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About aikidocz

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  1. I created the Site and these are my current settings. Category: Sites Module:OPFOR site Condition of Presence: True Placement radius: 100 Faction: CSAT Type: Trafic checkpoint Display Name: Shape: Ellipse Y: 100 X: 100 Interactive: Yes With On-Screen Info Fast Travel: Enabled when owned Condition: True In game I owned the base (Kill all enemies is sector 100m ) and see Hint :"Site Discovered :Trafic Checkpoint" and 2. Hint "Aviable for fast travel" , Now the fast travel tab on the map shows up as well but there is nothing to select when you select the fast travel tab. I need ask , how setup this MODULE "sites" for "FAST TRVELING" ?
  2. Hi . I'm trying the new editor modules sites, and I see the "fast travel" but I do not know how to edit this feature. I tried 2 sync modules sites, but nothing works :-( You know how this works? Thanks (sory my English , isn´t my mattery)