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Everything posted by YattaYatta
Eventhandler error when helicopter is destroyed.
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Im using an event handler to watch if my heli gets damaged and trigger a mission fail. Here's the handler (copied from another thread here) : _idx = this addEventHandler ["Dammaged", { _obj = _this select 0; if (!canMove _obj) then { null = player execVM "copterLost.sqf"; }; }]; And the error : Even tough the error shows, the script is called and the mission ends, so its not too bad, but the error is still annoying. If i manually run the script ( null = player execVM "copterLost.sqf"; ) I dont get that error. So i guess the event handler causes it ... Any clues what is going wrong ? -
Preventing AI from disembarking a vehicle
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
This damn AI ! Googling arround I found a few suggestions to prevent AI from getting off a vehicle. I tried the following : lock true, lockDriver true, lockCargo true, enableAttack false, disableAI (all options), locking the soldier themselves ... None seems to have any effect. AI keep getting off their truck as soon as they see me / take damage. For various reasons I cant use the method with a CARELESS waypoint. I double checked : no script error, and im using the lock on the right vehicle and enableAttack on the right units. Im getting real mad at Opfor. Im starting to spend more time rage killing AI than actually scripting. è_é -
How to check if player is using a scope / binoculars ?
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Ok, the gunner of the binoculars. Makes sense. :D Thanks a bunch. -
How to check if player is using a scope / binoculars ?
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Is it possible to check if the player is *using* (not just having in inventory or in hand) zoom items such as rifle scope, binoculars, laser designator ... ? -
Best way to add a custom "laser" attached to an object ?
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello again, Im looking for the best way to add a "laser" to a player / vehicle. The laser is expect to work like a laser pointer gun attachement, except it should be visible by day too. For now I have two possibilities : 1) Using "drawLine3D". But it needs a script that permanently redraws it so it follows the object its attached to, and it doesnt look nice (width & all). Also im not sure if it would work on an MP server (pretty sure I would have to call the high-rate script on all clients, which sounds bad). 2) Using custom resources. Adding a looooong mesh with no collisions that I would add as a game object. Except I dont know how to add objects / how such a modification is handled by clients : would that require a mod or can that be included in the mission's files ? Thanks for your help. -
Multiplayer Mission : How bad is it to have many abandoned vehicles on the map ?
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The title sums it up : How bad are server performances affected by the number of live abandoned vehicles on the map ? For instance if you have about 20 of them. Do the engine have to manage much about them when they're empty & immobile ? -
Multiplayer Mission : How bad is it to have many abandoned vehicles on the map ?
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Thanks for your input. Im already taking care of the dead bodies, I just wanted to know if I could afford leaving enemy vehicles arround so players can use them. I guess its a yes to some extent. -
Spawning a bullet : Muzzle position, Player aiming vector, damage source.
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello. Im trying to do fancy things with weapons, and one of those requires me to manually spawn a bullet. So far I can "shoot" the right bullet (same as current weapon) from from of the player, in the vectorDir direction. What I am missing : - Shooting the bullet from the actual muzzle of the gun. For now Im shooting it from 1 meter in front of the player, so at very close range its inaccurate. - An actual aiming vector. vectorDir does not return a Z parameter - direction is flattened. - Defining the "source" of the bullet. If that bullet kills an enemy, I need to know who "shot" it. Also can you call a "setDamage" function with a source parameter for the same reason ? [edit] As usual, no matter how much time you spent on the problem you find (part of) the solution just after asking for help on the forum. Since im using a "fired" eventHandler, I figured out I could simply copy the provided projectile parameter's velocity and position to my new projectile. However I still have no clue how to define the projectile's source, or a setDamage source. -
Spawning a bullet : Muzzle position, Player aiming vector, damage source.
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Just to make it clear, what you're suggesting is to do this ? - GuyA shoots a projectile - Mark the projectile with a setVariable owner GuyA - bullet its GuyB - check owner variable of projectile The problem is that "damaged" event does not returns a projectile object, so you cant getvariable it. I see there's a "hit" event too, that returns the object causing the damage, but 1) by the look of it I guess it returns the shooter - so it will not work for a spawned bullet, 2) it seems unreliable as it can be skipped if "not enough" damage is done, 3) Im not sure if it comes before or after damage management and I feel like getting information from one event to another would be quite dirty somehow. So im still not sure what to do :P Das Attorney : Aww, you scratched the cheers about the website :( Now that I think of it I should have it in signature. Ill add it now. (And for the question : in this case im trying to spawn an extra bullet with each bullet shoot) -
Spawning a bullet : Muzzle position, Player aiming vector, damage source.
