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Everything posted by Mysterion36

  1. Hi i just heard of this module called the simulation manager anyone could explain what it is and how to use it?
  2. Mysterion36

    ASDG Joint Rails

    ah ok yeah that would be nice cause that weapon pack is the best sofar imo
  3. Mysterion36

    ASDG Joint Rails

    so i got this working, but i cant use the Ianskys scopes on any of the weapons from this pack http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21912 but i can use the FHQ attatchments on this weapon pack.
  4. Mysterion36

    Simulation manager

    so would this increase performance in a mission?
  5. so the weapons? is it right the way i put it?
  6. Hi man if i want to add anything to the basic weapon box it should be here right? // Basic Weapon Box _weapons = []; _weaponMagazines = []; then i should change it to something like this? // Basic Weapon Box _weapons = ["srifle_EBR_F",50]; _weaponMagazines = []; and how would i add a scope?
  7. ah ok was just wondering is it as easy as just adding stuff to the init line in the ammo crates? or is there more to it cause it all spawns randomly?
  8. hey man, was just wonderin if its fine to edit the mission? i would like to include some scopes of my own to the ammo crates if its possible? would it be easy to do? im familiar with the editor was just thinking because it such a dynamic mission it could be hard to change the content of the crates?
  9. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    its just that i use the black versions of the MX :D would fit in well.
  10. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    ah the new scope looks greeeaaat man, wish it would come in black tho :D
  11. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    awesome man
  12. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    so when is the Trijicon up?
  13. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    yeah looks awesome man.
  14. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    do you have an Eta on the scope your working on right now?
  15. hey i was just wondering how stable it is nowadays? i remeber it used to crash alot before
  16. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    oh really? ah ok, its just it seems a tad bit much for me, otherwise its awesome man.
  17. Mysterion36

    Scope Mod A3

    yeah awesome work man, but pls man tone down the blue tint on the red dot :D its so annoying would be awesome.
  18. ah ok, i tried to edit ur mission to make it coop, if thats fine if its not ill let it be :) but i just made some in my group playable will that cause any issues? this is just for me and my friend if its fine by you.
  19. Hey man any news on when the coop version for altis is out? :D
  20. Mysterion36

    TMR Modular Realism

    hi im having a prblem here with the 2d scopes when i aim in its just a black outline, like u know the background is darken where its suppose to be but there is no scope just the black, anyone know how to fix it ?
  21. Mysterion36

    FHQ Accessories pack

    could you make it NV capable atleast? would be nice.
  22. Mysterion36

    FHQ Accessories pack

    yeah i feel like it should deff be possible, i like that scope alot and having i 3d would just be super.
  23. Mysterion36

    FHQ Accessories pack

    Hey man could you make the L3/EoTech G33 magnifier and Holographic Weapon Sight Night vision capable? it would be really nice, or just make all of them that, and if possible why is the L3/EoTech G33 magnifier and Holographic Weapon Sight not a 3d scope?
  24. Mysterion36

    1-2 FPS on Altis and 60 fps on stratis.

    im in the middle of making a mission and i try it out and my fps go down to 1-5 fps again after the fix, it happen about a minute in to the mission if i dont have anything on the map just my player its fine. so there is still something wrong with it.
  25. Mysterion36

    1-2 FPS on Altis and 60 fps on stratis.

    being a noob here how do i change the file extension?