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About KareemOWheat

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  1. KareemOWheat

    Customize gear on respawn

    Thanks for the suggestions. VAS seems to be working out for me right now, but I'll keep an eye on DLS as well.
  2. KareemOWheat

    Customize gear on respawn

    I've been using respawn inventory, but it doesn't seem to be customizable by the player. I would like the players equipment to be fully editable before they respawn.
  3. I'm looking for a way to allow the player to customize their gear when they respawn. Ideally, after death the player would be greeted with a gear menu allowing them to customize their load out before respawning. Anyone have a way to accomplish this?
  4. KareemOWheat

    WW AIMenu (complimentary commands)

    Great concept! I love any mods that make interfacing with the AI easier. I would love to have a config for changing the key though. Also I'm having a problem with compatibility when I install this mod, specifically with the Mag Repack mod. When I install this mod, Mag Repack ceases to function. Any idea what that is about?
  5. Is it possible to add the action menu prompt for opening MCC via the debug menu, or failing that call the MCC window from the debuger? When I take control of a new unit I've placed with MCC they don't have access to the MCC menu. EDIT: Never mind, I found if you plug this into the debugger, it will add the option to your action menu: mcc_actionInedx = player addaction ["> Mission generator", MCC_path + "mcc\dialogs\mcc_PopupMenu.sqf",[], 0,false, false, "teamSwitch","vehicle _target == vehicle _this"];
  6. I'm sorry if these questions have been asked before, but I cant seem to find and answer for them. Firstly, are units and squads given a default name? I'm curious if I can reference units/squads in a script without having to set a name for them first. Secondly, is there a way to reassign the squad numbers? Say I've got a large squad and several of the middle numbered units shuffle off the mortal coil, is there some sort of script I can use to condense the squad numbers?
  7. After reverse engineering the Defend Kamino mission, I have narrowed down the necessary components to making the loadout menu work. Firstly, you can find the mission under \Addons\missions_f_beta\a3\missions_f_beta\MPScenarios\MP_COOP_m04.Stratis I found that the key to making the menu work properly are the: unlock.sqf, initServer.sqf, cfgRespawnInventory.hpp, and a gameplay mode defense module placed somewhere in the editor. This is unlock.sqf. EDIT: I've pruned off some of the unnecessary code, I think the switch statement could also be replaced if you wanted all the classes to be accessible from the start of the mission. switch BIS_fnc_moduleMPTypeDefense_tier do { case 0: { [west,"WEST1"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; [resistance,"GUER1"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; }; case 1: { }; case 2: { BIS_arty_2 call _sync; [west,"WEST2"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; [resistance,"GUER2"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; }; case 3: { BIS_cas_3 call _sync; }; case 4: { BIS_arty_2 call _sync; [west,"WEST3"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; [resistance,"GUER3"] call bis_fnc_addrespawninventory; }; case 5: { }; case 6: { BIS_arty_2 call _sync; }; case 7: { }; }; This chunk of initServer.sqf is the only nessasary part. I'm no coding expert, but near as I can tell this calls the function RespawnMenuInventory for all playable characters. [west,resistance,"unlock.sqf"] call bis_fnc_tridentExecute; { [_x,objnull] call bis_fnc_respawnMenuInventory; _x addmpeventhandler [ "mprespawn", { if !(isplayer (_this select 0)) then { _this call bis_fnc_respawnMenuInventory; }; } ]; } foreach (playableunits + switchableunits); I've got no idea what I'm doing when it comes to code, but from what I've found this code is only called when bis_fnc_tridentExecute (this either is or is called by the defense module from what I can tell) has been placed in the mission. Can anyone tell me what I could use as an alternate to "call bis_fnc_tridentExecute" that will execute on mission startup? I've tried several functions, but none seem to work, or maybe I was just doing it wrong.