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Everything posted by nkey

  1. I decided first to release 0.8.2 version almost without any new functionality but with set of bugfixes. Can't promise but should be done in 1-1.5 week. Versions will be compatible. UPDATE: This is a list of issued planned to be fixed in 0.8.2 - https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/issues?milestone=7&state=open
  2. Not sure I get your message regarding fast respond... Also, each radio have unique number (in braces) - you may use them. Also, maybe it is good idea to add some letters to it.
  3. So, is problem fixed? Is it because of '@'?
  4. [call activeLrRadio select 0, call activeLrRadio select 1, "35"] call setLrFrequency;
  5. Class names for LR are in documentation. Currently it is not easy to give personal radio to player because each radio is unique item. Some API is planned for it.
  6. Thanks for feedback. 1) Backpack replacing may be disabled via flag in mission. Also I'll definitely add exception for parachutes. If you on the ground - you always able to get you backpack back from the ground. 2) Frequencies will be presetted soon. You may check Zealot script in this thread as workaround for now. ---------- Post added at 22:33 ---------- Previous post was at 22:32 ---------- Will add global volume flag into API.
  7. 1) I'll add function to change nicknames back after the game. But it is required to have when changed to Arma3 names during the game by technical reasons. 2) Key so switch radios in plan 3) In the plan too. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 07:54 ---------- Previous post was at 07:53 ---------- Interesting idea. But what is to do in case of simultaneous incoming in few radios?
  8. So, we have access to the mission in your case. Will think about - it should be not a hard task.
  9. Good idea, but how can I get information about the server? I need something like this - https://dev-heaven.net/issues/35591 (but it is unresolved). Another way - some flag, but mission editing (or some server-side addon) is required.
  10. Probably it is because your Arma nickname is smaller than 2 symbols. At least 3 required.
  11. Could you please describe some step-by-step way to reproduce the problem? Maybe you switch missions faster than 4 seconds (plugin disables activity after 4 seconds without messages from the game)?
  12. Hm... First report of such type. Could you please provide more info about "will failed to load"? What exactly not working? Also, feel free to send me PM with questions.
  13. PWS addon is not managed by me - they did it themselves (thanks them bwt). Looks like PWS can't automatically install plugins into TeamSpeak folder (the same thing with ACRE as far as I know).
  14. 1) Oops. For some reason I was sure '@' is not allowed in Arma nickname.... I'll change separator. 2) Hope it will fixed after migration to new codec. Currently you may try to increase volume of TS in Windows settings.
  15. Thanks, I already know about this issues, will be fixed.
  16. 1) radio type you get depends on your side (BLUEFOR, OPFOR, else). Will think about some API to get any radio types. 2) will think about 3) will think about (sometimes used to switch channels).
  17. 1) check previous post - it is approved way to set frequency (for first channel) in programmic way (run it in 'spawn'). Feel free to ask any questions. 2) will be done 3) I have plan to use codec2 (real software radio codec) to emulate radio distorsion in future Thanks, Michail. ---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:19 ---------- Update to (current version from 17.11.2013) :) Last known problem with hearing were solved.
  18. In next version I plan add support for subchannels in radios. So, you'll able, for example, to use 152/148/Fadak via subchannels for fireteam communications (as via 343). ---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ---------- Few weeks...
  19. Just put standard IteamRadio in inventory - it will replaced by your faction radio after few seconds. ---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:46 ---------- Could you please describe what kind of noise you want? Currently you'll hear clicks on tangent.
  20. Are you about long range radio? Personal radios have hearable audio effect...
  21. Currently it may be done only by changing in the TS plugin source code. ---------- Post added at 08:28 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ---------- Do you see radio dialogs? Do you use the same frequencies with friend? Same type of radios? Could you click on you in TS during the game and copy information from right-side panel? Thanks.
  22. Hm... It is because function is defined after init sqf started. Options: 1) You can now copy it from here - https://github.com/michail-nikolaev/task-force-arma-3-radio/blob/master/arma3/%40task_force_radio/addons/task_force_radio/client.sqf#L282 (but rename functions). But you should undestand - in next version of addon your script can break something. 2) create script: a) create thread using spawn after player reaspawn b) wait until player haveSWRadio (with sleep about a 0.5 seconds) c) [call activeSwRadio, "123.4" ] call setSwFrequency;
  23. Could you please explain "to talk over someone else on the same radio channel"? Are you about transceivers?
  24. Found a way to preset radio frequency. Before player respawn on client-side call: _preset = call generateSwSetting; _preset set [(_settings select ACTIVE_CHANNEL_OFFSET) + FREQ_OFFSET, "123.4"]; use_saved_sw_setting = _preset;