It may be only me but I think that the current automatic thrust compensation bursts have two features/annoyances:
1 - As I don't know what this is supposed to accomplish, I find it's currently a mess: If it's an attempt to counteract the whole user activation in order to get the probe to a complete stop, well, that could come handy after some attitude adjustment. But what is it supposed to do when you are appliyng more than 20 sec thrust and expect the probe to keep a steady pace for some time?
2 - And more to the point, isn't it the purpose of a simulator not to be easy on the user. At least, I'd like it to be an optional auto assist or even better, some "user-adjustable-parameters". It could kick in only for user action not sustained more than 1-2 sec, ... or not.
That's only what came to mind when I discovered this update after having accomplished zero-grav missions the hard way. At that time, you had to grasp the technique with no assistance. Generally speaking, I prefer when users are not considered in need of assistance so that they won't get frustrated by having failed a few times at trying to master some difficult move. Even Nintendo chose not to make it easy with Mario. TKOM should not care for easy stuff.