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About drasleona

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  1. drasleona

    Talk to me about ArmA 3 Multiplayer

    The person in question hes talking about is none other than me, god damn we laughed so long and hard when it happened. you hear the beep-beep from placing a mine, and a couple min later. kaboom. for 3 defensive rounds. it was amazing. Small correction Galzohar the name is DrasLeona in full, but they call me Leona because i would imagine its easier for them to pronounce than Dras. Now, the scenario was in one of the towns adjacent a damn hill and it had a route up and down the hill that had great vegetation cover, and when prone you could hide behind the small ridge. We heard their vehicle and one of our scouts (me), i had ran up the hill along the crease to have a height advantage to see the objective and past it, in case the enemy came from the other direction than the hill. i had positioned the Tripwire about 10 meters up the hill in a very useful assaulting position, which was the most ideal and secure access to the crease i was in. I had crawled up the hill when i heard their teams sniper pull the trigger, because its a threat that i'm okay with sacrificing myself for. I found his ass, killed him and the marksman next to him and died from their AR cutting me in half. I was dead and now spectating from the point of view of others, namely Galzohar. they were not exposing themself to the hill and kept eyes on routes they would need to take. the enemy AR who killed me ran down the hill while exposed into the crease missing my tripwire by 5 meters, but the guy following him walked right into it killing himself and was unknown what happened to the AR guy, i would think he got hurt and died from a 40mm launched at his position moments later. The tactics that were there are in plain sight. The entire team knew to keep their fucking head down from the hill, because we found the direction that the enemy was coming from before we were in a firefight or in danger. the entire team reacted and hid from them, because our objective is the zone we have to protect, and they have to COME into it to take it. We won that round and had a very long heavy laugh at the fact someone stood on the tripwire, because at the beginning Galzohar said , and im quoting ''You're never going to kill anyone with it'' Next defense round i set up a tripwire in north west entrance to the single biolab military compound, obj was inside compound in the south about 70m away. We were all waiting for anyone to find the enemy and know where the hell they are. and all of a sudden theres a very satisfying explosion to the northwest, followed by 40mm being sent their way. the defense round following that was in a city somewhere on altis but it had certain features and layout of houses and fences that caused a bottleneck from the whole northeast arc. i found a place to hide to overlook it and laid my tripwire and waited. After 2 min of tense lookout and binoculars out became a situation where half of the defenders were found and suppressed from, you guessed it northeast. I glanced over to my tripwire and i saw a guy walk past it and his buddy stopped next to it, not seeing it. i shot near him spooking him and he hit the tripwire, and 2 of the attackers died. i relocated to the second position where i had eyes on the same bottleneck where the 2 dead attackers were and waited. i killed 1 more of them and a 40mm killed me but that was from the last attacker while we had 7 guys still alive and we won. ---------- Post added at 23:04 ---------- Previous post was at 22:59 ---------- I agree enemy hitting a minefield is great, but when you only have 1 mine, a tripwire and you manage to catch an enemy in that tripwire for 3 rounds in a row, think of the great feeling inside multiply it and it resulted in the entire team laughing on comms. because when you have a possibility to be attacked from literally every single direction on the compass and with 1 small tripwire you manage to catch someone in it. its exhilarating and good planning. not to mention to have your team allow you to go put it, and not engage enemy that are coming exactly from that direction because shooting at them will make them want to take a new approach. i say that because the 1st out of 3 consecutive mine kills there was a member of defending team with a Grenade launcher aimed and waiting at the poor fucker on the hill. and because he understood my intentions and saw it would be amazingly benefical he didnt start lobbing 40mm as soon as he knew where they were, instead waited and saw a guy literally die from taking a wrong step and secure a kill on the AR that was nearby.
  2. drasleona

    TMR Modular Realism

    So much for your ''modularity'' when i cannot disable the PCML redesign. if i want a lock on anti tank weapon, i will take the TITAN. i want the PCML to be a skillshot, not a lock on. mind you it locks on to rocks instantly.
  3. drasleona

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Has there been anyone out there who has seen or heard of a scope that is calibrated for the 5.56 ammo fired by the TRG 21 and 20. the RCO is hard to use with it. anyone know if there's a 5.56 calibrating script or mod. its a little unsettling.
  4. drasleona

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    is it just me or does no one else feel annoyed that there are no actual effects to wearing the tactical shades, the combat goggles other than whats strapped to your face. i personally wear glasses and sunglasses, so theres a huge difference when i put sunglasses on. i would like to have the shades actually effect the world you see in 1st person and 3rd. stuff like polarization should affect the way the game looks. bringing a necessity to make the glasses an actual meaningful choice of equipment instead of playing barbies with your soldier. http://cheesycam.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/non-polarized-polarized-example.jpg (387 kB) also read up on this if you dont understand what i mean- http://www.oakley.com/innovation/optical-superiority