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I mean who shot the bullet indeed. Usually its easy to know who shot a bullet in an eventHandler, but in this case there's im creating a bullet out of the blue. To be clear : 1- Player shoots a first (legit) bullet. 2- Scripts create a second bullet going roughly the same way as the first bullet. damaged eventHandler will naturally report a shooter for the first bullet. However the second one has no shooter, as it was created and not actually shot by somebody. I want to know if I can assign a shooter to that extra bullet, so my eventHandler will know who "shot" it. -
Soldier protection (dev branch)
YattaYatta replied to solzenicyn's topic in ARMA 3 - DEVELOPMENT BRANCH
Im scripting a mission with some special damage behavior (damage bonuses & others). While working on it, I noticed the damage handling on soliders in Arma 3 is really weird. The problem: Event handler for "damaged" registers multiples times for a diverse set of body parts. For instance, if you shoot at the leg, you have good chances of having the event handler telling you "head" has been hit for minor damage. Same goes for shooting any body part : a seemingly random number of other body parts will be considered hit and managed by the eventHandler. This makes it hard to determine what body part was actually hit, and to add on-hit effects (as the eventHandler is fired multiple times per hit). The damage distribution is also weird : Sometimes "head" will take more damage than the actually hit body part. This weird behavior has been reported on the bug report system more than 7 months ago, it has been confirmed by quite a few users, yet it has not been acknowledged or assigned. Apparently it causes trouble for players as well as mission/mod makers. So my question are : Are the developers aware of this, and are they working on it ? Or is it this the intended behavior ? (though it would seems hard to believe that a shoot to the foot or to the hand triggering head damage is the intended behavior) I also have a question regarding the killing blow : How does the game decide a bullet will kill the player ? This doesnt seem as simple as "damage > X" : when testing an armor system, I could reduce damage taken by about 70% and the player damage after each hit would go like this : [...] -> 0.4 -> 0.5 -> 0.6 -> DEAD. Reducing even the damage received, it would go like this : [...] -> 0.87 -> 0.89 -> 0.91 -> DEAD. I suppose this means that death is triggered when you're damaged for more than X% of your remaining life ? Are there official any documentation on how the damage systems works ? This would be usefull for both players & mission/mod makers. -
Resources for all GUI possibilities / Notifications ?
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Awesome, this fullfil my needs. Thanks to both of you. -
Resources for all GUI possibilities / Notifications ?
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello, Is there a place where I can find all the possibilities to show message on the interface ? for now I know of Hint, dialogs and simpleTasks. Are there others options ? The main thing Im looking for is a way to send information to specific players or group of players in a non control-taking way, and with a buffer a new notification doesnt overwrite so previous one too soon. I can script the buffer system, and I guess I could hack the task system somehow to do the notification, but is there no better way ? -
Help with AI wave attacks
YattaYatta replied to kdk11's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
You need to have "-showScriptErrors" in your arma executable launch options. Check google if unsure. This will display script errors ingame. Also check "C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Arma 3" for the latest .rpt file, it contains a log of the errors and other stuff. -
Help with AI wave attacks
YattaYatta replied to kdk11's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Did you enable the display of script errors ? No script error showing ? Check that first. If there's no error and your soldiers didnt spawn, a few possibilities : - A condition to allow the spawn was not met in the script - Everything works but the number of units to be spawned is set to 0 for some reason - They do spawn, but somewhere else on the map -
How to prevent units from getting out of a boat?
