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Alpha Whiskey Romeo

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Posts posted by Alpha Whiskey Romeo

  1. I didn't want to leave the unit without some sort of specialized element, however, I didn't want to go the typical SF/ODA or some other USSOCOM route. I eventually landed on this, and it will be included in the addon.



    Or you could respect his decision to only focus on 1st ID. There's only one reason to open a thread here, and that's to showcase or discuss a WIP addon. If it's only going to be 1st ID, then it's only going to be 1st ID. He does reserve the right to dismiss your suggestion just as much as he has the right to be open to and follow your suggestion. Not to mention, how would he accomplish such as task when the patch is nothing more than a flat texture? Something like that would require a model change, unless he were to make a different texture for each individual unit.

    Question to AWR: do you use different army combat shirt textures for each individual unit (like SL having a acs texture with his rank, tl having a separate acs texture with his rank) or have you found some way to use one base uniform texture with different rank textures? Because, giving the nature of the model, I'd suspect the former, which would mean a lot of uniform textures.

    Correct, it's the former and a lot of uniform textures. I always wondered why Cameron's 1st ID addon for A1 had such a large file-size at the time. Now I know.

  2. Nice work! But, newer? well, a month before you isn't really much "newer". It's really a general sense of entitlement period. Regardless of the similarities, or lack of major differences between this and AlexVestin's original addon, if you've got the permission then you certainly can make this however you want. Certainly admire your humility: "If he decides to shoot it down, it's on him to do it. I won't fault him for doing so and neither should you if said request is made." Looking forward to the release.

    Been lurking since '03. But that's neither here nor there.

    Why are you posting in the Addons and Mods: Discussion section if you don't want input?

    A difference exists between making suggestions and subtlety demanding that drastic changes be made, especially ones so far outside the scope of what I'm doing.

  3. Hey man, awesome retextures!

    I have two questions:

    1) What animation is that in the first pic(guy on the right)?

    2) How does the rank and name on the shoulder work? Are they entirely different textures or are they added onto the base texture somehow?

    I don't recall the anim, sorry.

    Each individual unit has a specific set of patches and name tapes making each texture unique. The majority of the names and ranks are from the guys in my Company, just FYI on that.

    I love them. My only question is do you have a plan for the ranks to mimic the Ranks in game? Ex. a Full bird would have a full bird patch in game..if so that would be amazing.

    The ranks range from Captain (i.e. Company Commander) down the PFC. It's representative (loosely) of elements from a BCT. If you look at the default US setup in the editor, you'll notice that it includes a mishmash of Infantry, Combat Engineers, Snipers etc. That's how the unit will be setup.

    I honestly prefer if you'd put interchangeable soldier patches, so the mission maker can adjust these guys to whichever division he/she wants to base them on.

    This is based upon my Division. If you'd like something more specific, then I'd suggest doing a unit addon of your own.

    I don't really understand the sense of entitlement amongst the newer members around here...

  4. rsr1u5D.png

    First and foremost, this is my Division. It's the unit in which I currently serve. Given A3's timeline and associated units, I thought it was heavily lacking in the realism factor whence concerning the deployed forces. I tossed about utilizing the existing troops in the region - 173rd ABCT, 2nd Cav, and the 18th Engineer Brigade. I floated the idea of recreating said units, but ultimately decided upon my own. This modification/addon will not accurately depict any specific Battalion, Company, or unit, but will be a (fictional) recreation of a BCT or Brigade Combat Team centered in the Armaverse and the current timeline (kinda). The addon will use the default weapons and kit selection, and no custom weapons or configs will be utilized. As preferred, I'll leave the load-outs in the purview of the mission creators.

    DISCLAIMER: This modification is based upon Alex's addon (with permission). Nothing will be released without his explicit say-so. If he decides to shoot it down, it's on him to do it. I won't fault him for doing so and neither should you if said request is made. The final decision rests with him and this is simply a WIP.

    WIP Pics:







  5. Why do we need a new engine? Just look at VBS3's videos to see that this engine will not hold us back.

    Jesus... It's not the same engine. The VBS engine components are the direct IP of BIS, not BI, and it isn't the same engine. The engine may have the same roots, but it's been developed completely separately for individual Mil uses. Again, I'll state it as clearly and as slowly as I can for certain people. VBS2 (which I own) and VBS3 fill a niche gap for training purposes, that's it.

    It isn't the end all to mil-sim and realism based gaming.

  6. Dan;2584153']Surely if they charged less for the VBS 3 PE' date=' then wouldn't the development costs be spread over more copies and it would make sense to have it sold as a "game"?[/quote']

    But it's not a game. Why people have a hard time understanding this I'll never know. VBS2 has Fusion, Fires, DIS, AAR, HLA, MC Image Generation (VTS related stuff), and a variety of other components you'd never, ever touch. They wouldn't build and upgrade these features in the next version, at great cost by the way, only to have to simply remove them for a game version. Which is what they'd have to do to keep it semi-affordable, and that's just not cost effective when looking at the big picture from their perspective.

