigger yeah?
  17. drunkenjawa

    A2 Island Fixes

    Can't wait to try this, hopefully I will be able to now remove all the maually placed streetlamps from Clafghan :D
  18. Yeah all Russian rifles in that pack working fine for me
  19. drunkenjawa

    A2 Island Fixes

    Does this help with Panthera stability at all? Or Lingor maybe? I'd love to see those maps bug free!
  20. drunkenjawa

    How to make artillery support conditional?

    Usually the way that I do this easily just inside the editor, no scripts, is set up an 'Object Modifier' module - Hide / Show. I put the support call in as usual then hide the support call module (the support requester), by synching a 'hide' module to it. Then I sync a 'Show' module to it as well, and sync the 'Show' part to a trigger with the condition you wanted in it. You can then also synch that same trigger to your task completed module, so when the task is completed the support call shows. Hopefully that makes sense!
  21. drunkenjawa

    Setting marker hieght for respawn?

    Oh, you're totally awesome Kahna hehe thank you! I'm at work at the moment so can't try this out just yet, but will go through the code to see if I can pick out what I was specifically doing incorrectly. I love how encouraging the community is to help actually LEARN stuff, when there is most likely an easy to resolve issue that noobs like me are struggling with :) Thanks again :)
  22. Yeah I have found that basically if you start an aircraft on the ground and give it a waypoint, it seems to taxi by itself and take off, to get to that waypoint - even if the waypoint is right beside it. Doesn't seem to be a way of manually taxiing planes though e.g. getting them to stay put on the ground and move to a certain spot. To get the planes to stop in a certain place (e.g. to take on civillian passengers for example :D) I just use a setfuel 0 command, and then setfuel 1 command once passengers are aboard. I guess having a script running that say, sleeps for 60 - 120 then spawns a new one in would work, especially if you give the plane waypoints that fly it around the island for a few minutes before landing again. Maybe have this inside a massive 'while player in thisList do' type trigger around the airport itself so it only happens when the player is nearby and notices it, might also help.
  23. drunkenjawa

    United States Air Force

    Excellent! Thanks for clarifying that!