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Everything posted by TittErS

  1. Hi, the first error that i see : ["TestMode", 1] TestMode = SCALAR correction: "player getVariable 'TestMode' == 1" TestIDS = []; TestIDS = TestIDS + [player addAction["<img image='' width='32' height='32'/> Test Mode (available)", "test_script.sqf", [], 1, false, false, "", "player getVariable 'TestMode' == 1"]];
  2. Hi, i ve corrected and optimized your code. i hope this will you help for the future. proced_gen_building.sqf private ["_position","_type","_offsetXY","_offsetZ","_randomizePerim","_randomizeHigh","_doorSide","_doorPosX","_doorHeight","_allSides"]; _position = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; _offsetXY = 1; _offsetZ = 1.3; _randomizePerim = 10 + round(random 10); _randomizeHigh = 5 + round(random 6); _doorSide = round(random 5) max 1 min 4; _doorPosX = round(_randomizePerim/2)-2; _doorHeight = 2; for "_allSides" from 1 to 4 do { private ["_dir"]; _dir = switch (_allSides) do { case 1: { 0 }; case 2: { 90 }; case 3: { 180 }; case 4: { 270 }; }; for "_i" from 0 to _randomizePerim-2 do { private ["_allObjects","_newObj","_dupliPos"]; _allObjects = []; _position = [_position,_offsetXY,_dir] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _newObj setPosATL _position; _newObj setVectorUp [0,0,1]; _dupliPos = getPosATL _newObj; _allObjects pushBack _newObj; for "_ii" from 0 to _randomizeHigh-2 do { _dupliPos set [2, (_dupliPos select 2) + _offsetZ]; _newObj = createVehicle [_type,[0,0,0],[],0,"CAN_COLLIDE"]; _newObj setPosATL _dupliPos; _allObjects pushBack _newObj; }; if (_allSides == _doorSide && _doorPosX == _i) then { for "_i" from 0 to _doorHeight-1 do { deleteVehicle (_allObjects select _i); }; }; }; };
  3. Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting & Auto-Completion by TittErS Description : Syntax Highlighting & Auto-Completion for Notepad++ All the functions BIS & Commands for ArmA 3 v1.22. Required : /!\ - NotePad++ version <= 6.5.3 (version >= 6.5.4 bug with auto-completion) OR for the version 6.6.4, used the patch, revised by me, in the folder PATCH_NPP_664 of Zip. (Report BUG & FIX send at Notepad support : Ticket#587 Open) Installation && Update: Changelog: Download link: NotePad++ Arma 3 v1.22 (06/08/2014) : Notepad_ARMA_3_1.22.zip Armaholic homepage . Notepad++ Syntax Highlighting & Auto-Completion
  4. TittErS

    Change name of Unit

    Hi, If it's in solo game, looks setName.
  5. TittErS

    Check player loadout

    Hi, "weapons" return an Array, used "in" for find element in an array. if ("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) then {code...};
  6. Functions : -addCustomMagazineAmmoCargo V1.0 -addCustomWeaponCargo V1.0 Description : This script adds 2 functions for add in a container, magazines preloaded or weapons with items attached and magazine loaded. -JIP compatible. -Functions can be executed by the server or the player USAGE : In init.sqf file add: addCustomMagazineAmmoCargo : addCustomWeaponCargo : Thank you for the future bug reports, and contributions. Download : TTS_CWM V1.0 (Mission example + script) Add Custom Magazine/Weapon Cargo Changelog:
  7. TittErS

    setammo Script need help!

    I'm going create a new post with this script. Wait & See ...
  8. TittErS

    setammo Script need help!