    I think people tend to make more out of VBS2 then what it really is. Hell, if you thought character movement in OFP through A2 was clunky, then take a look at VBS2. It's downright ugly. Aesthetics aren't their primary concern. Training the troops is.

    I spent in excess of $500 for my Personal Edition almost three years ago. It now occupies a space on my shelf where it's currently gathering dust, and has been for two years.

  7. I haven't used any ILLUM rounds in the game. However, the burn time on them averages from between 25-40 seconds give or take and depending upon the type of tube/round.

    EDIT - I just tested it and they're burning for between 34-40 seconds. I'm guessing the whole 2 seconds statement was a gross exaggeration? :raisebrow:

  8. I own VBS2, as do others on this forum. We can tell you first hand that VBS2 isn't what most of you think or imagine it to be.

    The screenshots and videos of the addons and features tend to get people up in arms for some reason, which invariably leads to the endless posing of nonsensical questions such as: "Why don't we have [insert feature] in ArmA?" Why? It's simple. From a game standpoint it makes absolutely no sense to have those types of in-depth components in ArmA, because at that juncture it ceases to be a game, and becomes a training tool. Would it be neat to have superficial things like animated doors, crew hatches and the like? Sure, but bear in mind that stuff like that isn't limited to VBS2, and could be implemented by the developers or even modders should they ever choose to do so. Pretty much anything that can be done or implemented in VBS2 can be be done in ArmA, it's just that it might take a bit longer. I will say that the only thing VBS2 has over ArmA is the development suite/tools, which as a whole, is far more intuitive and powerful than anything BI ever releases, but that's pretty much it.

    Once you have VBS2 installed, have your DGL plugged into it's USB port and the HASP upgraded, you peruse the editor and play around a bit, the modicum of entertainment wears off rather quickly. Why? Because it's a training platform, period.

  9. It's funny how some people wished Arma 3 was so polished as Battlefield series, preached and speaked of it as an example BI developers should look and learn from. And in the end with so much less scope, and being hardly a map and weapon pack,and a slight upgrade to BF3, EA and DICE have delivered a terrible bugged mess as a finished product.

    My most regretted purchase of the year.

    Bugs and other issues can be patched, but you can't patch in fun.

    The majority of the maps are tiny and contain numerous choke points and fatal funnels, all on purpose I might add. When your helicopter can be locked on from across the map by a AA Vehicle, something is wrong. It's as if they really are attempting to copy the CoD mantra and design mechanics to attract that type of player, an issue they were accused of doing with BF3. It's fairly obvious it's the route they went this time.

    Then of course you have this ad-nauseam...

  10. Well I deployed with 1-4 Cav to Iraq (2004-05) and also was with C 1-26 in 2008-2009 in Afghanistan so I'm the same way man :)

    So if you can send it to me it'd be cool as well ;)

    OIF 6-7, 9-10, and OEF 12-13 for me.

    I can't release anything without Alex's permission, nor would I. Besides, the config would have to be rebuilt from the ground up, and I shit-canned the project after figuring out that the model would have to be edited to remove the mirrored IR Flag. But I made some decent progress. All of the individual units were unique with appropriate rank for PLT positions, different name tapes (guys from my Co.), tabs, moto patches, etc etc. I'd have liked to have finished it, but it turned out to be more work than I have time or patience for.

    Old WIP pic:


  11. IT would but I did it the old fashioned way :) Still needs to be bigger but good enough for a shot

    Already beat ya to it (with AV's permission). Unfortunately, the rvmat of the model would have to be changed to get rid of the mirrored US IR Flag on the left shoulder, and no one seems to want to tackle that aspect.



  12. http://i.imgur.com/PSdPu0Fl.jpg

    ^^this one looks like a daveygary1979's Ranger from A2. what mod is this?

    I was working on a 1st ID unit based off Alex's (with permission), however, I ran into a issue with the models that required altering the rvmat to get it to look right. Unfortunately, I don't have the necessary skills or time to do that, so I gave up... Maybe. Also, that's a Sapper Tab not a Ranger Tab, just FYI.

    My topic addressing the issue, also contains a older WIP pic - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?169008-Eliminating-a-Flag

  13. @ Alpha Whiskey Romeo

    Not much we can do without more info. We haven't had a lot of complaints about people not being able to join. We do see people trying to join from time to time who forgot to install CBA which is needed to run TacBF. It's also possible you joined a unofficial server which doesn't have the right configs. My first suggestion would be to read this TacBF installation guide to make sure you have it installed correctly and if you're still having problems we usually have people on TS ready to help those who are having issues.

    There ya go.


  14. i get confused when i join these servers.

    you start at the base which is cool but all i really see is people just running around?

    no vehicles to really get you to the battlefield :( even thats a bit of a distance.

    is it because when people take the vehicles they just stay there because they are not blown up?

    cant there be a script where the amount of time not used the vehicle spawns back at base?

    another suggestion would be able to spawn on the designated group leader (if you are in one)

    At least you can get in game. The server, no matter which one, just drops me back to the browser.
