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Posts posted by rlex

  1. Hi guys!

    There has been a change to CBA_fnc_Replace lately, which under certain circumstances froze the game. I have been in contact with Vipermaul and as CBA is really an awesome team, they found the issue within an hour and provided a hotfix to test. I don't know when it will be public but in the meanwhile its not dramatic for ALiVE as its only happening with debug on asymmetric MIL AI commander after about 30 minutes in game. Just leave debug on asym off (should be either way imho, its also default).

    Havent read further in forums yet, will return latersh!

    see ya on the battlefield

    Uh. That forces all AI to stop responding and game freezes in general (but you still able to walk and shoot)? Wondering what was causing my problems.

  2. Can we expect a "hotfix" with bipod support anytime soon? Maybe not with bipods, but with fix of issue when you stabilize your weapon and your unit goes half under textures?

    Also, in virtual arsenal demo, by some strange reason, bullet line tracers shows from wrong position (10-20cm higher than actual gun position. I'll try to make a video later.

  3. No. Not sure. From what i've tested, the vehicles spawned from the Garage are invincible. Not sure if you can change that kind of thing, probably through configs. But, it'd be interesting if VAS and VVS were replaced by the new Arsenal interface entirely, its so much smoother, fast, neat, and you can actually see everything on your character. It can also be limited faction wise as well. Really great interface BIS came up with.

    What's the point of it, then? Just to test transport in VR scenario?

  4. Why separate DAR and DAGR, anyway? Aren't they same in terms of damage and etc params, the only exception being ability to lock-on and adjust their flying path a bit, while still being able to use dumb-fire mode?

    It's 2035 in A3 anyway... To balance them a bit and make it less powerful than AH-99, hit on DAGR can be lowered, possibly (it's hit=800 on AH-99 DAGR AFAIR)

    But honestly, they are the same DAGRs as on AH-99... from what i was able to find, both Hydra 70 (DAR) and DAGR share same M151 warhead.

    >And what do you mean with "modular"?

    Nope, in separate PBOs, just like it's currently done

  5. Oh, and keep it modular please. I ripped out sand ifrits / etc, ccip system and left only little bird units.

    To balance it and bring it closer to reality, while still keeping it pretty high-power, 20mm can be removed and 12.7mm HEIAP rounds can be added (aka Raufoss Mk 211, same that used in BWMod in their M107 rifle, basically). I see you mentioned GAU-19 already...

    And speaking of actual little bird, it can accommodate 2x LAU-68D/A rocket pods (7 shot DAR / DAGR each), so 14 total.

    Just IMHO

    ---------- Post added at 13:11 ---------- Previous post was at 12:13 ----------

    Here is possible config for raufoss HEIAP:

                   caliber = 5.2;
    	hit = 31.5;
    	explosive = 0.3;
    	indirecthit = 12;
    	indirecthitrange = 0.3;

    All other params can be inherited from B_127x99_Ball_Tracer_Red (for tracers) and B_127x99_Ball (no tracer) A3 class.

  6. Loving little bird modifications. I think 20mm gun is fine as variant but amount of ammo need to be seriously nerfed (4000 20mm rounds without reload speed? That thing is a flying death).

    Well, legends says that little bird can carry 30mm gun... http://www.militaryfactory.com/aircraft/detail.asp?aircraft_id=321

    Also, why only 6 DAGR rockets? They are basically same as hydra 70 (DAR in arma) but upgraded, and different rocket pod should be used for lock-on capabilities (IRL). Maybe bump amount to standard A3 amount?

  7. He is probably picking wrong UAV terminal if he use "whole" arsenal. There is IND, NATO and OPFOR terminals, and they are not compatible.

    Drone should also be spawned with "crew" to work, at least for me, i'm doing it with following code:

    _vehic = "USAF_RQ4A" createVehicle _spawnPos; createVehicleCrew _vehic;

    If you spawning it in editor, then just disregard that code.

    both MQ-9 and RQ-1 works awesome for me, except they doesn't have countermeasures which makes it basically useless against AI with AA titans...

  8. an update by BI messed the script up..it is unusable and we have abandoned it. We have a new and better one in place

    ---------- Post added at 04:34 ---------- Previous post was at 04:29 ----------

    we have our own missilebox :) and no i wanted the shadow to drop it so its not just a refuler

    ---------- Post added at 04:35 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

    The C17 has a parajump and halo script on it. Nothing fancy but its there

    Just to make sure: service menu for planes will work with ammo trucks, or we need to use missileboxes?
