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Everything posted by starvin101

  1. ok m8 thanks its sorted it was right what i had already written each box had its own random password just as i thought ,yeah lock just dont work i am having to use clearWeaponCargoGlobal _object; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _object; to get over the lock problem but i already new this but thanks anyway m8
  2. good work m8 ill take a look but i had already sorted that problem in my script as i kept the box local in lock box.sqf then set a variable for that box which held the password and run the script on the box when box loads maybe i am misunderstanding set/get variable by saying _box setVariable ["Password", "123456", true]; i thought any box that run the lock box script would have its own unique password as _box will depend on the box that run the script so each box would have its own password variable set to it now i a m confused lol for instance if my ammobox was called ammo1 and another box called ammo2 i was basically saying by using _box setVariable ["Password", "123456", true]; ammo1 would have a password variable 123456 but as i automatically generate code then ammo2 would have a variable set to it when it runs the lock script but it would be different from ammo1 and i could call them back from the add action script as _ box is just this select 0; as it had the action then just get variable for the box your currently working on and set that as current password to check against the user imputed code but i am new to all this so i will go back and check again guess i need to read more lol and good work again m8 i don't have Altis as don't have dev build so cant look at your version but from the vid it looks good and should be easy to skin so i hope you get it all working m8 one question can you lock ammo boxes ? as i cant seem to do it as a workaround i am having to clear all weapons/magazines when box is locked then if code is good just adding the reward to the box any help would be grateful thanks
  3. Adanteh nice m8 but link dont work kakarot no problem m8 Goblin dialogs aren't that hard that's the easy part its the scripting which is the headache lol
  4. kakarot have a look now i updated the lockbox.sqf to show you an example of how to use set/get variable to set password on box also shown you a way to get password from array as one string and then set that as the box password also gui got a bit more of that working got led to flash lol and some of the numbers will now show if you press the green number buttons then number will appear in the selected number boxes forgot to do 1 and 7 lol hope this helps lockbox.sqf is only a quick way to do this and i did it in 2 for loops so you could see whats going on but you could probably just use one for loop and rather then adding picked number to a array just set the variable for the password there but was not sure if you would understand what i did hopefully this way you can see what i have done so just run the mission and look at the hints then look at lock box.sqf and if should give you a good idea of how things you asked for could be done ,then try gui if you want to see what i updated,please remember i am new to all of this so i am trying to look at arma code like i would in vb and somethings i can do in vb i cant do in arma so im learning to but i have noticed a lot of stuff i learn t from vb does help in scripting http://www.mediafire.com/?cdbwio1kkqt69zb
  5. yes you could use set variable like Adanteh said and check that variable all you got to do is set the variable to the key pressed for example in the dialog i posted in selectnumber.sqf there is a case statement which depends on which button was pressed . if you say for example you pressed button one then in the case statement under case one set the variable to one ie player setVariable ["PasswordVar", "1", true]; then get that variable using get variable ie _passNum = player getVariable "PasswordVar"; you could then add it to array for checking later or you could test see if that variable appears in the lock code array i generated earlier or do other stuff etc etc also my array _finalLockArray = []; in lock box.sqf is a local variable and will only be able to be used in that script so you need to make it so it can be checked by any script by removing the underscore ie finalLockArray = [];
  6. yes m8 its good its only z share i use Kaspersky Internet Security and zshare has always been ok but re uploaded it with my media fire account for you but for z share click on free download then scroll to bottom of new window and there is a countdown the download appears there so dont click on any of the other links just free download then like i said scroll down and see the 30 sec counter counting down then download now will appear but this new link is like i said it is from my media fire account so its ok edit kakarot this new link will show you what i mean to get the display to flash a message on opening the dialog if you press button 0 the message will stop and the lcd will clear hope this helps http://www.mediafire.com/?k34d39i23p37ndp
  7. no problem m8 hope you get a keypad working as i dont have a lot of time to finish the one i started lol
  8. here you go m8 the start dialog came from a you tube video about a weapon editor or something like that i just adapted it to how i wanted ,buttons are there they just need positioning over the key pad and the test lock code button over the enter keypad button if you press a button the number appears near the number selected but this ok its not in the right place as i have some digital numbers for them the lockbox.paa file needs to go on the lcd but have not got there yet lol but ondialog load you want to set it so it is displayed on the lcd as soon as the dialogs open this is easy as you can just unhighlight this line in lockBoxDialogs.hpp onLoad = "[] execVM 'dialogExtras.sqf'"; and change to onLoad = "[] execVM 'onLoadUnlockDiag.sqf'"; this will make it so as soon as the dialog opens it will run the script onLoadUnlockDiag.sqf at the moment it is a blank file but i was thinking of making it so it flashes just by doing a simple loop of clearing the structured text then displaying it again might work but this is were i would put the code for the lcd opening message hope this helps m8 or gives you a idea of what to do but dont forget im new to all of this like you lol also i done it so the box you run up to gets a add action to it asking you to unlock box so do that and the dialog will open also the box generates a six digit random code(lockBox.sqf) and saves it in a array for later use but it should display a hint showing the code hopefully something in there will help you http://www2.zshares.net/5z2hgdhzuqyw
  9. i had the same idea got dialog started but got carried away in photo shop making the background texture i am like you new to scripting but have used vb a lot i have done a shop dialog which is nearly finished but then i started this this is my background texture for the dialog feel free to use it if it helps if you want the dialog as a project i can post for you as it does open just needs numbers added and the scripts here is the background dont know if its any good to you but have a look and see what you think a quick question does anybody know how to make the buttons in my dialog invisible but still work so i can put them over the keypad i know in vb it can be done but can it be done in arma or do i just make the background color of button a light color and no text thanks any help would be appreciated