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Everything posted by IT07

  1. put a CYCLE waypoint after the helo1 waypoint?
  2. IT07

    image with a trigger

    Here you go :) http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?94892-Arma-2-Intro-image The case in that topic is a little bit different so I will help you further: try and put the cutRsc["unspic", "PLAIN", 2]; mentioned in that topic into the onAct of the trigger you are using. See if that works :)
  3. In 2013, this was a big issue. It did not matter how many players were in, the server would crash if someone threw a smoke grenade or detonate an explosive or threw a grenade. You should check what version the server is running. Make sure it is the latest stable release because this bug got fixed a long time ago.
  4. Yes, that is possible. But it can be a lot of work if you want a lot of AI doing it. You can make the thing you want in the Editor. Use addWeapon and addMagazine in their init field. Hope that helped!
  5. They have to be in your squad and depending on the difficulty setting they can be hidden or not.
  6. I read this on the bottom of the serverCommand wiki page: "disabled in version 1.59"...... is the server running that version?
  7. Have you tried to get someone to join the server after the lock should have been applied?
  8. Oh seems like I haven't seen the whole Wiki yet xD I guess from looking at the page you linked that you can execute a serverCommand using the isServer check or isDedicated check. Here is an example: if isServer { serverCommand "#lock"; }; The c0de above will lock the server but do not run this code in the init.sqf because then it will instantly lock the server after it processes the init. Maybe you should put some sort of check on it depending on what you want to achieve. Good luck!
  9. IT07

    Defense Missions

    What if you check out this video? Maybe it will shed light to the way you are creating the missions.
  10. That sounds awesome dude! amazing job :)
  11. Elevation is the distance from you to the ground, not the top of the barrel to the ground. Try and find a command that gives you the angle.
  12. Try Squint :) A really good program that tells you all about the code you throw at it. This is the link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11817
  13. IT07

    Defense Missions

    Well, have you tried doing what the error says?
  14. you can try and script the addiction yourself maybe? If so, you will need to know the commands for making the player turn in and out. Try the wiki to see if there is a command for it.
  15. setTriggerActivation ANY might be the problem.... I assume that the unit that has to be captured is inside that trigger? If so, the trigger might have done his job already before the player can get to it. You can try set the Act to BLUFOR and then UnitName in thislist; for the condition.
  16. IT07

    Crashing when starting game

    Well Sir, I think either ArmA does not like your Workstation(!) GPU, or your GPU does not like ArmA.
  17. I do not think you can send commands over sqf but what you can try is a publicVariable set when someone joins the mission. For example: // file: init.sqf if (isNul "disallowedToJoin") then { hint"put player into game"; } else { hint"you are not allowed ingame"; player setDamage 1; }; The only problem is that the first player that joins will execute the code which means that there will only be one player in the mission xD You can fixed that by assigning an isServer check to the code I posted above. That will make only the server/host execute the script. Then, put a sleep at the start of disallowJoin.sqf which will be the time people are allowed to join after the host got into the game. After the sleep command you should send the disallowedToJoin PVB (publicVariable) so that all players that join after the server/host sent the PVB will be killed or whatever you want to do with them. I hope this helped.
  18. Hi peeps, At the moment I am bashing my head on my desk because I found a problem that I am unable to fix even after trying an insane amount of things.... This is the situation: I have made a mission where you start 4000m up in the air. The first 20 seconds of the flight, a camera shows several perspectives of your character HALO jumping down. The problem is that the character is stuck in a animation which looks like lying on ground. Can anyone confirm this problem? And maybe tell me a (possible) fix? EDIT: FOUND the problem! _camera cameraEffect ["Internal", "back"]; is doing it..... Best regards, IT07.
  19. Hi peeps. At the moment I am working on my own MP COOP06 mission and was wondering about how the unitPlay function would behave in MP. What I am worried about is that people with slower PC's will fire the flight path later than others that are in the same mission, which could result in serious sync issues. Here is the situation: start of mission > all players in heli > heli flies to extraction point using unitPlay > players get out > heli flies away. More detailed info: the chopper that is flying the path has the unitPlay command in it's init field, and of course, the flight path is in the mission. So my question is: is it true that (depending on client's PC speed) the chopper could end up on different positions at everyone their screens? If so, I would like to know how to avoid that. Also, if it is true, I was thinking of a publicVariable setup: unitPlay.sqf > isNul heliStarted > heliStarted = 1; > *flightpath script* > } else { hint"someone else in the mission is already making the heli move???"; }; I know that the script above is total nonsense if the unitPlay is being synced to all clients even if they all execute it. Anyways, could someone enlighten me on this function? Thanks in advance. Best regards, IT07.
  20. EDIT: Post wiped. Info was incorrect.
  21. IT07

    Dedicated Server Hardware Question

    Ok perfect! Sounds good. Good luck!
  22. IT07

    Armory missing?

    Well, if you want surprise then browse the Steam Workshop for missions that are similar to the Armory. I think there are.
  23. IT07

    Armory missing?

    Armory is for lazy people. Go into the editor and put every bloody thing you want on the map :)
  24. IT07

    My Doctor said its not true

    That error usually shows up when players are in the lobby while server is starting up or when it's really busy being a server. Your doctor probably hasn't got enough ArmA knowledge.