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Everything posted by norybiak

  1. Did you open up ALL ports? Here is a nice article for reference.
  2. Glad you sorted everything out...though I wish the cause was determined for the sake of knowing.
  3. norybiak

    Arma crashes starting missions

    Your issues is similar to this thread. Try following the posted solution.
  4. I figured you would have to reformat (or in your case upgrade to Windows 8), usually best to do once and awhile anyways. Sorry for not being able to truly help, you've already done all the basic things that usually solve these kinds of issues >.<
  5. norybiak

    Opinions on Windows 8?

    I am running Windows 8.1 on my desktop and absolutely love it. I am always open to new ideas and technology, so the upgrade was only natural for me. Windows 8.1 performs better than Windows 7 in my opinion. I can easily navigate my files and go about my daily tasks with ease, and I don't have to rely on the old start menu; the windows key is very useful. I will admit that it did take some time to get used to, but now it's second nature.
  6. That is very unusual. Why ArmA 3 is the only game with no sound on your system is confusing. You've done a reinstall, which indicates that you've tested with no addons/mods that could possibly conflict with the sound. Have you tried creating a new profile and deleting the other ones?
  7. Did you do any system changes before the sound issue? Any OS updates, game updates, hardware updates?
  8. norybiak

    Arma 3 problem

    What exactly is the problem? Is the mission disconnecting you randomly? All I can tell from the screen capture is that you aborted.
  9. I am curious as to why your Realtek audio drivers are N/A in your dxdiag report. Can you confirm you've downloaded the correct Realtek audio codec version specific to your motherboard?
  10. norybiak

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    Sometimes V-Sync causes issues in some games. I just tried the exact same demo as in your video and I don't have any stuttering. I changed settings in ArmA 3 and Windows to try to replicate the issue but each test shows no apparent stuttering. I am leaning towards hardware or 3rd party software causing the issue, which you will have to diagnose. This may be a hard drive thing.
  11. norybiak

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    Do you have V-Sync enabled?
  12. Did you try verifying the game files and remove any other addons?
  13. norybiak

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    Sorry for not answering your questions about the sound card. A dedicated sound card shouldn't cause the game to lag (nor will it increase FPS based on modern processors capable of handling audio pretty well) , but it doesn't hurt to check and update drivers in case there are any problems that could possibly interfere with game performance (bandwidth issues with the CPU). Now, for those with integrated sound, game performance may be hindered if a combination of both outdated drivers and over sampling causes the CPU to either overload or focus on the audio rather than the game. Modern CPUs are able to handle audio with ease, but there may be problems when the incorrect settings (or hardware combinations) are applied. Check the sample rates of both the windows settings and RealTek (or sound card) and make sure they match. On the other hand, the game may also lag due to the hard drive access time in which the sound is being fetched. Massive game freeze or stutters are usually caused by the hard drive. I am only guessing, and the above may not even help, but its something worth trying.
  14. norybiak

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    Most of those are just simple possible solutions for people to try if they haven't already. Fragmentation in personal computers is a tough thing for game developers (or any software developer for that matter) to combat. Sound samples or sound sources? For sound sources in ArmA, it just means the maximum number of different sounds you will be able to hear in 3D space. Speaking of sound samples, for those having the sound/fps issue, try lowering the sample rate of your speakers via control panel -> sound -> speaker properties -> advanced.
  15. norybiak

    Sound Issue - Fps drop when a Apc shot

    Try the following: - Update sound card drivers (if applicable) - Update onboard audio drivers specific to your motherboard - Defrag your hard drive - Update BIOS - Update DirectX - Upgrade your computer (CPU may be the culprit) I personally do not have any sound or FPS issues, so I can only speculate (I'm not about to replicate!).
  16. What Slynchy described is port forwarding. As mentioned, you will need to look up the specific instructions since every router is different. A simple Google search such as "how to port forward [enter router here]" will return results for what you want. You can eliminate having to update the rules by reserving an IP to your computer in the router configuration. It will be under the DHCP settings, but as you know all routers are different, so you may have to do some research on where to find it.
  17. norybiak

    Display problem...

    In the color management panel, if default ICC profile is set to the monitor (in your case, Dell), remove it and set the default to the profile as described in the link above. Additionally, check the driver version of your monitor. If its for Window 8/8.1, try downloading the correct drivers for Windows 7.
  18. norybiak

    X52 non pro problem

    I have the X52 as well but I've never had any issues with it. Have you tried unplugging and plugging in the device when the stick is centered before launching the game while the computer is on? As far as I know, the joystick is calibrated each time it is connected. You may need to update drivers as well...
  19. Try following this guide: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Buldozer_Manual
  20. norybiak

    Display problem...

    This might help: http://sysadminslibrary.blogspot.com/2013/02/removing-yellow-tint-in-windows-picture.html
  21. norybiak

    Great pc but bad video?

    Like Mbamg suggested, set the overall quality profile to very high or ultra in the game. Your current settings are off for what you want. Your latest screen cap doesn't sow the AA and PP tab, so I'm guessing most anti-aliasing settings are low or disabled. I suggest setting everything to ultra and work your way down until you find the best settings for what you want. The AMD settings look fine, so don't worry about that. http://i.imgur.com/kmEfUq2.jpg
  22. norybiak

    p Drive!

    If you haven't resolved the issue already, try following the steps in this guide.
  23. norybiak

    Joystick disconnects

    Try creating a new profile and adjusting the joystick settings while in a game session.
  24. norybiak

    Great pc but bad video?

    You have to provide more details about your current settings in order to receive proper help. Post a screen capture of your in-game settings and settings for your GPU. Do you have custom game profiles enabled in the AMD control panel that are overriding the game settings?
  25. You can use the score command to get scores of individual players. Note: score only returns the total and doesn't split the points into each category like the in-game scoreboard. Something like: scoreArray = []; { scoreArray set [count scoreArray, (score _x)]; } forEach allUnits; would take all the current player scores and store it in an array. Although this is just an example, something more complex would need to be designed in order to efficiently keep track of player scores. If the server handled this, then the data would need to be sent to each player. However, directly updating a custom dialog locally would eliminate the need to send data over the network and might eliminate the need for an array. If anyone is curious, try throwing this in a mission and create a LAN server (editor will not work for testing score): while { true } do { hint format["Player score: %1", score player]; sleep 4; } Add a couple of AI and kill them.