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About zynlen101

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  1. zynlen101

    OFP Addon request thread

    Does anyone have reyhard's WW2MP with the latest fixes included?
  2. I've been trying to get the game to load a modfolder named @General. I use this in the target line for the shortcut: -nosplash -mod=DBE1;@General;@GL3 None of the addons in the @General modfolder do not load, yet DBE1 and @GL3 do.
  3. zynlen101

    Why this game sucks...

    BI Studio milsims have always been community/clan oriented ever since Operation Flashpoint. That's how it always has been. Day Z SA is currently in alpha stages, by the way.
  4. @ECHO off cls If exist NewData goto Check echo Error: Install files not found. echo. echo Please ensure that you have the @SLX directory echo extracted with subfolders intact and that all echo needed files are in @SLX\NewData. goto end :Check If not exist ..\Res\DTA\Data.pbo echo ERROR: ..\Res\DTA\Data.pbo not found! If not exist ..\Res\DTA\Data.pbo goto end If not exist ..\Res\DTA\Data3D.pbo echo ERROR: ..\Res\DTA\Data3D.pbo not found! If not exist ..\Res\DTA\Data3D.pbo goto end echo This will install the SLX Replacement Pack. echo None of the original OFP files will be modified. echo. echo Before proceeding, please make sure that you have echo at least 400MB free space on this drive. echo. echo This installer is for users that have HWTL enabled, echo if you do not have HWTL then please use the NO_HWTL .bat echo. echo. echo Thanks to Kegety, Mikero, and Llauma echo for installer programs. echo. echo Press any key to continue or ctrl-c to abort. pause >NUL cls :start ECHO. ECHO Type the option you want and then press enter to begin ECHO installing replacement pack content. ECHO Press 1 to disable Resistance foliage. ECHO Press 2 to disable Resistance buildings and foliage. ECHO Press enter to install all replacement pack content. set choice= set /p choice=Please select your install options: ECHO. echo Making @SLX\DTA\HWTL directory... echo. mkdir DTA\HWTL >NUL echo Now installing 3D models. echo. echo Making temporary directory @SLX\DTA\Data3D... If not exist DTA\Data3D goto MakeData3D echo. echo Error: Directory @SLX\DTA\Data3D exists. echo. echo Please ensure that @SLX\DTA\Data3D does not echo exist so that existing files are not overwritten. goto end :MakeData3D mkdir DTA\Data3D >NUL del /Q DTA\Data3D\*.* >NUL echo. echo Copying 3D model pbo: Res\DTA\Data3D.pbo to @SLX\DTA\Data3D.pbo... echo. copy /Y ..\Res\DTA\Data3D.pbo DTA\HWTL echo. echo Extracting 3D model pbo: @SLX\DTA\Data3D.pbo to @SLX\DTA\Data3D bin\ExtractPbo.exe DTA\Data3D.pbo >NUL echo. echo Done extracting @SLX\DTA\Data3D.pbo. echo. if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0,1% if '%choice%'=='1' goto nofoliage if '%choice%'=='2' goto nobuildings ECHO. ECHO Installing all replacement pack content. ECHO. ECHO Installing Resistance foliage. ECHO. echo Copying Resistance foliage: @SLX\NewData\Res_Foliage to @SLX\DTA\Data3D copy /Y NewData\Res_Foliage\*.p3D DTA\Data3D >NUL echo. echo Done copying Resistance foliage. echo. :nofoliage if '%choice%'=='1' ECHO Resistance foliage disabled. ECHO. ECHO Installing Resistance buildings . ECHO. echo Copying Resistance buildings: @SLX\NewData\Res_Buildings to @SLX\DTA\Data3D copy /Y NewData\Res_Buildings\*.p3D DTA\Data3D >NUL echo. echo Done copying Resistance buildings. echo. :nobuildings if '%choice%'=='2' ECHO Resistance buildings and foliage disabled. ECHO. ECHO Installing other replacement content. ECHO. echo Copying 3D models: @SLX\NewData to @SLX\DTA\Data3D copy /Y NewData\*.p3D DTA\Data3D >NUL echo. echo Done copying 3D models. echo. echo Making new 3D model pbo: @SLX\NewData to @SLX\DTA\Data3D.pbo echo. bin\cpbo.exe -p DTA\Data3D DTA\Data3D.pbo echo. echo Removing temporary directory @SLX\DTA\Data3D... echo. del /Q DTA\Data3D\*.* >NUL rd /Q DTA\Data3D\ >NUL echo. echo Now installing textures. echo. echo Making temporary directory @SLX\DataTemp... If not exist DataTemp goto MakeTemp echo. echo Error: Directory @SLX\DataTemp exists. echo. echo Please ensure that @SLX\DataTemp does not echo exist so that existing files are not overwritten. goto end :MakeTemp mkdir DataTemp >NUL del /Q DataTemp\*.* >NUL echo. echo Extracting texture pbo: ..\Res\DTA\Data.pbo to @SLX\DataTemp echo. bin\cpbo.exe -e ..\Res\DTA\Data.pbo DataTemp echo Copying textures: @SLX\NewData to @SLX\DataTemp echo. copy /Y NewData\*.pa? DataTemp >NUL echo Making new texture pbo: @SLX\DataTemp to @SLX\DTA\Data.pbo echo. bin\cpbo.exe -p DataTemp DTA\Data.pbo echo. echo Removing temporary directory @SLX\DataTemp... del /Q DataTemp\*.* >NUL rd /Q DataTemp\ >NUL echo. echo Done installing textures. echo. echo. echo The SLX Replacement Pack has finished installing. echo You can now run OFP with the SLX Replacement Pack by using "-mod=@SLX". :end pause
  5. I'm pretty sure SLX requires the usage of .bat files. Unfortunately, those .bat files have not been updated and use the old Res folder destination. Despite having changed the destinations, it still doesn't seem to work as intended (crashes, errors). I'm looking for some kind of solution, maybe I did something wrong? ECP works fine, but the mod config for SLX sure as hell doesn't.
  6. I already did. It doesn't seem to be compatible, which is why I created this thread. To see if I had to edit something.
  7. If so, is it also possible to use the ECP config on it?