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About falloutguy93

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  1. falloutguy93

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Makes sense thanks, one more Q though how do I change the enemy to CAF aggressors?
  2. falloutguy93

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hi let me start off by saying this is a very intuitive and out of the box thinking for any mission I have seen made thus far. Question though with the newest update it seems as though the side missions no longer are available and I don't have any objectives. Have I made a mistake or is this a thing that happens. Thanks. And if someone could hook me up with a Takistan version that would be awesome (I dont really know how to do this myself).
  3. Let me start out by thanking you for an incredible mod that greatly enhances the arma 3 war landscape. One problem I have run into though is that my ace medical system for checking other units no longer works (so I cant heal or interact with these units though my self actions still work). Is this a compatibility issue with ace or am I missing something?