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10 Good

About Street707

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  • Interests
    Cars, Computers, Video Games and playing with my kids.
  • Occupation
    CAD Technician

Contact Methods

  • Biography
    I'm Street and I'm an avid PC Gamer. I make gameplay video commentaries of a variety of games. I strive to make entertaining videos by including character creation and voice acting. I'm not a comedian but from time to time I may make you piss yourself!
  • Twitter
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  1. Street707

    Arma3 Videos

    What's happing everyone I'm Street. I run a fairly successful Youtube channel and Twitch.TV live stream. I love ArmA 3 and have been playing for a few months now. I enjoy making videos to entertain and bring exposure to games that I enjoy. I take pride in making more entertaining videos rather then just posting some beasting gameplay which I also do. I'm trying to do more voice acting jobs in real life and have began to bring those skills into my Youtube videos. I've made a video using my voice acting and character creation skills for your entertainment and am looking for some honest opinions. The ArmA community is amazing and I know a lot of us really enjoy sim/tac play but from time to time we all just need something a bit different. Hopefully this will suffice. I hope you enjoy! Thank you for taking the time to check it out. I worked hard on this one and believe it to be some of my better work.
  2. Street707

    Arma3 Videos

    Here is Episode 1 of my NEW SERIES ArmA 3 : The Wasteland's Most Wanted - "The Butcher" STRG Hope you guys enjoy.
  3. Street707

    Need some banter!

    You would do great with me and or my squad. My squad mates can be more serious at times but the shenanigans are high with me. LOL. Click the picture for my youtube and check out some of my stream highlights. LOL I have fun and don't take stuff too serious.
  4. I completely agree. Also depending on what recording software you use will relate to performance as well. I run full 1080p and my fps is very consistant. ArmA 3 runs great for me. Granted my system is a beast but it runs more consistent FPS then ArmA 2 for sure.
  5. Street707

    Arma3 Videos

    What's Happening Everyone I'm Street from Streetridaz Gaming on YouTube. I'm better known for my character creation and voice acting amongst other things for different games but I'm bringing my talents into ArmA. I love this game more each time I play. I've created a new series that I'm sharing with you now. I hope you enjoy it. Please consider hitting that LIKE button on YouTube if you enjoy the content. Thanks in advance for any viewers that stop by the check it out. I appreciate all the help I can get. I do this as a hobby and I love it. Help me spread my videos for everyone who's interested to enjoy. Thanks again. I'm always available to BS. Hit me up. All my contacts are in the description box on YouTube. Teaser Trailer!
  6. Street707

    Why to people play so much Life and Wasteland?

    I love me some wasteland but i'm starting to dabble in some other areas lately. I've been having a blast making custom missions.