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About fildred13

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  1. I have the following in my init.sqf in order to add a fired event handler for the player: player addEventHandler["fired", {if !(this call "fil_scripts\suppressorCheck.sqf") then {hint "Unsuppressed shot detected"}}]; The code successfully detects the fired event, as the following code works just fine: player addEventHandler["fired", {hint "weapon fired"}]; My problem is that I'm not sure how to call my suppressorCheck.sqf correctly. I am trying to pass the array of information of the "fired" event to suppressorCheck.sqf, and then that will return true if an unsuppressed weapon was fired. Frankly, I think my only problem is in calling the script from the event handler, but in case people are curious, here is the suppressorCheck.sqf: private ["_suppressor"]; _weaponFired = _this select 1; _weaponItems = weaponsItems player; _suppressor = false; { if ((_weaponFired == _x select 0) && !((_x select 1) == "")) then { _suppressor = true; }; } forEach _weaponItems; /* if (_suppressor) then { player sideChat "Yes, I had a silencer"; } else { player sideChat "No, I didn't"; }; */ _suppressor
  2. Nope, this is just a much more succinct way to do this! I'll use it :) Thanks for the help!
  3. I have a trigger which applies the following to every OPFOR unit in the area of the trigger: {_x addeventhandler ["fired", {hint "now the alarm should be raised"}]} foreach thisList; It works as intended: if any OPFOR units in the area of the trigger fire a weapon, the hint pops up. The hint is a placeholder, obviously. In place of that hint, I would like to activate another trigger named "alarm." Something like this: {_x addeventhandler ["fired", {activateTrigger "alarm"}]} foreach thisList; That way all the triggers that respond to the alarm that have a condition of "triggerActivated alarm" will activate in turn. How do I accomplish this?
  4. Works perfectly, thank you so much.
  5. This is so close to being perfect. In SP, it is perfect. The player can see all high command icons, but he can't give any orders - perfect. In MP, all the players can see all friendly icons, and when enemies are spotted they can see the enemy icons. But for some strange reason ALL the icons are colored teal, instead of Navy blue for BLUFOR and dark red for OPFOR. Any idea why the color of the icons would change when in MP?
  6. I have a trigger with the following set up: Type: None Activation: Anybody Once Present Condtion: ({_x in thisList} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits) == {alive _x} count (playableUnits + switchableUnits)) && ({_x in thisList} count (POWS) == {alive _x} count (POWS)); All the trigger does is wait for every living player unit and every living POW to enter the area of the trigger, and then it should fire. It works fine if I walk all of the troops into the trigger area. But if the units are in cargo, the trigger won't fire. They could all be in a a few trucks inside the trigger area and nothing would happen. But if they all stepped out of the trucks, instantly triggers. What am I misunderstanding?
  7. Basically worked like a charm. I had to add a little conditional statement to the beginning to only execute for the hostages (otherwise I lose control of my squadmates when they get in.) Thanks for the help! this addEventHandler [ "getin",{ if ((_this select 2) == pow1 || (_this select 2) == pow2) then { (_this select 2) assignAsCargo (_this select 0); [(_this select 2)] ordergetin true; null=_this spawn {sleep 1; (_this select 2) moveincargo (_this select 0); [_this select 2] join grpnull;} } } ];
  8. I have a group of POW's that join the player's group. They then leave the player's group when they board one of the evac helicopters. But, when they leave the group, they get out of the helicopters. I don't know why they're doing this, and if you could solve this part in an easier way than what I'm about to describe, let me know. My solution was to first disable their move AI, then remove them from the player's group. Unfortunately, apparently the movement section of their AI isn't responsible for getting into and out of vehicles, because they get out then don't move anywhere. How do I lock the POWS into the choppers, bearing in mind that any number of POWS could be in any of the evac choppers - i.e. all 3 in 1 chopper, 2 in 1 chopper and 1 in the other, or maybe 2 POWS died and now only 1 is in one of the choppers. What I have so far, which isn't working: hint "Hostages Secured."; {_x disableAI "move"} forEach POWS; {[_x] joinSilent grpNull} forEach POWS
  9. Sorry if I'm misunderstanding, but I don't THINK I'm setting the position of a marker anywhere. The setPos call is on a unit, not a marker. If we pretend that the unit I'm calling this on was a player for a moment, then another way I could call that line would be: player setPos pos Buh, I just called getMarkerPos wrong, you're right! I'm dumb, thanks for the proofreading of my code =P
  10. I am learning the arma scripting language and I am trying my hand at setting the position of a unit to any one of several random markers. So, on a unit I have the following initialization: rpos = compile loadFile "fil_scripts\randomMarkerPos.sqf"; pos = ["pow_pos_1","pow_pos_2","pow_pos_3","pow_pos_4"] call rpos; this setPos pos; The idea being that I load up an external script which I feed 4 arguments to: pow_pos_1, pow_pos_2, etc. Those "pow_pos_1" and all the others are invisible markers on the map. Finally, I call setPos on the unit itself, targetting the randomly selected positon. randomMarkerPos.sqf, meanwhile, processes the array and returns the position of one of those markers at random, like so: //grab one of the markers at random _random = _this select floor random count _this; //grab the position of the marker _random_pos = getMarkerPosition _random; //return the position value _random_pos When I run the mission, it seems that the whole thing fails silently somewhere. The unit is standing where I placed him on the map, instead of at one of the four random positions. I'm sure I done goofed, but I don't know where. can anyone nudge me in the right direction?
  11. I am looking for a way to display all friendly groups to all the players on a mission. Imagine that the high command display on the map was active for all players at all times - they would see all friendly groups marked with the military icon boxes for infantry, tracked, wheeled, helicopter, etc. I have been scouring the internet for a good 2 hours now trying to find a script or addon that achieves this, but all I've been able to find are scripts that mark every single friendly unit, instead of every friendly group. Does anyone know of a script or addon that achieves this? On a related note, when friendly AI engage with the enemy, they don't communicate their encounter to the players. Again, something like the high command module where approximate enemy locations are displayed with the red icon boxes would be a nice feature, simulating the AI groups communicating with the players where they are engaging with enemies. Any scripts or addons for that?
  12. fildred13

    [SP\MP] Dynamic Universal War System - Rebirth

    Hey Fritogotlayed, I checked out the Github and saw that the dedicated server support was already a ticket. My clan would love to be running the developmental builds of DUWS-R and to be able to give feedback as the project progresses, but due to the inevitable lag that the host begins to suffer from after a few hours of gaming, we are never able to get past 2-4 hours of a DUWS session. If we could set it up on our dedicated server, we could begin playing the builds and testing them as they release. Any idea on an ETA for dedicated server support? Thanks for reviving one of the best missions in ARMA 3 - my clan and I look forward to playing!
  13. fildred13

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Has anyone successfully run MCC with Invasion: 1944? Or has anyone encountered the groups not loading into MCC even though they're in the 2d editor issue before?
  14. fildred13

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Yeah, there are assault squads, BAR squads, machine gun squads, etc, all present in the 2D editor. Just not in MCC? =/
  15. fildred13

    MCC Sandbox - The Mod

    Love MCC in Arma 2, use it all the time. Recently, though, I tried using Invasion 1944 together with MCC, and all works as expected EXCEPT I can't spawn groups of the I44 factions? I can spawn a US Airborne Rifleman solo no problem, but when I select infantry there are no group choices to spawn the standard I44 groups. Basically this is rendering MCC useless with I44 for me because I have no way of easily spawning groups of Nazis/US Army troops? Anyone encountered this before? Solutions? I've been digging for a few hours and nothing has turned up. Any help appreciated :)