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Everything posted by NickThissen

  1. Hi, I have created some enemy 'patrol' by simply placing some waypoints for them to go around in circles. I have also created a boat patrol by placing an opfor assault boat and making it go along the coastline with simple move waypoints. When the boat spots me (or when I start shooting at it) it starts returning fire, but it does not stop, it simply continues along its waypoints and after a few seconds it's already too far away to be any threat. I have noticed the same with enemy foot soldiers but it seems more random there, sometimes they will stop and lay down and shoot me, other times they will fire a few times and then just walk along as if nothing happened. It makes any kind of patrol irrelevant as you can just ignore it by walking away :j: Is there any type of waypoint that I'm missing here? I just use move but I can't find one that does what I want (just move if not engaged, but stop to eliminate the enemy (me) when engaged)? Thanks.
  2. Hi, I am working on my first mission (on Altis) and noticed some strange behavior. I'm trying to create an ambush where a trigger synced to a waypoint triggers an enemy tank to move to my location. My location is an 'ammo dump' which basically means some ammo boxes huddled together. I put a Camouflage net (open) over the boxes to make it a bit easier to spot and look more authentic. As soon as the tank comes around a hillside bend however it starts firing at the camouflage net like crazy. First of all it's from a very far distance so I don't know how it can even spot it (aren't they supposed to be you know... camouflaged??), secondly I don't understand why it would shoot at the net in the first place... At first I thought it was the ammo boxes, as there seem to be various boxes for each of the factions, but switching those around didn't help. When I removed the camouflage net though, it stopped shooting... Now I could just remove the net but I don't understand this behavior. I am very new to both the game and the editor so perhaps there's something fundamental I'm missing. Or is this just a bug in the beta? Thanks...
  3. Hi, I am trying to build my first mission (on Altis) and I seem to be having a problem with my squad mates spotting enemy vehicles from an absurd (impossible) distance away. In this particular case I am starting my mission (as a test) on the nort-east of the town of Abdera, and no more than 2 seconds into the mission my squad mate (who by the way should spawn MILES away, may be related, see later) yells out "unknown contact". He has somehow spotted a vehicle (Ifrit HMG) that is almost a mile away or something, right through the entire town not to mention hills and valleys. It's absolutely impossible for him to see the vehicle but somehow he spots it right away as soon as we spawn. Is there anything I can do about this? Now as I mentioned my squad mate should actually spawn a long distance away. I have him in the 'real' starting position and simply moved my player to the town so I could test some triggers, but he still spawns beside me, presumably because we are 'grouped' (same squad)? Could this be related? Perhaps he is actually spawning at his normal location and then 'teleporting' or 'flying' to my location very quickly, which does bring him very close to the vehicle he is spotting... Here's a screenshot: http://nickthissen.nl/Images/arma.jpg (2393 kB)