Hi there
I love Your games, I love ideas, I love postapo and I love Czech. My issue is that I really want to play but I really can't. You see most of the time im on my tablet or phone and I'm really surprised that a game so suitable for portable devices still didn't get it's own release yet. Are You going to make it happen? Ever? I think it would be one of the best games ever for android/ios if it would came out, don't You think? I scrabble through all this trash at play store and still the only thing I'm looking for is a browser to run this beast! Ofc it doesn't work but I'm still tryin since it's totally worth it. Waiting for answer, probably with few hundreds of thousands players who would download it (even for some coin I belive). Cheers guys, keep up the good work, can't wait for answer (and to go back to Poland finaly to play DayZ once again...)