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Posts posted by nkey

  1. My intention is to be a civilian Zeus as a game moderator.

    Is it possible to configure TFAR or TS to listen and communicate with all sides (op, blue, guerilla, civilian) using long range radio.?

    Of course i don't want to talk to all sides at once (only hear all communication).


    Just be forced Zeus - you will have all LR radios.

  2. Nkey, is there any way for a particular player to change their Direct Chat voice volume only using userconfig variables?

    One of our unit members would like to change his default Direct voice volumes so that he can hear it better and normalize it with his other sounds while recording. 

    We are using TFAR 0.9.8 and teh current ACE build.

    Yes, we are aware that ACE lowers sound due to earplugs and earmuffs on helmets.  He would like to raise his default for direct voice only to offset this.


    Nope, not possible....  :(

  3. I looked through the rpt for client but didn't see anything about TFR.

    I also checked the log for the server and didn't see anything.

    It was happening before the latest CBA update as well so not sure its related or not. Although my CBA shows up red for everyone now in the list in the lobby.






    EDIT so I just loaded Altis as well to test it and same thing..get booted out of the channel then back in.



    My Client logs are here http://pastebin.com/XiwLzzY2


    The one thing i saw was 

    23:50:09 Unable to get file version size: E:\Steam Games\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\@task_force_radio\task_force_radio_pipe.dll


    Could you please try with CBA and TFAR only? 


    Also, it is works on local server for you?



    I can see lot  of such lines in log: 

    23:53:48 "Adam/BIS_fnc_log: [BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler] Stack as been updated with ID (CBA_PFH) for Event (onEachFrame) executing Function (cba_common_fnc_onFrame), Replaced: (true)"

    It is source of the problem. Someshow BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler is breaked. Need to find which mode/mission causes it.

  4. Hi, Alright scrap them last 2 questsions. I got it to work on exile but now im faced with a new problem, my team speak client log is giving me the error of 

    task_force_radio	Info	can't center client : invalid clientID	

    I also cant hear my friend when he talks, and he cant he me when i talk. did i do something wrong?


    Is radio works for your friend? Any errors on your client RPT?

  5. Having an issue with the Radio and the TS channel..only on Kunduz it seems..I have the enforce usage Module down.TS Channel named correctly and password is named correctly,when I enter the game it kicks me to the TFR channel as it should but then after a few seconds it kicks me back out of the TFR channel. I have Stratis set up the exact same way and it works perfect in there no issues at all. Anyone having any issues like this in other Maps?





    Could you check client arma logs for errors?

  6. My dear, the problem is i get the TFAR backpack in all scenarios, not only when I edit the mission! So, the configuser\config_settings.hpp worked well before I had the bad idea to change for Steam "update" (same 0.9.8 version). I'm just asking for this behavior, far more clever than adding any module... on an PBOed dowloaded scenario.


    config_settings.hpp is disabled for steam version because of workshop limitions. Use regular version for server.

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  7. Would it be possible to simulate the outside audio when talking over a net? So for example, say infantry are in a firefight you can actually hear the firefight in the background, or if you contacted a CAS asset you can hear the turbine whine in the background of the comms? After listening to MW2 comms I feel as though it would 10 fold increase immersion.

    As example - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8CM-CUE2k4


    Not possible at the moment, because TS supports only 1 audio channel.
