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Everything posted by IT07

  1. @Antorugby that would work I think. But it will be nasty. He should try enableSimu first.
  2. In case EnableSimulation works like HarZach suggested, do this: Is the mission MP? if(isServer) then { UAVbag enableSimulationGlobal = false; }; Is the mission SP? UAVbag enableSimulationGlobal = false; (UAVbag should be the name you gave to the backpack)
  3. Do you want the player to be able to see the bag before he/she killed all of the AI? If so, it might be better to make the backpack spawn when the AI has been killed, like this: //Bag present condition !(alive AI1) && !(alive AI2) && !(alive AI3) && !(alive AI4); //
  4. Well, you need the setPlayable. That was the thing I was trying to suggest. But like you said, it does not work in A3..... :( I think the wiki gave you this script: waitUntil{ (!isNil "setPlayableWorking"); }; // haha just kidding :P
  5. Ok, seems like BIS wants us to change the strategy: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler (onPlayerDisconnected wiki page tells you to use the addStackedEvenHandler instead)
  6. If I may ask, why do you want the backpack to be somewhere on the ground when none are supposed to pick it up?
  7. what about a vehicle lock with a waitUntil? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lock
  8. A friendly advise: stop using IE. Use Chrome. And do not tell me you have a reason for using IE, cause there are none ;)
  9. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createUnit Play with that a little, it should work :)
  10. IT07

    10 FPS with good computer.

    *snipped* (misread the forum section, thought it was A3)
  11. IT07

    Runway lights

    What about this? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setLightBrightness Would be a dirty fix, but it might work. This thread is about the same thing: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?154541-How-turn-off-the-lights-in-the-lighthouse-and-base-city
  12. IT07

    key binding conflict

    Yep, there is. Default is F I think....
  13. In case you wanted to make it work in MP too: this setObjectTextureGlobal [0, "\MyAddon\yellow.paa"]; Maybe this solves your current problem: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setObjectTexture
  14. IT07

    Spawn a jet problem

    Ah I see. Ok then I didn't say anything :P
  15. Dang, why so disrespectful? Acting like that won't get you your answer quicker. I am trying to help and you start acting up like this. Good luck getting your answer out with such an attitude.
  16. IT07

    Spawn a jet problem

    So a scripting enthousiast should always do it the hard way instead of saving time by doing it in the editor, taking 3 seconds?
  17. IT07

    Task image?

    These are ArmA 2 tutorials but the things you actually need might apply to ArmA 3 too: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17179
  18. the maxplayers and name should be in the config, not in the launch parameters. My dedi only has the config path and one -mod=@lifeserver in it. That's it. Read this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/server.cfg
  19. Your frustration is understandable, I have been through those moment before too. But ArmA 3 is like a woman. A badass woman though. Hard to understand, but once you understand it, it fucking rocks. Practice and research makes perfect. What I am trying to say is, do some study on how all the functions work. If something is working in the editor, it might not work on dedicated at all. Also, a tip on tasks: if you do not set the owner of the task as "all playable units" or "BLUFOR", then the task will only be available to none or only to the player you synced it to. I hope this helped you.
  20. Yes, a local variable (the ones with the _ before them) should always be referenced with the _ in front. If you do not, the variable will be a global variable (available to every script running on that machine). Also, when using private variables (a.k.a. local) then you should define them at the top of the file like this: Private [ "_avar","_anothervar","_evenmoar","_wowsomany" ]; To make it even more clear: // let's say you have 3 variables called _myVar and _anotherVar and _someVar. Then it will look like this: Private [ "_myVar","_anotherVar","_someVar" ]; I hope that was clear enough for you. Good luck!
  21. IT07

    Spawn a jet problem

    Why do you want to spawn in a jet if you can get the same thing just by using the Editor?
  22. IT07

    key binding conflict

    You must have configured the keys incorrectly. Please double-check your key config. This is not a bug.
  23. The Editor has a functions module that does that :) You can make it so an A164 Warthog bombs the shit out of a place marked by you. Do a good google and you will find out pretty quickly. Kinda hard to explain it all using just text.