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Everything posted by David77

  1. I take it the OP didn't play very much OFP & Arma1. From title to title it's always essentially been a copy & paste, but with better graphics, new toys, new environments, smoother gameplay & more scripting commands. Which is okay with me, because I know what to expect. I realize the "next" title wont flop, but instead improve upon what we already have. Also, give this game a few months after final release and you'll have a boat load of mods.
  2. David77

    How will severs play out in ArmA 3?

    That depends. There are many, many old schoolers who don't even play the game online anymore, but delve into the editor & mod making rather. It's like a whole different side of the coin once you get into those things. The possibilities for making missions for example are limitless. Any combat scenario that you can think of, can be realized within the editor. The editor is very addicting. Writing code is very addictive too, even at the novice level.
  3. David77

    When is this game going to be good?

    It's a sandbox game. The game relies on it's community to make content. The game is still in beta. The game is CPU heavy because the AI aren't scripted, they essentially have a brain.
  4. David77

    Realism or "Balance"?

    Realism all the way. "Balancing" a large scale war game is a just another step towards the game being one gigantic COD game. Vehicle & weapons diversity is one thing I've always liked about the franchise. It isn't tit for tat & it isn't cookie cutter.
  5. David77

    Mission protection

    Couple things you'll learn; Random people aren't going to be froathing at the mouth to steal your mission to begin with as much as you'd hoped. It'll be your fellow editors. The editing community here thrives off of one another. Especially when it comes to code. Often times advid scripters will compile a library of useful code snippets... from their own work & from others work.
  6. The littlebird and many other real world vehicles have always been the staple of previous Arma's. Alot of vehicles and weapons in A3 are prototypes or are completely made up to begin with. That's what A3's all about. If you want real world vehicles then simply play OFP, Arma1 or Arma2.
  7. You can set the terrain grid from 0 - 50 to adjust the grass draw distance. I often use terraingrid 48 for maximum performance while still having some grass atleast. IE; SetTerrainGrid 48;
  8. Thanks for the feedback. I've only just gotten A3 Beta today. I've Been away from Arma in general for many months. I can revise the tutorial as soon as I realize what changes need to be made. However the basic principles of this current tutorial should be valid to A3 dialogs, aside from the GUI editor & aside from a few (or many maybe) new defines, styles, fonts etc etc. Such as the transparent gradient style seen on the vanilla weapon HUD. Which can all be seen in the cfg viewer in the editor and / or the wiki. This is Iceman77 btw, I don't have access to my normal BI Forum account atm due to my accounts email getting deactivated... lol. That's another story, but in any case I'll try to render an A3 version.