YattaYatta replied to IndeedPete's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey IndeedPete, I just battle with that myself. Wanted my soldiers to stay in a truck no matter what until i said otherwise, and it was harder than I though. Here's what I did on each passenger : on each unit : _x assignAsCargo _car; _x moveInCargo _car; _x disableAI "MOVE"; on the group : _grp setCombatMode "BLUE"; _grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; _grp allowFleeing 0; on the vehicle _car lockCargo true; _car lock true; _car lockDriver true; And undo all that when you want to "free" your soldiers. Some of this may be excessive but Ive lost much time trying to make this *ù$ù%^$*ù of script work so im not going to search for what can be cleaned up. Note : Locking the vehicle will prevent you to put units in it, so you have to unlock it everytime you add soldiers and lock it again just after that. -
[TOOL] Library of classes with keyword search, tags, pictures and name copy button
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello mappers. I got tired of creating objects ingame to see what they looked like, I wanted something easy to browse to find objects/buildings I was looking for, or find objects I didnt think about but could still be usefull. The only resources online I could find were limited (no buildings & props on SIX, another websites with only 300 objects) so I decided to make my own library. Library : http://www.sirlondon.net/arma3/library.php (Then someone pointed out the official wiki had something similar and it was even provided in sticky post here and I cried a little bit but in the end i still like mine better for the search features ...) Anyways the library features the following : - home made screenshots of the all the objects (except living thing and weapons/items) - keyword search - tags search (works as AND) - copy classname to clipboard button (missing soldiers & animals, handeld weapons & usable items) For now its a little slow but ill improve that if anyone uses it besides me. CHANGELOG Enjoy ! (Or not, im not your boss) -
Help with AI / Transport Truck behaviour.
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Here's the behaviour Im trying to get : - AI truck with passengers inside, patrols. - When pilot spots an enemi, he drives to it, - When in range, driver stops passengers get out of truck & fight, - When no more enemy is arround, passengers get back in. There's more to it but I should be able to manage once I get the core right. I know quite a few commands that supposedly should allow me to do that. But the best I get for now is the AI Truck driver (that received a "doMove" to my position) driving full speed in a straight line to the nearest road and stopping there. Im testing from Alti's "salt lake" flat place. What I suppose the logic should look like : - pilot and passengers in two different groups. - passengers locked in cargo (to avoid them disembarking at first bullet shot in the truck) - pilot "doMove" or "doFollow" the enemy - when distance close enough, pilot dostop, unlock vehicle, passengers get out combat mode. - when no more enemy, passengers get in, wait for all inside, lock. So the main problem for now is that the pilot isnt going toward his target at all, though its difficult to give a more straightforward order than "_pilot doMove (getPos _target);" ... -
Help with AI / Transport Truck behaviour.
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Bump, starting simpler : - How to prevent AI from disembarking a vehicle, no matter what ? Apprently this is not enough : _passUnit disableAI "Move"; _car lockDriver true; _car lockCargo true; _car lock true; adding _passGrp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; fixed it. -
[TOOL] Library of classes with keyword search, tags, pictures and name copy button
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I want to keep the shoutbox active and visible to incite leaving comments / bug reports / tag suggestions. This might be possible, but some screenshots are tiny (recut screenshot for small items) so there's no big version of them. Anyways ill have to do a new pass and screenshot and tag a lot of missing things so maybe ill take better screenshots then (I hope I can find a way to automatize the process more) and having big pictures would then be more relevant. -
[TOOL] Library of classes with keyword search, tags, pictures and name copy button
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
The numbers of results per page depends on the picture size you selected. The smaller the pictures, the more results are showed, up to 240. Maybe ill add an option to show more ... or are you on 56k and wanted to show less ? [EDIT] - Added option : "Results Shown" to control number of results per page (now independent from picture size) - Fixed picture size option not being saved for next search -
[TOOL] Library of classes with keyword search, tags, pictures and name copy button
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hello boys, just a little message to let you know of an update : - Switched to SQL (instead of txt files data ... yeah I know). Displaying results is MUCH faster. - No more truncated classnames in the boxes + click on the name for easy CTRL+C, it should help when the "copy button" doesnt do his job. - Minor interface stuff. [EDIT] More update for you ! - Now featuring the "NO" tag to filter out some objects, so you can search stuff like "buildings" with NO "damaged" to have results without ruins, or "MILITARY" with no "DAMAGED" and no "VEHICLE_GROUND" and no "VEHICLE_AIR" and no "VEHICLE_SEA" to get all stuff military except vehicles ... - object's tags are now properly shown as box's tooltip - more interface tweaks [EDIT2] - Fixed the burrito -
Special characters in .sqf files ?
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Nice Deadfast, that did the trick :) Thank you ! -
Special characters in .sqf files ?
YattaYatta posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Im defining some texts in my sqf files to be shown in dialogs. The problem is im using french and special characters such as é, è & others are blanks. How can I have them display properly ? Im using the default arma font (puristaMedium). -
Special characters in .sqf files ?
YattaYatta replied to YattaYatta's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Just tried as you said. No luck :(