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About Aelus

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  1. Aelus

    Is Linux worth it?

    Thank you for the advice. I went ahead and just went with Windows Server instead. I have experience with it and am comfortable with it. It's only 25$ additional or I can just come by a key and activate it myself.
  2. Aelus

    Is Linux worth it?

    Thank you for your honesty. I went ahead and purchased it after reading some of the guides to set it up. I'm familiar with command line functions and working through it thanks to compiling viewers and such on this one metaverse. Personally want to give it a try despite the annoyance of no GUI. Damn Windows and their 25$ license fee crap.
  3. Hey guys, I have only ever hosted an Arma server through specific game hosting companies. My only experience with dedicated servers goes back to years ago using a couple of Windows servers through virtual PC to setup a WoW private server (I know.. I know...). To be honest... I haven't even used Linux ever. Not even in a partition or on someone elses computer. Hell I've never even seen it being used. All that aside, i'm at a crossroad. After reading up a bit I see a lot of issues and frustration some people have with hosting Linux (despite others having no issues at all) and it makes me ask the question. Are Linux servers even worth it? The only reason I ask is because if it's just as good without issues there would be no point in spending the additional 25$ per month for Windows 08 license. Thanks in advance to whoever spends the time to help out, I really appreciate it.
  4. Just joined and played for a moment before having to go to bed. Very impressed. By far the best life mission currently out. I just wish someone would release a strict RP mission life.
  5. I keep seeing these servers pop up but with no download? I'm new to hosting, so I may be missing out on something everyone else seems to be getting. I was told you could take these... but even when being given one from a friend on a TRC server (that saves your gear, money on hand, and location) it didn't matter. My server fails to load it and I never get past the initial loading screen. So i'm simply asking if there is a publicly released version of this? I know multiple servers have it, don't know if they successfully stole it from eachother or what...
  6. Amazing! As a player I feel this mod is just what the community needs. It's obviously going to be locked to you guys only right? I only ask because I want to see a strict RP server with a white listing process. The only TRUE populated RP server around is DayZRP and they're a joke.
  7. This wasn't really explained in your video so i'll ask here... Basically, the huge problem I could see with this life mod (since it tries to simulate a real life with struggles of having to gain money)... all my work is not worth it. What you guys did with Stratis Life was cool don't get me wrong, but any little crash... server restart... etc and you lost all of your equipment. Vehicles, I can understand as a massive amount of vehicles could generate a lot of lag. With that said.. will this mod save my gear on logout? Or will it be like Stratis Life and I will have to constantly buy new stuff off restarts, relogs, and crashes?