    Hi, I work on a script that adds a magazine with a number defines of bullet, and other script for add a weapon loaded with a number defines of bullet into a box This script is a version Alpha View topic : http://forums.bistudio.com/showthre....
  9. Hi, Use "isArray" or "isText" for checked if the config entry represents an array or a text. //_t_trend will always an Array _t_trend = []; if (isArray (configfile >> "TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER_Settings" >> "trend") ) then { _t_trend = getArray (configfile >> "TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER_Settings" >> "trend"); }; if (isText (configfile >> "TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER_Settings" >> "trend") ) then { _t_trend = [getText (configfile >> "TORT_DYNAMICWEATHER_Settings" >> "trend")]; };
  10. Hi, Look, there is an error at the Class "CfgFunctions" ;
  11. @Jona33 : BIS_fnc_spawnGroup return a Group no an Array. :) if (!isServer) exitWith {} ; transport1 = [getmarkerpos "mk20", EAST, ["O_Truck_02_transport_F"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; wp20 = transport1 addWaypoint [getmarkerpos "wp20", 0]; wp20 setWaypointType "MOVE"; wp20 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; wp20 setWaypointBehaviour "AWARE"; rifle21 = [getmarkerpos "mk21", EAST, ["O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_AR_F","O_Soldier_GL_F" ,"O_Soldier_GL_F","O_Soldier_lite_F","O_Soldier_li te_F"],[],[],[],[],[],230] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; { _x moveInCargo vehicle ((units transport1) select 0); } foreach units rifle21;
  12. Hi, You have an error : (_x moveInCargo transport1; } foreach units rifle21; replace by : {_x moveInCargo transport1; } foreach units rifle21;
  13. Sorry, I thought that "EnableSimulation" could do the work.
  14. Hi, Have you tested with : enableSimulation ?
  15. Hi, For the trigger with the following condition will fire, if the player has no weapon in his hands (weapons in the backpack are allowed though): You can do : // Replace : (primaryweapon player == "") AND (secondaryWeapon player == "") AND (handgunWeapon player == "") // By : currentWeapon player == "";
  16. Hi Rosentorf For create a fire use : "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig". This fire emit light & burn. "test_EmptyObjectForFireBig" createVehicleLocal (position helipad);
  17. TittErS

    IR grenade attached to units

    Hello Yoannis1955, "B_IR_Grenade" does not exist in "CfgAmmo" or "CfgVehicles". {_ir = "B_IRStrobe" createVehicle [0,0,0]; _ir attachTo [_x, [0,-0.03,0.07], "LeftShoulder"];} forEach units group player
  18. Thank you Foxhound, the link is now good.
  19. New Update : Changelog: V1.1 (06/08/2014) ADD: Commands & Functions A3 v1.22 ADD: Patch for NPP 6.6.4 CHANGE: HighLighting Syntax style for : catch, exit, throw, try, with FIX: HighLighting commands : diag_XXXX
  20. TittErS

    Cursortarget !player

    You can target you with cursorTarget ? me i can not ...
  21. Simply with SIN and COS waituntil {player == player}; _unit = _this select 0; while {true} do { if ((obj distance _unit) < 4) then { obj attachTo [_unit, [0,1.2,0.4]]; _unit addAction ["<t color='#FF0000'>PUSH OBJ</t>", "detach obj, removeAllActions _unit, obj setvelocity [sin (getDir _unit) * 10, cos (getDir _unit) * 10,5]", {}]; waituntil {((obj distance _unit) >= 4)}; }; sleep 1; };
  22. MH9 Advanced Actions (unarmed) by TittErS Informations : This script is used for the MH9 (unarmed), it allow to add actions for : Get in on the benches directly. Pilot control bench (up/down). It allow also of custom the MH9 easily : Remove the benches. Lock only the benches. Spawn with the benches up Add doors (version dev only) Add Flir (version dev only) Remove the tread Change the texture easily Installation && Usage: Download link: M9AA Script V1.1 : MH9 Advanced Actions M9AA Script exemple : Missions M9AA Changelog:
  23. Yes this script is comptible in Multiplayer which one do you use, bis module or custom respawn script ? you have to reexecute the file MH9_AdvancedActions\init.sqf with your respawn script.